

Valeria (aka Val) Creico was the heir to one of the biggest Italian mafias. Unlike many other heirs to mafias, she wants to be the head. She wants to be the one that makes everyone bow down to her. The ranking system is messy but if you ever hear the name Red, you run. If she winks at you three times, you are already dead. She doesn't call herself the devil because everyone knows that she is the devil. Xavier Torres is the heir to the Spanish mafia. He is no fool and if you dare to even try to do anything to him, you are probably dead. This isn't some normal mafia leader, he lets his enemies think they are winning just to kill them right. He likes to see the hope go away from his enemies' eyes. Both are cold hearted and highly intelligent. You could ask the people they tortured, but they are already in their graves. What will happen between the two of them?

Emma_Donker · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Almost Saw Stars


"Wake up, loser."

"What do you want Josh?!" I groan out.

"You, of course."

"Don't make this sound like porn," I reply. That was disgusting.

"I didn't want to do this, but you are going to be late to the meeting. Lia, cue the water." Josh says.


First, I feel one drop of water. Then I feel a whole bucket of water on my face.


I quickly get up into attacking mode. Josh was about to get a beating, best friend or not. Josh notices what's happening and backs up against the wall.

"Don't kill the messenger! Your dad wanted me to wake you up." He breathes as I'm about to punch him.

Suddenly I feel a pair of hands push my chest. I look down to see Lia.

"Do whatever you want to him, but not in front of me and I am not leaving this room until he does," Lia panics.

"Ok," I say and step back.

"Shit," realization hits me. The meeting.

"Everyone out." I yell.

Lia, Josh and whoever was cleaning up the water quickly scurry out of my room.

Suddenly, my phone rings. Its Antonio.

"Hello?" I ask.

"I have some news about Valeria, I thought you should know." He says, but then there is silence.

"Well, I don't have all day."

He is probably rolling his eyes right now.

"Remember the couple, she killed yesterday?" He continues.


"Well, their son had a fight at this bar that she and her friend, Melissa were at. At two in the morning after she left, the couple's son was found dead." He finishes.

"How do we know that she killed him?" I ask.

"The eye was drawn."

Of course, her symbol.

With that, I close my phone, not caring for more useless information.

A knock on the door came. Ugh, why is everyone interrupting me!

"Yes," I call out.

The door opens.

"The meeting was changed so that it will take place in your office." One of the guards said.

"Thank you." I say and slam the door shut.

I now have extra time to dick around.

"No dicking around. Get dressed!" My father yells out from the hall.

Today is not my day.

<<<< time skip >>>>>>>

My family, along with Josh were just sitting in my office.

"Father, if she was just not going to come, why did I have to get up early?" I remarked.

"They are going to come." My father says, but I think he is unsure of it. The Italians always were late.

We spoke too soon. Mariana, Pedro, Alonzo walked in but no Valeria.

"Where is your daughter?" my brother asks.

"Coming...we hope."

"You hope!" I raise my voice.

"We may still be allies, depending on this meeting, but do NOT raise your voice at my wife," Pedro raises his voice and steps in front of his wife.

"It's ok, Pedro," Mariana whispers.

"I'm sorry for my son's actions. I'm sure he meant to ask, where is your daughter?" my father apologizes.

"No worries. She's coming." Mariana answers nicely.

So, fucking secretive, why.

I check my watch, "Your daughter will not be 40 minutes late."

"I like to call it fashionably late," Valeria says as she walks in wearing a silk pajama shirt and silk pajama pants with a snarl on her face.

Of course, she wears pajamas to meetings.

"What has your panties in a twist anyways? Just because you woke up with water poured on you, doesn't mean you have to be so angry." She speaks.

I want to say shut up, but I stay silent. I look up into her eyes and we start an announced staring contest.

"Oh my god, can you stop just staring at each other," Alonzo breaks it up.

I scoff.


My brother breaks the staring contest that I was going to win.

"Yeesh, I was only 40 minutes late." I say.

"What's with the mood, didn't get laid?" Xavier asks innocently.

Shit, how did he know about what happened at the bar.

"What mood?" I ask innocently.

"Do you always answer a question with a question? That is just bad manners." Xavier asks.

"I have better manners than you will ever have." I reply.

"Really? Because killing two people in front of everyone at a ball is defiantly showing good manners." He snarls.

Dont kill, Don't hurt, Don't kill, Don't hurt, Don't Kill

"Oh, Fuck you" I yell. I pull out my knife that I tied in my ponytail. I ran at him and pushed him against the wall, with the knife to his neck.

I smiled and kept eye contact as I push the knife into his skin enough to make it blead a little. Xavier had enough at his point and pushed me making me stumble backwards. He then smiled and took out his gun. He shot. The bullet grazed my ear making it bleed just how I made his neck bleed.

"Children, stop! We have things to discuss." His father said, trying to make us stop fighting but someone was going to have to hold me back.

"Tell that to your son, I remark." I said while looking around for a gun. I didn't bring one stupidly.

Well, I guess I'll just have to take his. I eyed the gun like it was candy. Xavier must have noticed because he put it back in his pocket. Shit. I still have my knife.

We circled around each other planning to attack again. I was too busy thinking when he put me in a chokehold against the wall.

"Don't mess with me, cariña." He whispers into the ear that was now bleeding. He squeezed harder on my neck.

"Non scherzare con me, tesoro." I say I slip my hand around his neck and squeeze hard. I then push my weight so; I was pushing him.

I managed to hold my grip, but he held his. I was no longer against the wall, but neither was he. Both of us were going to be seeing stars soon.

Suddenly I saw hands rap around his waist and soon hands rapped around mine trying to pull us apart. It was our brothers.

As hard as they tried, we still were choking each other, neither of us letting go. Then our brothers' hands were replaced by our fathers who succeeded in pulling us apart.

"And this is why we can't have a meeting between just you too. This is why I have to come to the meeting and can't go on a date." Antonio says. He really should have just been a girl. He acts like one.

"Boss, one of your warehouses and the Italian's has been bombed."

Instantly we are let go and we all freeze.