
World War Zerø『WWX』

The world........................................The world is a place that even we humans cannot understand fully. The only factors of reality that ceases are mainly two: 1. Peace 2. Life. ------------- The world is full of more disasters than endowment from nature. A world that is brimming with bright & promising prospects... is the dimmest of all, and an individual who smiles is the saddest of all. There are only two options: Death or Life Failure or Success. Wars............A theorem that can't be solved by most battle tacticians. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazumino Fujishimo a teenager who struggled psychologically till his teen, joins the army with the aim of eliminating all evil that comes his way. His real identity remains unknown to him, under the pretext of childhood trauma. Who is the main cause of the deadly disaster that befalls them? Find out in this interesting story.

Vortexsama · Fantasía
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31 Chs

The Centrals

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"I can walk myself up". I said blankly.

"You are so full of yourself". He replied with a warm smile.

Hiroshi's POV(point of view).

We were now at the front of a very tall gate, and this was another investigation sect. Just like the one I and my sis visited, when we went to meet Jinoshi.

"You had better behave yourself as from now!" I ordered, putting on a poker face.

"Aye Sir!" He replied nonchalantly, as he mimicked the accent of an ancient pirate. However, what pissed me of the most was the way he kept devouring his finger nails with his teeth.

I couldn't take it any longer, as the door creaked open in a slow manner.

"And stop picking your nose!" I yelled, as I vibrated my head in a comical manner.

"Aye! aye!" The repetition of his response got me fuming like a mad bull.

Immediately I entered, there were maids standing at the entrance to receive us.

"Which room sir?" A fair lady asked, alongside a slight bow.

Seemed like she was one of their new staffs.

"Fool! It's the captain, lead him to the elevator" Their leader instructed.

"Oh, hi Mary!" I spoke with levity.

"Oh hi, sorry, uhm! Yes sir, uhm.." Her face became red, as she was short of words.

Was she blushing?

"Seems you caught a cold, are you feverish?" I asked, unknowingly worsening the situation.

"No ummm.....I'm fine sir the elevator is this way." She stuttered.

"Oh! They've changed the passageway to the elevator. You should have said it right away, no need to be shy". I patted her back as I chuckled.

Mary was the head of the maids in this sect.

And I heard a few rumors that she admired me greatly and, she was probably my biggest fan.

She smiled shyly as I and Kenji walked towards the elevator.

"Listen, this isn't the time to be clever," I advised, giving him a serious stare. "Every move you make is at your own risk".

I was now worried, the higher ups were really going to be dissatisfied with my mission. I was instructed to finish every single cell, but I didn't. I really hated the way the 'central sects' made their decisions. I felt they were to harsh in most situations.


After we walked out of the elevator, there was another wide door, wider than the first,

It surroundings were glowing, and the ground was made of marble but it looked more like gemstones.

"Huff! showoff!" All I was thinking of, was how I would escape their unnecessary questions and enforcement.

At the side of the door, there was a water dispenser, with a few numbers of plastic cups. On the door post, there was an inscription that says; 'smoking and using of powers are disallowed'.

I walked up to the water dispenser, grabbed a cup, then filled it up with water to satisfy my thirst.

"Look, that's a message for you!" I pointed at the inscription, while looking towards his direction.

"I've heard ya, how many times are you gonna tell me to behave?" He sneered as he raised one of his brows, before letting out a sigh from all his pent-up frustration.

I walked towards the door, while I reached for my pocket to bring out the same chip I had used last time.

While inserting it into the slot, I licked my thumb as I used the other end of my eyes to watch Kenji carefully, so he doesn't try anything silly.

Meanwhile, kenji wasn't even paying attention to what I was doing, as his focus was directly at the ceilings which had a beautiful chandelier full of gemstones.

As I was still observing him, the door made a creaking sound as it finally opened. It was too bright at first but, as we entered, the lights dimmed a bit as our eyes adjusted to its illumination making it easier to see from afar.

"So it's you Hisashi!" A voice echoed.

"Yes, it's me'. I said, trying my best to keep composure as I knelt on a knee, delivering a humble bow.

Those geezers would have sighted me through the CCTV but, they were still pretending not to have noticed me before I had enter.

"What brings you here?" Another voice echoed.

The centrals were government officials, used to check and regulate the power and authority of we military men.

To put it simply, they were above the law and they mainly consisted of old geezers.

I disliked them as I felt they were nothing but cowards. And also, they were highly secretive. Their face remained hidden as they sat at the upper sides of the room.

I really wonder if that's how they stay throughout their lives.

Noticing the silent atmosphere, I quickly called myself to order.

"Pa. pardon me!, I heard I have a case to settle on my recent mission". I explained

"Good! You came at the right time". Mentioned another. "It's about the mission assigned to you at the battle of the valley of death".

"Yes sir, what about it?". I asked politely, to avoid any further beatings 'round the bush.

"We presume, that this young man beside you was also a survivor".

"Survivor?" I mused. "Which sur-----Damn! Kenji!" I turned backwards, only to see Kenji standing lifelessly, as he strayed away in thoughts.

I quickly grabbed his hands, and dragged him to his knees.

"You're meant to be on your knees, if you value your life dearly". I said coldly.

"Humph!, who are these strangers with annoying voices?" He inquired, shooting a tight gaze glare at them.

"Shhhh! Just keep quiet and pay attention while kneeling".

Didn't he know that he could put me in more trouble?

"Yes, he's a survivor!" Immediately after saying this, I turned to him, before asking a question. "Your name please?"

"I'm Asumoto Kenji" He replied blankly.

"Kenji?" Everyone in the whole room entered silent mode. As they sounded like they were gripped by fear.

"You can be excused young man". One of the centrals pauses, then resumes talking. "Hiroshi, usher him to a place then return back in the next couple of minutes. You had better arrived here in time". He ordered.

Of course, I couldn't disobey them

"If I may leave!" I said, as I stood on my feet to take my leave alongside kenji.


"You're very lucky they didn't order me to behead you right away". I uttered with a crooked smile, in which a sigh followed thereafter.

"You mean those weirdos?". He turns back to stare at me directly.

Phew! At least I wasn't the only one who thought they were bunch of cowards.

"I don't know but, it seems their group setting looks familiar". He said as he held his chin, like he was close to remembering something.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! you must be kidding! Well, I don't blame you, they're quite annoying". I added in a jovial manner.

"Wait here!" I advised. "If you get sliced, it's your problem. Also, I'll advice you to remain on this seat till I return". I pointed to a feeble plastic chair that was pink in color.

"For real? You want me to si....

"Suit yourself!" I interrupted quickly to avoid any further conversation as I walked back to the centrals sect. I knew it wasn't a comfortable one to sit on. But, that was the safest place. He doesn't get to see anyone, so how would he get himself into trouble?.

<Central sect>

"You really kept us waiting". A voice echoed.

"Like seriously, I barely spent seven minutes." I complained inwardly.

"I'm sorry." I said as I returned to kneeling on a leg. We had to talk to them with that gesture, to prove we were still under the law and the centrals. I personally think they're scared of the military so they brought that rule to ensure the military is still under their wings.

"How dare you!". The same voice reverberated throughout the whole room that it took me by surprise at first.

What did I do this time?

"How dare you spare a descendant of the Asumoto's".

I did what?

"That young man is our sole enemy, he's from the their clan. The Asumoto clan specialize in the making of weapons, and they supply most of the neighbouring countries that are our sworn enemies during the past".

"But, that was in the past". I said calmly, alongside a placating gesrure.

"How dare you!, What you've done could be portrayed as treason". Another voice said. "Why didn't you finish them in the first place?!"

They were visibly fuming, and I decided not to make matters worse by complaining.

"I'm sorry, I beg for your pardon". I tried to heal their sore wounds with an apology.

"Tssch! Because it was in the past doesn't mean it's safer to let them leave in the present". Echoed their main speaker.

"You have two choices; kill the lad immediately you leave here, or watch his movement strictly. Failure to do this, your head would be required from the hand of your leader".

"Tsk! Why do you have to include General Minamino?" I thought.

At least, their main speaker seemed to be more reasonable than the others. Although, the difference wasn't much.

"I'll watch his movement strictly as from today. If he tries anything funny, I won't hesitate to behead him". I reaffirmed them with a bold, but burdened look.

"That's better, you can take your leave!" The main speaker echoed.

As I was getting on my feet, another voice rang in my ears.

"And remember you were once the son of a slave!" A husky voice echoed, crossing the Rubicon of my patience, and loyalty.

My heart skipped a beat, then began to race like I was in the middle of life and death. That feeling of being overshadowed by phobia was now taking control.

"So know your place". He finished the statement cockily.

"I stared at them coldly, as I tried to suppress my burning anger. They would have been dead by now if it was General Nazumoto they tried this with." I thought. "No! Even Nazumoto will try to suppress his anger. After all, anyone who lays a hand on them would be on the blacklist of this country."

"What are you smiling at?" Another asked disgustedly.

"I'm sorry. If I may take my leave?" I asked as I bowed slightly while standing.

"Uh!". The main speaker responded positively with a nod.

"They really passed their boundary this time around." I thought with an irritated look, as I walked out of the sect. They claim to save my mother but, she died just few weeks after. "Tsk!" I bit my lips in utter frustration.

*Truce session*

Note: This isn't part of the series.

Nazumoto: hmph!, Hisashi is so dumb, i would have raked their heads off their necks in an instant.

Hinata: That's why you'll never get a proper airing time. As far as you take every matter hot headedly. Dummy!.

Nazumoto: (sighs) By the way, why don't i get much airing time like in the beginning?

Hinata: (shakes her head) You never got a proper one. And neither would you get as far as you remain a dummy.

Nazumoto: Awwww man!. Well let's wait and see.

Hinata: hmph!

Make sure you don't miss the next chapter okay?.

"The end".