
Worthy "BL"

He asked himself, "Am I worthy of being loved, or am I destined for heartbreak?" For 14 years, Ben felt like he wasn't worthy of anyone's love. At age 10, his mother left them. His father used him as a punching bag. When his life changes suddenly, he's unsure how to react. Little by little, he accepts those who promise a happy existence. Several types of love are offered to him. 1) A parent's love 2) Friendship 3) Romantic love A figure of his past threatens everything

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 9

Sighs of relief filled the room when the power came back on. "I better splash some cold water on my face," Ben said, standing up. "I probably look like a total mess," he said. Then they heard a car honk.

"That's probably my mom," Kadin said. "If you or Ben need anything, here's my number," he said, laying the paper on the table. Kadin had just walked out and hopped into the car when Ben entered the living room.

"Your friend left his number," Deb said, handing Ben the piece of paper.

"Thanks," Ben said. Ben headed back to his bedroom and laid the paper on a nightstand. He then laid on his bed and closed his eyes.

With the summer storm gone, Ben did some breathing exercises to relax his body and mind. He opened his eyes and turned his head when there was a soft knock.

"Are you alright?" Alec asked.

"Yeah," Ben said. "My anxiety and fears were on overload," he said.

"Good thing your friend was here," Alec said. "He seemed generally worried when your breathing changed," he said.

"He helps me relax," Ben said.

"Well, I just wanted to check up on you," Alec said.

With everything that had happened that day, Ben rolled onto his side and closed his eyes. After a few moments, he was fast asleep. He didn't stir even when Deb lightly knocked on his door. She was about to say something but thought against it. Deb closed Ben's door and headed downstairs. She picked up the receiver of the phone and said, "He's asleep." "I'll have him call you," she replied, then hung up. She entered the living room and sat down.

"Was it his friend?" Alec asked.

"Yeah," Deb said, nodding her head. "He was checking up on him," she said.

"His friend really cares," Alec said. "It makes me wonder if he is an alpha," he said.


Ben felt like he had been run over by a freight train that morning. Everything hurt, including his head. His cheeks lacked color. He was feeling frail. Ben knew he had chores to do even though he felt like crap. As he dangled his legs over the edge of the bed, he groaned. His vision was blurred due to the headache. He shut his eyes and waited for the pain to go away.

"Ben, breakfast is ready," Deb said, lightly knocking on his door. Ben knew that if he ate anything, he'd throw it back up.

"I'm not feeling very well," Ben said. "I'll pass," he said.

Ben's door opened five minutes later, with Deb carrying a tray of soup and two pills. She walked in and placed the tray on the desk.

"I made some soup," Deb explained. "I also got you some medicine," she added. "I need to take your temperature," she added. Deb took Ben's temperature as he sat on the bed.

"101 degrees," she said. "You're not going anywhere," she added.

"There goes the holiday," Ben said, covering his mouth as he coughed. Ben sat at his desk, ate his soup, and took his medications. He turned on his laptop and opened up the chat room.

"Hello," Kadin said.

"Hi there," Ben said.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Kadin asked.

"I can't come," Ben said. "I'm sick," he said.

"Oh, that's too bad," Kadin said. "Get well soon," he said.


Ben grabbed a tissue and sneezed into it. He wiped his runny nose and tossed it into the wastebasket.

"I feel like crap," he said.

"Summer colds are the worst," Kadin said. "Did you eat anything?" he asked.

"I had soup," Ben said. "I'm going to lay down," he said. "I feel drained," he said.

"Take care of yourself," Kadin said. "We'll talk later," he said.

Ben tossed and turned, attempting to find a comfortable position. The medicine hadn't taken effect yet, and it was making it difficult to sleep. He began to feel the effects of the medication thirty minutes later. He curled up in a ball beneath the covers and dozed off. He awoke that afternoon and staggered into the bathroom. He collided with the counter.

"Ow," Ben grumbled as he rubbed his hip. He headed down to the kitchen after taking care of business and checking his hip.

The McBrides were sitting at the table and eating when he entered the room.

"Hi there," Alec said. "Feeling better?" he asked.

"A little," Ben said. "The nap helped some," he said.

"You still look pale," Deb observed. "If your symptoms worsen, we'll take you to see the doctor," she said. Ben poured himself a glass of orange juice and sat down.

"I'll be fine," Ben said.

Ben returned to his bed after eating some hot soup and taking another dose of medication. He awoke at 6 p.m., sweating profusely and unable to breathe. "We'll take you to the night clinic," Alec explained.

"I'll contact his friends," Deb promised. While Alec drove Ben to the hospital, Deb stayed at home and made some calls. Dr. Quinn's nurse led Alec and Ben into an empty exam room, where they sat.

"I feel lousy," Ben said, wheezing loudly.

"I know," Alec said. "We'll see the doctor soon," he said.

Dr. Quinn entered through the open door. "Hello, I hear you're having some problems," he said.

"I feel like crap," Ben said, coughing and covering his mouth.

"Let's figure out what's bothering you," he suggested. His temperature was taken first. "102 degrees," he reported. The doctor then examined his heart and lungs. The doctor's eyes were concerned when he looked up. "Do you have a history of bronchial problems?" he inquired.

"I did as a kid," Ben admitted.

"I'd like to keep Mr. Johnson here overnight, Mr. McBride," he said.

"I'll call my wife and explain everything," he said.

Alec went outside to make his phone call while Ben had some tests done. "Hello," Deb said.

"Deb, hon, they're keeping him here overnight," he said.

"Is he doing alright?" she asked.

"They're running tests right now," he said. "How are things at home?" he asked.

"I just finished making phone calls," she said. "I even told his friend," she added.

"Once I'm done here, I'll come home," he said.

Dr. Quinn walked up when Alec hung up and walked back inside. "How is he?" Alec asked.

"His lungs are filled with fluid," the brunette said. "We've put him on antibiotics and a breathing treatment," he said.

"He's got a friend that's 15," Alec said. "Can he come see him tomorrow?" he asked.

"Have his parents bring him," the doctor said.

"Okay, and thank you," Alec said. They shook hands, and Alec headed back home.
