
Worthy "BL"

He asked himself, "Am I worthy of being loved, or am I destined for heartbreak?" For 14 years, Ben felt like he wasn't worthy of anyone's love. At age 10, his mother left them. His father used him as a punching bag. When his life changes suddenly, he's unsure how to react. Little by little, he accepts those who promise a happy existence. Several types of love are offered to him. 1) A parent's love 2) Friendship 3) Romantic love A figure of his past threatens everything

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 13

Andre, Ben, and Kadin entered the boy's locker room and dressed into their gym clothes as the bell rang. One by one, eyes fell on them.

"Maybe this was a bad idea," Ben whispered.

"Nothing is going to happen while we're around," Andre said, draping an arm around Ben's shoulder and grinning. Ben took several deep breaths to get rid of the uneasiness he felt and followed them into the gym.

The students sat on the bleachers and waited. The room fell silent when a 6-foot, olive-skinned man entered. He had a serious air about him. His short, dark brown hair was neatly layered.

"My name is Mr. Rice, and I'll be your physical education teacher," he said. "Everyone pair up," he ordered. "We're starting with sit-ups," he said.

"I'll partner up with you," Kadin said, getting off the bleachers and facing Ben. Andre partnered up with a brunette girl.

"Okay, position your hands and feet like this," the teacher said, showing them how it was supposed to be done.

Ben laid on his back and positioned his hands and feet as directed. Kadin got down on his knees and grasped Ben's feet.

"Okay, 15 reps everyone," the man said.

"Are you ready?" Kadin asked.

"No, but let's get this over with," Ben said. Kadin only giggled and said, "You'll do fine." Kadin counted while Ben went through the motions. Ben collapsed to the floor and breathed hard when the 15 reps were done.

"My body hurts like hell," he said.

Kadin helped Ben get into a sitting position. "I'll get you some water," he said. Ben sat there, taking deep breaths to ease the pain in his back.

"Here, take a sip," Kadin said, handing Ben a paper cup full of cool water. Ben held the cup and drank slowly. The PE teacher stepped up to them.

"Are you alright, son?" he asked.

"I will be," Ben said. "I'm new to all of this physical stuff," he said.

"Rest, and I'll be your friend's partner," he said.

Kadin finished his reps and glanced over to his right. He noticed Ben in a corner with his head down. He stood up and walked over to Ben. Kadin noticed that Ben's eyes were closed and heard soft snores.

"Class is almost over," he said, shaking Ben's shoulder. Ben slowly opened his eyes and yawned. Kadin helped Ben to his feet, and they headed to the showers.

"I am sore all over," Ben said as he washed up.

"It'll get better in time," Kadin said. They dressed, collected their belongings, and headed to study hall.

Ben finished what homework he had in the study hall and rested his eyes. He still felt the effects of PE. Ben wanted to rest and recharge because science class was next. When he woke up, it was time to go to his last class.

"Please don't give me anything to dissect," Ben mumbled as they headed to science class. Everything was going well until the teacher brought out trays of dead frogs and sat them in front of everyone.

"We'll dissect these frogs and learn about their anatomy," he explained. Ben felt his stomach tighten. His face turned green when Ben made the first cut. He covered his mouth and ran from the classroom.

There were stares and whispers. "I'll check on him," Kadin said, glancing up at the teacher. The blonde nodded his approval. Kadin heard retching when he entered the bathroom. "Are you alright?" he asked, knocking on the door of the stall.

"Give me a few moments," Ben said weakly. The door slowly opened five minutes later, and a pale-faced Ben walked out. He turned on the water and splashed his face. "I'm sorry," Ben apologized. "I probably looked like an idiot," he said.

"That's alright," Kadin said. "That happens to everyone," he said.

The teacher glanced up when the two boys walked into the room and sat down.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," Ben said. "I'm sorry for disrupting the class," he said.

"Here," the teacher said, handing Ben a book. "You can learn everything from this," he said. Science class went by rather quickly with few issues. There were whispers, but they instantly stopped when the teacher said, "For those talking, if you don't want to be stay after school, get to your studies,"

Ben stood in front of his locker and sighed in relief. Kadin's locker was next to his.

"I survived my first day," Ben said.

"The first day and the first year can be hard," Kadin said. "It'll get better," he said. They grabbed their jackets and headed outside. Alec showed up a couple of moments later.

"Are you waiting for your parents?" he asked, facing Kadin.

"Yes, sir," Kadin said, nodding his head. "They should be here shortly," he said.

"We'll talk later," Kadin said to Ben, who followed Alec to his car. Ben nodded and waved goodbye.

Ben opened his science book and started reading it while Alec drove home. "How was your first day?" Alec asked.

"I felt like a fish in a fishbowl," Ben said.

"Oh," Alec said, narrowing his eyes.

"If it wasn't for Kadin, I would've cracked," Ben explained.

"What's with the science book?" Alec asked.

"We had to dissect a frog, and I got sick," he admitted. "The teacher said to study from the book from now on," he said.

"At least your teachers understood," he said.

Ben read through the first two chapters of his science book before laying down to rest. The instant his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. There was a soft knock, but Ben never heard it. The door creaked open, and Alec peeked his head inside. He closed the door and headed into the living room.

"How is he?" Deb asked.

"He's sound asleep," Alec said. "He had a long day," he said. "Fix soup tonight," Alec said. "He said science class made his stomach queasy," he said.

"Okay," Deb said.

Ben woke up that evening with a grumbly tummy. He entered the kitchen and found Deb at the stove, cooking dinner. "Hi, there," she turned her head and said.

"Hello," Ben said.

"Dinner will be ready in a couple of moments," Deb said.

"What are we having?" Ben asked.

"Tomato soup and saltines," she said. "I heard you had a rough time in science class," she said.

"Do you have any homework?" Deb asked, setting a bowl in front of Ben.

"No," Ben said, shaking his head. "I got it done in the study hall," he said.

The soup and crackers helped Ben's stomach. Ben wasn't sure if his stomach could handle solid food at that moment. After eating his dinner, Ben helped with the cleanup. Once done, Ben returned to his bedroom and turned on his laptop. He pulled up the chatroom that his friend Kadin manages.

"Hi there," Ben typed in the room.

"Hello," Kadin replied back. "Feeling better?" he asked.

"Yes," Ben said. "I rested and ate some soup for dinner," he said.

"We shouldn't have to dissect anything else anytime soon," Kadin said. Ben replied with "LOL"

They talked for another hour before Ben typed, "I best get to bed so I'll be prepared for tomorrow,"

"Okay," Kadin typed back. "See you tomorrow," he said. Ben shut down his laptop and packed his backpack with everything he needed. He made a mental note to himself to make his lunch that morning. Ben set his alarm for 5 a.m., undressed, and got under the covers. The rest of the week went smoother. In PE, they stretched and then played volleyball. Ben and Kadin made it a habit of eating outside on the benches. Ben impressed his teachers by getting his schoolwork done at school.


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