
World War Zerø『WWX』

The world........................................The world is a place that even we humans cannot understand fully. The only factors of reality that ceases are mainly two: 1. Peace 2. Life. ------------- The world is full of more disasters than endowment from nature. A world that is brimming with bright & promising prospects... is the dimmest of all, and an individual who smiles is the saddest of all. There are only two options: Death or Life Failure or Success. Wars............A theorem that can't be solved by most battle tacticians. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazumino Fujishimo a teenager who struggled psychologically till his teen, joins the army with the aim of eliminating all evil that comes his way. His real identity remains unknown to him, under the pretext of childhood trauma. Who is the main cause of the deadly disaster that befalls them? Find out in this interesting story.

Vortexsama · Fantasía
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31 Chs

That's enough for me

"No need to thank me I know I'm to awesome" He smiled as he said those words, it was evident that he was already blushing,

But, were we gonna make it in time?

"Don't let my little praise get to your head, you understand?" I said in a friendly but, commanding manner.

"Yes!" He replied almost immediately.

"Man, he's really scary." He said inwardly.

We continued moving at a slow-fast pace,

Man! My body hurts! It now looked as if he was now dragging me, I could hardly walk.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?" He asks. "I...me..mean, aren't you tired?"

"As if this could stop Me!"

I scoffed, but before I could finish the statement, blood ran down my jaws as I fell on my knees, then got back up almost immediately.

I pretended to be fine, as I wiped the blood with a napkin, before disposing it.

"Ahhhh!. I said in a relieved manner "This is a drag."

"Just make sure you keep holding on to me" Shinsui whispered.

Phew! I managed to make him believe that I'm fine but, within me I was burning with pain.

"So how did you end up in the same situation as me" I asked inquisitively.

"The thing is....." I was now listening attentively, waiting for an answer as I stared at him.

"My aim was to fail, so I entered the namigazi intentionally." He smiles as soon as he finished the statement.

"You what?"

His response almost sent me falling, I can't believe that the guy who I was striving with wanted to fail, his aim contradicts mine.

"So why have you been following me?"

I asked coldly. "Our aims are different, and by the way thanks for your support but, I think we'll have to part ways this time." I said almost immediately after asking the question.

"Cmon! Don't be too hard" he chuckes

"I wanted to fail but, when I saw your resolve I changed my mind....

And I was scared, you don't know, a wild animal could just pounce on me and eat my brains like the ones I read in novels".

Jeez! I thought this guy had IQ, well yes he has but still he's so dense. Can't he use his IQ to get himself out of troubles?

Damn I'm so dizzy.

"I thought you we're very smart?" I asked

"Yeah I am! But, I don't think animals understand that, all they want is to chew out your system".

Arrggh! I hit my forehead with my palm, so stupid!..... No, he's beyond it.

"So why did you join the army?"

I asked as we kept walking

"I joined because of gramps, that's his greatest wish for me, he is also a retired general." He replied

"I see... But, why is this guy as scared as a chicken?" I thought

"You might be seeing me as a chicken." He said.

"No no no!" I lied, with a nervous smile on my lips which made it so obvious.

Crap! Can he read mind also?.

"But I'm a bit brave, it's just that I have the phobia of a few things."

"So what's your phobia?" I asked.

"Hmmnn.... Let's see... Animals, war, ghosts,...stress, banes, and many other things"

I shook my head in disappointment.

Who the hell would save me from this guy? How can you have the phobia for things you can't at least but see once in a week?

Why is he even in the trials to join the army, when he has the phobia of wars?

As I thought, I staggered forward, moving out of his support.

I looked at the sky and all I could see reflecting on me was misery, this was my life! Or should I say this is?.

"But what I hate the most, are people with no emotions." He clenches his fists in anger.

"And who told you I had emotions?"

I smiled as I asked him.

"You saved me, that's more than enough kindness." He says as he walks up to me.

I saved him? Hmph! It was for myself anyway. I didn't want to fail that's why I did that.

"Hey!" I called his attention.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm emotionless, I feel nothing, I'm numb inside". I said blankly.

"Ha ha ha" he holds his chest as he laughs. "You just told me the truth!" He says as he tries hard to stop laughing then suddenly, he had a mood swing, from laughing to giving a very stern look.

"That's enough for me."

Wow! This guy's creepy sometimes, I thought.

"You're just scary that's all." Shinsui says.

"Me scary? Look at the person who says someone's scary."_I thought

"Are we friends?" He asked further, as he stretched forth his hands, wanting a handshake.

"Don't make me laugh!" I said with a smirk as I gently use the back of my palm to hit the back of his palm.

"I take that as a yes." He says

"Don't get the wrong idea, let's move or we won't make it." I cautioned.

Of course, we still had a test to pass.

"You're using it as an excuse, so kind of you." He teased.

"What?" I asked because, I didn't hear him clearly

"Nothing!..Hmm...Yeah, what I said was that, I have to support you to aid your walking speed." He lied.

"Oh! Okay, just this once".

I said as he tried to aid me in walking fast.

At least, the pain has gone down a bit.

"Man! This guy's an awesome fellow, strict but very kind, what a paradox. Don't let me down bro, and you'll be my first friend ever." Shinsui said inwardly.

I looked at him, and when he knew I caught him lost in thoughts he asks an unnecessary question.

"Erm! What's your name again?" He asks

"I won't repeat myself!" I said. "I'm Kazumino Fujishimo." I announced.

"Yeah!, okay! Well I'm shinsui Kyonotaro"

He said, before chuckling in a very nervous manner.

"I'm aware of that!" I said with celerity.

"He's really thinking of something else." I said to myself.

"Sorry, my bad!" He chuckled, as he ushered me in walking.


It's been few minutes of endless walking, and I was completely exhausted from all the events that happened as I was in contemplation whether we had already failed or not.

"We're almost done, others are ahead now, and the towers' clock hasn't sounded yet."

He says confidently.

"How does he have much information about these things?" I wondered.

He says further, as if he read my mind.

"Before we started, we were told that once you hear the clock ring, game over."

Oh! I didn't pay attention, just imagine what would have happened if I hadn't met this guy.