
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Royal Jester~

Since yesterday I was reluctant with sharing what took place after my initial part-time job ended, Kazutora decided to bombard me with questions, first thing in the morning. Did he perhaps believe that my tired state with his endless begging would change my mind, just to make him stop? Well if so he was completely right. But why did he care so much? Was my life this entertaining from his perspective? Well, I guess no one else was living the craziest life, running around bothering people daily mind you.

"Okay, I will tell you, just stop talking," I said sitting on the bed as he joined me.

"So one of my friends." I made some quotation marks around the friend part, because Hakkai didn't see me as one, and because he set me up with someone so off the rails.

"They set me up on a blind date of a sort with their older brother." He nodded following nicely so far.

"And then badabii badaboo, it turns out that the muscular giant that appeared inside my dream is in fact a real person and he turned out to be my date yesterday." Kazutora just had this blank expression as if he was giving himself time to progress my words inside his brain.

"Wait for real? You're not pulling my leg?" He asked as I shook my head in denial.

"Totally happened." Kazutora laughed holding his stomach in the progress. Was this really top-tier comedy? Geez, they needed better tv-shows in those parts of the world then.

"Did he say the infamous phrase?" He asked and then conveyed with the creepiest voice.

"Hey, baby girl." I shivered just hearing this however, was my humor rubbing on Kazutora?

"No it didn't, but never do this again." I could see myself screaming if Taiju said those words to me.

"Also thankfully the world doesn't hate me this much," I added, but a few seconds later I saw him pulling out his phone.

"What are you doing?" I could tell he was up to no good while that strange smirk was plastered all over his face.

"Of course, I must share it with Baji!" He yelled and now I went into a pursuit to stop him from calling Keisuke. We ran around until Kazutora finally decided it would be easier to just invite him over because it would be harder to stop him then.

"I will ask him to come over." I rolled my eyes, realizing it was an error in my insight to share this information with him, but hey at least he doesn't know who I was seeing.

"Whatever, become the gossip girl you always wanted to be." He furrowed his brows but called Keisuke over anyway. I went to change because today I had my training with Wakasa once again. Keisuke actually arrived when I was about to leave the house.

"Have fun, just don't seduce more guys when you're out there," Kazutora said, did he believe I seduced Taiju or something? I decided to answer with something sassy as a comeback.

"It's not my fault I'm so beautiful and popular." Popular with only delinquents for that matter, and people associated with them, was it also some kind of scheme by the system so I wouldn't waste my time on other people?

"Where are you going?" Keisuke asked as I just simply explained.

"Out to annoy my fighting instructor." And I closed the door in his face, afraid he would ask me whatever he could join.

Today it was only Takeomi inside the gym, but as soon I arrived he mentioned something about.

"I need to go out for a smoke." I normally would have left him alone, but today a mission popped up.

'Would you rather keep Takeomi Akashi company for his quick smoke or tell him to stop smoking?' Why would I keep him company when the cigarette smell was so awful? Also, why risk inhaling it myself?

"Objection!" I yelled catching his attention.

"You need to stop smoking because the only addiction you need is me!" I couldn't stop myself from adding the second part so take that Takeomi. After hearing this Takeomi started to cough really badly, giving me another idea.

"See your lungs are already giving up on you!" He soon retaliated.

"I don't need any gremlin addiction." I then put my hands into a prayer.

"Waka let's pray for this unfortunate soul, his life is on a thin thread right now." I glanced at Wakasa but all he said was.

"You sound like you're ready to take him out." He must have thought I was ready to kill Takeomi for the gremlin comment, but I didn't care for such puny insults.

"Take him out on a date, ya mean." At this point, the jokes were writing themself. I sent Takeomi finger guns, but he just grunted in disgust.

"Just go change." Wakasa was now pushing me toward the changing room, making me question whether this would become a normal routine.

"Also she's right, you should stop smoking, or at least reduce the amount." I could hear mom Wakasa nagging his friend.

"Drag his ass!" I yelled causing the commotion to die down.

"No fun," I muttered to myself, once I changed the training began.

As per usual occurrence, the training was exhausting, making me pant heavily after.

"Your stamina doesn't seem to be improving, how come?" Wakasa seemed to have noticed, I guess it was because of the low endurance points I usually had, I already knew that when I hit over the 30 mark, my stamina would start to improve, but how do you explain it in normal human terms? Thankfully Senju's sudden presence saved me, I ran up to her and came up with the first topic I could pick off the top of my head.

"Listen, in a couple of days my parents gonna go traveling to Jeju Island, leaving me behind. Would you like to have a sleepover party then?" I asked, her face beamed up and she had this huge smile on her face.

"That sounds awesome, let's invite the other girls, eat candies, and most importantly wear those cute matching dresses we found." That sounded so wholesome, that we both started to jump around squealing in excitement. Once we finished Senju asked.

"So how are our uniforms coming along?" I wasn't sure since I decided to not bother Mitsuya about this topic, also commissions usually take time.

"I will inquire about the details today and then send you a message." she nodded and we left it at that. This made me wonder should I tell Mitsuya about the Hakkai incident? That he sent me on a date with a guy which could possibly threaten my life? No, I needed to do it in front of Hakkai so I could see Mitsuya's disappointed face.

Once I was on my way home a new mission appeared.

'Would you rather put Yasuhiro Muto into a hug and call him a guardian angel or touch Nahoya's Kawata's hair and tell him it feels like hay to the touch?' Wait did the system wanted me to get knocked out, sure threats can work on Smiley but I had this feeling that if he lost his cool he wouldn't hesitate to smack even me. I shook my head realizing the second option was like searching for trouble. I clicked on the first mission, but wait where were those two even for the mission to activate?

I glanced around and found them inside the restaurant. I walked in only to hear Muto say.

"I sense trouble incoming." Smiley just tilted his head in confusion, and that's when I decided to strike with a hug from behind.

"I found you, my guardian angel," I said as Muto sighed in annoyance.

"I barely know her and she behaves like this. You see this Smiley?" He pointed out as Smiley seemed to agree.

"She's a little special. Hard to figure out." Now it was my time to get annoyed because they spoke like I wasn't even here.

"Excuse me, I'm standing right here." Smiley looked my way.

"Yes, my favorite clown I do see you."

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that? Something like a royal jester would be much better." He gave it some thought.

"So we as the audience are nobility or even royals for that matter?" I shrugged, if it made him feel better about himself he could go for it.

"Sure, then I can invite you someday to my tea party. With extravagant clothes, posh English accents, and high-quality tea and cakes." We fell into silence as finally Muto asked.

"So what did you want from us?" I gasped, how dare he think I came here with some ulterior motives.

"Can't I greet my friends, when I see them on my way back home?" I guess he was shocked there for a second that I gave him the title of a friend.

"You think of me as a friend?" he asked as I nodded my head.

"Does he need an explanation of what a friend is or what?" I asked Smiley.

"I think he's just shocked because not many people are so daring as you are." At this point, no one would believe that I was just a quiet shy girl before they met me. This system made me feel like I was becoming a slightly different person. Or did it just give me the courage to act like the crazy person I have always been?

"Right has Baji told you?" Smiley asked as I blinked my eyes in confusion.

"Told me what, can you be more specific?" Smiley then proceeded to explain.

"So there was this one girl that got beaten by the Moebius gang, that was one of Toman member's girlfriend." to which I said.

"First time I hear it." he probably used some brains of his and realized why no one told me.

"Don't worry it doesn't happen too often." Wow, as if that would make a defenseless girl feel better.

"Anyway that's not the point, one day she magically recovered and told people around her that an angel came to save her." So she did go with the angel story. Hearing about those events made me wonder whether I should consider paying her a visit, sure her physical pain was over, but not the same could have been said about the trauma of this event.

"Why don't you seem neither surprised nor skeptical?" Smiley brought my thought back to reality.

"Eh... I trust you're telling the truth?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Sure." I talked few more moments, until I left because their meals finally arrived.

I came back home and as I was about to walk into my room I heard some interesting conversation coming out of Kazutora's room.

"By any chance do you know what Devil's Tango means? I heard Michi say it the other day, and I have been trying to figure out the context." Kazutora with the bluntest voice admitted.

"She meant sex." He then proceeded to ask.

"How did you hear it by the way?" But before Keisuke could answer I busted thru the door.

"Stop sharing my awesome vocabulary with outsiders." I was about to shake Kazutora for outing me like this but saw how Keisuke was covering his face with his hands.

"He good?" I asked as Kazutora glanced at him and stated.

"Yea, but he needs some time to process everything... so why did you say that around Keisuke?"

"Is that some sorta crime?" Kazutora shook his head.

"Then I will leave it a mystery." Like I would tell him our mom implied it first under the call. Then again not telling the context to Keisuke was kinda like protecting him, since he seemed to like our family so much. What would he think if he knew our parents were a little bit wary of him?

"I need a nap." I declared and waltzed back to my room.