

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Ciudad
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13 Chs



"You are going down." I whispered in her ear as I went by her.

Unfazed she seemed pretty set on the idea that I was just lying.

"How are you so sure about that?" She asked.

"I really don't get it. You seem so innocent but then your winning 100 fights. How do you do it?" I asked playfully.

"Looks deceive." She said while putting a finger to her lips.

I was going to say something but she kicked me in the knee and I buckled. Shit it was one of my weak spots.

The whole crowd gasps.

"How did you know?"

"You seem to forget that I'm better than you." She said.

"Tell me another joke." As I start to stand up.

"You still haven't learned the difference between a joke and the truth. Have you?" She teased.

I went in for her stomach but she deflected it.

"I thought you were trained better than to aim for the stomach first." She teased again.

I copied her and went for her knee. It didn't work because she blocked my hit. So, I quickly hit her in the stomach. She stepped backwards from the impact. I could tell she was in some minimal pain.

"What did you say about hitting in the stomach?" I asked as I teased her.

I realized something I never did before, her pitch-black eyes had a fire blazing in them. It was almost scarry.

"Copycat." She said.

I did copy her move but there was a deeper understanding. Noone can call me that...except...

She punched my nose. It cracked and started bleeding. I could here the crowd cheering. I punched her in the jaw. I heard a crack. I probably did some damage to it. She looked furious. She started punching and punching until my back was to the arena lines. She put her hand around my neck, trying to suffocate me. I was trained for situations like this and maneuvered my body and then turned us around so my hand was on her neck. I made sure she wouldn't be able to duck out. I forgot about her hands and she punched me in the stomach and I went flying. She smirked.

"Children. Its time for the announcements." My father said to us.

"Val, leave him alone." Her father said.

"One last hit please?" She asked

"NO, come now." Her father said yelling.

"Whatever." She mumbled.

Though she smiled and she came up to me and said, "Luckily I have a habit for not listening." Then she kicked me where sun don't shine. I doubled over in pain.

"What did you do Val?" Her father, Pedro, asks.

"Just a little hit in a special place." She answered.

Pedro and my father run to me.

"I'm so sorry for my daughter actions," Pedro said.

My father laughed. "It's just some friendly competition. You should go hard on her, there is no way she should have put you in a choke hold."

I wanted to tell him that he would lose to her, but he probably already knew that. Pedro, put out his hand to help me up.

Mariana comes running over.

"Xavier, is this my daughters doing?" Mariana asked.

"Yes. She kicked him in the dick." Alonzo also here says.

"Language, brother." Valeria said while smirking.

"Say sorry now."

"For what? It was an arena fight." She said.

"I thought I told you not to fight in the arena!" Her dad exclaimed.

"Yes you did. Rules are meant to be broken though. Don't you say that all the time." She remarked.

"This is all your fault Pedro." Mariana joked.

"Let's go everyone. Enough of this silly stuff. My son is fine. Its time for announcements."

"Alright everyone. It is time for auctioning off a date with these beautiful women." The announcer said.

I quickly saw Zoey up on the stage. I turned to the left to see Mariana and Valeria fuming. Alonzo had the same idea and started to calm her down. I heard her mumble, "It will bring shame to my mafia."

Her dad realized what was happening. He went over to Valeria and whispered something to her. She nodded her head as if saying ok for an order.

Her dad came to my dad and whispered something in his ear as well.

My dad then came to me and said, "As a request, they would like you to pay for Zoey. They will pay you back. In return they will pay for Ivy."

Wait Ivy was up there. I was getting mad. Ivy was my girlfriend. She was probably drunk and had no idea what she was doing up there.

I go over to Pedro, her father. "Deal." I try to shake his hand but he says to shake hands with his daughter instead.

We shake hands while she is still smirking from the event before. I want to punch her in the face.

"1 million for the pretty girl here. Named...Ivy." The announcer said.

Alonzo said 4 million so he wouldn't have that many competitors.

"Going once going twice..."

"6 million."

"8 million," Alonzo countered.

"Going once going twice. Sold to the man from the Italian mafia." The announcer said.

Ivy went down from the stage and saw me. She ran over to Alonzo with a look of sorry.

"Ivy, my brother wants nothing to do with you. Come I need to show you something." Valeria said to Ivy.


They walk toward me. Ivy realizes what is happening.

"Ivy, we got you as a present for him."

"How nice of you Valeria. Aren't you just a sweety?"

Valeria went back winking at me. Gosh she looked so pretty in that dress.

I bid for Zoey and no one dared go against me because they knew how powerful I was and no one wants a new enemy.

"Now an announcement from the Italian mafia. Mr. Creico." The announcer announces.

"As you all know. Alonzo will stay in the mafia but not as the leader. And since I am getting older, I thought it would be time to announce the new leader, Blake."

This didn't make sense. Whenever they do announcements, it has some bigger picture. So, there was something else part of this.

"I give you, my daughter, Valeria Blake Jessica Lina Alexandra Creico."
