
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Cómic
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200 Chs

Hakkai Scheme~

I was holding onto a beautiful bouquet that I buried my face into, the smell was amazing. Unexpectedly I found myself in front of an altar in a church, when I glanced down, I was draped in a beautiful mermaid style wedding gown, I could spot detailed lace handiwork all over it. Suddenly the wedding march started to play, I looked behind me only to spot a beautiful girl dressed in a princess-style wedding gown, trying to reach the altar. But why did she get taller and more muscular with every step she took?

When she eventually reached the altar, it no longer was a pretty girl, but a muscular giant wearing this annoyed look on his face, veins popping on his forehead. I gulped as sweat broke out on my hands and forehead.

"Hey, baby girl!" As soon I heard it I screamed hysterically, it didn't help that this giant was leaning in for a kiss.

In the end, I was woken up by Kazutora that was shaking me awake.

"You good?" He asked once he saw my eyes being open, no I wasn't good I felt like crying. I could feel shivers all over my body in fact.

"This nightmare was terrifying!" I said while putting him in a hug.

"What did you even dream about?" he questioned and soon I explained.

"Well well, I was at an altar." He nodded his head most likely wondering how something so normal could turn into a nightmare.

"I was about to marry a pretty girl..." I paused because I had to gather the courage to utter the last part.

"But then she turned into a muscular giant man. That looked like his hobby was punching children!" I probably was hyperventilating at this point.

"And then he dared to say 'hey baby girl' in the creepiest voice....and and and he tried to lean for a kiss, oh my god thank you for waking me up!" I proceeded to make some gagging noises, but Kazutora just laughed at my misery or probably at the obscurity of it all.

"Don't laugh!" I said hitting his back.

"You wouldn't like it either if you dreamt of something similar." Suddenly we heard mom calling us for breakfast, so I hopped out of bed and ran downstairs.

"Mom, Kazu-chan is making fun of me," I said leaping in for a hug she just patted my head, but presumably by my dramatic performance, she could tell I wasn't serious. We took seats around the table for breakfast but as soon we finished mom wanted us to stay for a while because she had something to discuss.

"I and your father upon discussing it yesterday decided to sign you up for some sexual education classes." Talk about an awkward way to start the day, dad then continued.

"Since we both want you to stay safe out there and we realize how the Japanese educational system could fail you in such a way." I realized how my actions must have sparked this conversation.

"Is it because I called it the Devil's Tango the other day?" I asked mom as she nodded and admitted.

"That was one of the reasons." Kazutora just sat still and only blinked occasionally, was he mortified that our parents decided to talk about this?

"No matter what you say I will still call it Devil's Tango... you gonna have to rip this phrase out of my cold dead hands." Kazutora seemed to have put two and two together and he started to laugh.

"That's hilarious Michi!" I decided to further add.

"Also I believe I don't need to attend those classes." How could I slip myself out of this predicament? I mean I was thankful they were open about those topics, but I didn't feel like going thru those courses again.

"I learned a lot on the internet." Mom seemed a tad disappointed, probably because I looked so smug telling them this.

"You two are going, end of the discussion, once we find a suitable class we will write you up." I guess they really wanted professionals to teach us about the wonders of the world.

I went to prepare for my morning shift until I received a text from Hakkai? I took a quick look when I was changing from my pj's only to see the most nonsensical request.

"How about going on a date?" Wasn't his hate level at like 3? Was this his deliberate scheme to keep Mitsuya out of my reach? I was about to refuse because I didn't trust him fully, but then a mission arrived.

'Would you rather accept Hakkai Shiba's request or ask Kakucho for a date instead?' I gave it some thought, I didn't want to lead Kakucho on for that matter, but at the same time, I would have lied for not admitting I wanted to see what Hakkai was up to.

"First option it is." I clicked and soon agreed to his request. We arranged to meet up at a cafe shop, close to my job, so I could have an easy walk from there.

Time passed and it was time to meet up with Hakkai, I was first to arrive so I ordered something and took a spot at an empty table by the window. My lemonade arrived and I took a sip, that's when I spotted Hakkai coming in, but behind him was the giant that previously appeared in my dream. I looked at Hakkai questioning his intentions, to my surprise the one that took the seat in front of me was Taiju.

"So you two have fun," Hakkai said while smiling ready to run away, but I caught his arm sending him a glare.

"Let's have a talk first." He looked nervous as I dragged him outside to have a conversation.

"I believe you owe me an explanation." Hakkai just simply explained.

"He's my older brother... he's really nice, I thought you two would fit together perfectly." He said like a liar, he couldn't even meet my gaze to affirm his beliefs. A mission popped up to force me with proceeding with this bizarre situation.

'Would you rather beat Hakkai Shiba into a pulp for tricking you or proceed with the date with Taiju Shiba?' I sighed this was slowly giving me a headache.

"Sure I will give this date a shot, but next time you trick me like this I will personally go and ask Taka-chan for a date instead." He gulped but nodded his head understanding I was dead serious, he left as I returned back into the cafe.

"I'm sorry for the wait, Hakkai must have forgotten to mention about this arrangement so I had no clue it would be a date." He just nodded but soon I heard him mention.

"I was skeptical when Hakkai mentioned you wouldn't be scared by my appearance, but you in fact don't seem fazed at all." What the hell did Hakkai even mention to his big bro for him to agree to do this in the first place?

"Did he mention anything else?" I asked carefully taking a sip of my lemonade, I would get out the tea straight from his mouth, but he expressed something I wasn't expecting.

"He was thinking of me when arranging this date..." He looked delighted but soon his frown was back in place.

"He mentioned something about you being the perfect candidate for a girlfriend since he insisted so persistently I finally accepted." So let me put it into perspective, Taiju loves his siblings but is an idiot and thinks violence is the answer to everything, but since for once it looked like Hakkai was opening up to him, he was overjoyed and accepted this date on the spot. Noted.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked, I haven't planned much myself since I wasn't expecting this development. To be honest I thought Hakkai would make an excuse for a date and then conveniently "lose" me on the way just to aggravate me.

"Let's go bowling." He stood up, already moving towards the door. I wasn't expecting much from this guy, how was this supposed to be a date when he walked like 10 steps in front of me?

"Yo! Slow down." He looked annoyed like he was ready to combat, was this guy for real?

"Are you planning to call this date off? Because I won't be running after you, this is a date, not a marathon," he argued.

"I don't have all day to wait for you to catch up." I was ready to start a fight in the middle of the crowd.

"Excuse me that I don't possess as long legs as you do, oh the crime of humanity." I could tell he was trying his best to keep his anger in check because Hakkai arranged this date. But at the same time tried to intimidate me into submission. With potions in hand, I wouldn't be scared of him even if it meant getting hurt. I just hoped one punch of his wasn't enough to kill me. I will do whatever I wanted to, and I wouldn't take orders from nobody.

"Why don't you calm your freaking tits and hold my hand." He could tell people were starting staring at us, then somebody shouted.

"Just listen to your girl!" Wow, what was it with the crowd support? He actually came over and took my hand and started to walk away now keeping up with my pace. We entered one of the bowling centers, and to my surprise, he paid for it all. Was he a firm believer in men paying for all the dates? We found an empty spot and then it hit me, I never bowled in my entire life.

'Would you rather ask Taiju Shiba to teach you how to bowl or slip and fall while trying to do it yourself?' Like I would embarrass myself right off the bat. I chose the first option in a heartbeat.

"So like I forgot to mention, I never bowled before can you show me how to?" He seemed at a loss for words.

"Please~" I added, hoping it would help. Although he looked once again annoyed, as if the heavens were conspiring against him, he agreed.

Never thought I would have a mountain standing behind me, showing me the ropes on how to bowl, but why did he have to wrap his entire arm around me? But with his help, I managed to hit some of the bowling pins. The next time I did it myself he was laughing at me struggling to carry the bowling ball, I just rolled my eyes at his reaction, then again it was better than him frowning and scaring all the other clients.

Abruptly he received a call, and I could tell he wasn't happy.

"You guys can't even take care of something so simple?!" All I could hear was his voice, even people around us were surprised by his sudden outburst.

"Tsk, you interrupt my date for something like this?" He ended the call and glanced my way. I just sat on the couch waiting for his explanation patiently.

"I gotta go." I nodded already realizing that was the case, I just hoped no one would end up in a hospital because of this.

"You!" he slammed his hand on the couch next to me, now hovering over me.

"Let's do it again someday!" He left without hearing my answer, few seconds later I heard myself hiccup because of the unforeseen scare.