

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Ciudad
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13 Chs

The Ball


"This is so stupid! Why do I have to wear a fucking dress?" I questioned. I hate dresses, no... I despise them. The normal tradition at balls is a woman in a dress and a man in a suit. Why can't the woman be in the suit and the man in a dress?

"Its just this once." My mom said.

"Thats what you said during the last ball. I don't care if the first time you met Papa was at a ball." I said in response knowing exactly how this conversation was going.

"But I made sure that the dress was black and red for you. Its not easy when the colors this year for out mafia are white. It will look like we are all tampons and your the one that has been used." My mom disagreed.

"I think you have it wrong. Everyone will look unwanted and boring, while I will be the only thing keeping the party up."

The dress really was beautiful. But to be able to kill anything in that? That would be hard.

"Hey! I'm wearing white!", my mom exclaims. " I don't understand why you won't let any of the maids help you get ready. It's part of their job you know."

"Well, I'm giving them a break since they don't get enough anyways."

"Whatever. Adios. Please don't ruin the dress." My mom mutters.

"UGH" I groan.

Underneath the dress I strapped a gun and a knife to my leg. Then I made sure that there were two knifes and two guns in my high heal boots. Rule 1: always be prepared.

I then sat on my bed reading a book. Pretty lame except some of the best things in life come from books.

"Zoey, you ready yet?!" I could hear my dad yell.

That means that I would have to go downstairs soon. Purses are totally overrated so instead of bringing my phone, I would bring my apple watch. I then left my room swiftly, hoping I could avoid Zoey until downstairs. But as you will find out...I have the worst luck.

"Sister, It couldn't hurt to have put some make up on. We all know you'll never make it anywhere in life without beauty." Zoey whispered in my ear.

"Sister, It couldn't hurt to have someone take that stick out of your ass, could it. We all know that you would make it much farther after that event." I replied not caring if my dad heard. I only speak the truth (at least most of the time.)

"Girls. That enough!" Our dad yelled.

"Just try not to become pregnant." I whispered in Zoey's ear as I gracefully passed her and went downstairs.

"Let's go guys." My mom said.

We all hopped into our bulletproof limo. We loved attracting attention at these events.

Being the annoying person my brother is, the whole ride there he was asking, "ARE WE THERE YET?" And in response I would say SHUT UP.

We walked through the giant doors of the hall that they decided to do this ball at. It was a really nice place but it looked no different to the other places they normally did these at.

"Names please?" The guy said.

"Do you not know who we are?" I asked sternly to him. I was staring holes into his eyes.

I noticed he started to shiver. Good.

"Please Val. We are the Creicos." My father said. The boy stopped shivering.

"Dad, you had to ruin the fun." I puted.

"Whatever honey. I have to go mingle." My dad responded. Just like that I was left alone.

I made a bee line to the kitchen. I love hiding there and observing the best food that I should eat. And to make sure that none of it was poisoned. But then...

I bumped into someone. Probably some boring asshole.

"Excuse me." The man said to me.

"Your excused, Mr Torres or should I say Xavier." I said realizing who he was.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" He asked me.

"No worries sugar. Nothing to be sorry for. I said that you are excused." I said. A smirk visibly on my face.

"Bitch." He said while walking away from me.

Party pooper.

"Hey dude. Did you just call my sister a bitch," Alonzo asked Xavier.

"Yes I did."

"How dare you call my sister that. I get that she is better then you at everything but bro, thats a low blow." My brother says.

My brother and Xavier are basically best friends but my brother gives everyone a hard time.

"Come off of it Alonzo. I know you hate your sister to." Xavier said.

"Cold words Xavier. And people wonder why females are nicer?" I said.

"You look like a used tampon compared to everyone else dressed in white." Xavier remarked.

"See? Femals are nicer." I snarled.

Don't kill, don't fight, don't kill, don't fight, don't kill.