
World War Zerø『WWX』

The world........................................The world is a place that even we humans cannot understand fully. The only factors of reality that ceases are mainly two: 1. Peace 2. Life. ------------- The world is full of more disasters than endowment from nature. A world that is brimming with bright & promising prospects... is the dimmest of all, and an individual who smiles is the saddest of all. There are only two options: Death or Life Failure or Success. Wars............A theorem that can't be solved by most battle tacticians. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazumino Fujishimo a teenager who struggled psychologically till his teen, joins the army with the aim of eliminating all evil that comes his way. His real identity remains unknown to him, under the pretext of childhood trauma. Who is the main cause of the deadly disaster that befalls them? Find out in this interesting story.

Vortexsama · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Nothing changed

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"What's happening here?". Hiroshi asked blankly.

Hiroshi? I was pretty surprised that he made it in time.

"Looks like you made it in time. Well according to reports, he's from the battle at the valley of death. He's strong and extremely cunning. Didn't you face him in battle?" *I paused for a moment to allow Hiroshi to process my words.

"Him? I didn't even see his shadow." Hiroshi replied, while rubbing the back of his head with his hand in confusion.

"Captain!.." A voice echoed as he walked up to us, then bowed on his knees.

"Please, permit me!" He requested.

"Speak up!" Hiroshi commanded.

Observing his hesitation, I made a gesture permitting him to speak. He was probably waiting for my consent.

"Thank you!" He said humbly, then points at the unknown identity.

"This man, was there during the battle sir.

He was responsible for forty percent of our loss, apart from Akitora and his men damages.

A surprised expression could be seen on Hiroshi's face.

"Huhn! this man?". Hiroshi asked, alongside a surprised expression.

"Yes sir, some didn't see him. While others, said he was as quick as the wind.

"He caused forty percent of our soldiers death and injuries?" I asked again in confirmation.

"Yes mam! there are multiple witnesses."

He replied boldly.

If what he says his true, that means this man is definitely dangerous.

"Yes, I the one who is like the dust in the wind." Everyone stared at him blankly while he bragged confidently of his skills.

"You were lucky, we almost succeeded."

He staggered, till he stood on his feet, and almost immediately, he was sent falling to the floor by a massive kick from one of the soldiers.

He tried to seat up, as he was now coughing out blood and panting heavily.

"Stop, don't hit him!" I commanded.

We'll never know if he was keeping a vital information if we kill him quickly.

"Tell us everything you know about the endless rebels." I asked with a scary voice.

"Why are you interested? Just kill me already!" The voice that was sounding like it didn't care, was now sounding like that of a real killer.

Hiroshi signaled to me, telling me to allow him to handle it from here. I nodded slightly, telling him to take over as I sat down in defeat.

"Listen! Do not waste our time!" Hiroshi ordered.

Although Hiroshi was talking gently but, it seemed like he wanted to try it the hard way since the young man was been stubborn.

"And what if I don't?" He asked with a grin.

Hiroshi smiled in a gentle way but, it had a deep meaning.

"Then don't expect to pass through that door alive." Hiroshi said.

Both men had a smile glued to their faces, while I was wondering why Hiroshi was talking about the door.

"Then I have no choice!" The young man said with a sigh, as he vanished from were he was seating, then appeared at the door side.

"If you had moved further, just an inch and your head would have been on your two hands." Hiroshi said, as he turned and shot him a deadly glare.

I was baffled on how Hiroshi knew that he was already standing at the entrance, while I was still thinking that he was struggling to get on his feet.

"Well it seems I'll have to cooperate then." He said, as he raises his arms in defeat.

"I'm Asumoto kenji."

Well not like I cared about the name of a pervert.

"Well then, sort out the issue on your own Hiroshi." I said blankly.

"I was about saying that." He says coolly as he turns his back to take his leave.

"There's no need for any of you soldiers to follow me. I'll escort him to the interrogation quarters myself." Hisashi said with confidence as he walked out majestically with kenji.

"Talk about being arrogant. Humph!" Ithought as a smile crept on my face.

He had been like that since we were young, always wanting to be in control.

Oh crap! He was too busy to inquire about Fujishimo.

Huff! And its been two months since they saw each other last.


Mc's POV(point of view)

Huff!, life was boring as usual, it's been two months since I joined the army. And all we've been doing is training and idling. The worst part is the stupid duel we engage in.

What a drag!.

Oh yeah!, about duels. Grrrrrrr.

That William, I must take him down today! I can't believe I'm in the same squad as him.

William was the guy I met before the practicals. Yeah, the dude with 360 waves that disappeared into thin air after talking about the shadow blades.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!"

"Good morning!"

I was greeted by three different individuals but, I snubbed them all as I walked towards William.

"Damn it!" A dude with a mohican hair echoed.

"Who do you think you are?" A baldy echoed also.

"You're lucky to be the generals son!" A lanky fellow added.

All they kept on saying didn't concern me. Seeing me in another perspective because I was the general's son was very stupid!.

I am a different entity!

I felt like dealing with them but, the barracks was no man's land. And besides, I'm still too weak to beat them all at once. That's were I need to start from, beating William, then, getting promoted.

There are different ways of securing or getting promotions, your training and battle performances are the most important.

Secondly, engaging in duels & dethroning.

Duels were Arranged, regular combat between two private persons, often over a matter of honor. You could have a duel with anyone including captains but, killing is prohibited. So, it's mainly observed among equals or nearest rivals.

While dethroning is the exact opposite of duels.

Honor isn't taken serious, rivals are hunted by individuals and the aim of killing secures the position faster. But, both parties needs to accept to go against themselves before it can be verified by the third party(observer).

This was the hardest but, fastest way to gain promotion. Once a lower rank kills or defeat someone as high as a captain, his training and battle (war) records are checked and deliberated on to see if he's worthy for the position or not.

If not, he's given a high but lower position than what he actually deserved. There are rare cases of dethroning since everyone preferred the first way, valued their lives, and feared the high ranks tremendously.

A party has to give up, die or become unable to move, before the fight stops.

The third way is through recommendation.


"I am not interested in fighting you again!" William said, as he stopped his training routine.

William had already become a private second class, while I was still struggling with the tests.

Now that I'm still a freshman, he's already getting set to be a private first class.

I ignored him as I walked to the middle as people paved way for us to battle.

"I must defeat and surpass you!" I whispered to myself, as I stared strictly at william.

"Will, send him to the grave this time!" The guy with the mohican echoed.

Tssch I hated that guy, I wish to bash him blue and white sooner or later.

"Don't spare him!" People kept sh*t talking.


I clenched my fist in anger and frustration, William then laughed heartily as he walked closer.

"Don't vent your anger on them." He said in a cool manner. "They just went with the greatest odds."

I got angry hearing that statement at first, but that was the poor truth.

Some b*st#rds even placed bets on us.

Although he was a private second class, he was still allowed to join the freshmen. Even the others (remaining nine in top ten).

"But!" William frowned slightly. "This time will be quick! I'ma get real serious".

This was the eight time fighting William, since we started our lives as fully pledged soldiers. And I lost seven of em'. This would be the eight time. The only time I felt like i was stronger was the fifth time. And I only landed a hit.

That was all I could do.

This time would be different!

"Are you ready?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Ready as always." I replied coldly.

"Don't take this personal." He muttered, as he closes and opens his eyes in a slow manner that made him as cool as he could ever be.

This time, it'll be different. I'll defeat him for sure!


Damn! Nothing changed. Blood spills on the floor, nosebleeds and weak legs. Hidden tears right behind your eyes as you stare at the floor in defeat.

Damn it!!! I screamed internally, as I knelt on the ground using my hands as support as I was visibly shaking from pains and internal injuries.

"Tssch, Why? Why?" I screamed inwardly, as tears began to gather in my eyes. However, I forced myself to prevent it from falling.

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