

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

The Arena


This dress and everything here still sucked. It was so stupid anyways. Why did I need to even come to this ball? Right, I was forced. Isn't there a law about doing something against your will?

After my encounter with Xavier, the one with the stick up his butt, I decided to head over the arena. It wasn't really an arena but it was a closed off space where people could challenge other people to some fun. Most people enjoyed watching, I on the other hand, enjoyed playing.


The little bitch. She just walked into me and insulted me.

"Son, I would like to introduce you to some people." My father had said.

Probably some dumb as shit people that are in the business.

"Yes, of course."

I really wanted to go to the arena. Though I'm sure that she would be there. But I've learned to respect or listen to my father.

"Good. This is Mr. Sandi." My dad said while pointing to a guy that looked french. "This is his wife, and children, Lucas and Mor. I think you and Lucas are close in age. We and them have been close allies. We expect you to do the same."

I shook each of their hands including the girl who was probably just about 6.

"Bro, What's up?" I looked up to be met with the green eyes of Lucas.

"The sky." I answered.

"I see you, cocky." He remarked.

"Well, we will leave you to it." Ms. Sandi said. "Behave Lucas."

"Same for you Xavier," my mom says as she walks to our circle.

"You want to get a drink?"

"Yes please." I said. "I haven't seen you at many balls. How come you're here?"

"I hate balls, but this is the most important. Plus I heard that there was going to be some huge announcement." He replied.

We started talking about some random shit.

"oops. I'm so sorry Mr. Sandi and Mr. Torres." A brown- or red-haired girl (couldn't tell) giggled.

I looked down, and my jacket was ruined. Stupid drunk women.

"No worries at all." I knew she wanted a reaction so I took her hand and kissed it. Then I winked at her.

She scurried off giggling.

"Crazy people how they swoon over people that have no business with." Lucas said.


"Hey, isn't that Zoey?" Lucas remarked.

"Sorry, I'm bad with names." I said.

"Shape up man. She's part of the Creico family."

"Valeria's sister." I said while snarling.

"Yes. Exactly. Zoey is hot but not as hot as her sister." Lucas said.

"I fucking hate her." I said.

"Well everyone knows that. Though I thought you guys used to be friends." Lucas said trying to come me down.

"Yes. We were. Thats a story for another time."

"Of course. Care to come to the arena with me." Lucas asked with a twinkle in his eye.

We started walking through the crowd. But we stopped shortly when we saw my father.

"No fights Xavier." Somehow, he already knew I was going to the arena.

I nodded to him and we continued on.

"Oh! Would you look at that! Your 'favorite' girl is playing right now. To be exact, the reigning champion for many rounds." Lucas said.

"Hello, gentlemen. Planning on fighting?" The organizer asked.

"Not him but I will. The names Lucas." Lucas said.

"Your next. Number 67."

The previous fight was coming to an end. The guy fighting was very bulky. He looked stronger than me. But he only aimed in the stomach. Stupid mistake if you ask me. This guy might be good with a gun though but hand to hand combat was not his thing. Valeria easily beat him. The more I watched the hotter she looked fighting. Though I'm sure any women could look like her.

"And the winner is Red." The announcer said.

Must be her code name. Mine is knife.

"Next up we have Locus aka Lucas Saddi vs. Red aka Valeria Creico." The announcer continued in his annoyingly loud voice.

They both started by circling each other. No offense to Lucas but I thought Valeria was going to crush him. She through the first punch but intentionally she let him grab hold of her and flip her to the ground. Though that was his biggest mistake of that fight. She flipped him around her while she was still in the air. Then like a cat, she landed on her two feet and him on the floor. Of course, most people didn't do this because it never worked unless you had it mastered.

She seemed that she wanted to make this more fun for her, so she let him get up. Lucas had a limp and bleeding nose. She punched him in the jaw. In response he tried to punch her in the jaw. But she decided she had enough of him and kicked him in the stomach with so much force that he was launched out of the ring.

I ran over to Lucas. He seemed pretty beaten up. Though I found him laughing to himself.

"That girl is something. I would love to see her against you though." Lucas said.

"My dad said no."

"But the mafia is about breaking rules no?" Lucas pointed out.

"I guess."

"Would you like to fight next?" The organizer asked me. He probably heard our past conversation.


"Again our winner is Red." The announcer announced.

"Up next is Knife, aka Xavier Torres vs Red, aka Valeria Creico."

Just as I was stepping in the ring. I noticed that my father and her father looked at us shaking their heads and laughing. This was going to be an interesting fight.

"We meet again, cariño(honey)." She said cooly. "Did someone take the stick out of your ass yet? And before you ask me again, your still excused."