
World War Zerø『WWX』

The world........................................The world is a place that even we humans cannot understand fully. The only factors of reality that ceases are mainly two: 1. Peace 2. Life. ------------- The world is full of more disasters than endowment from nature. A world that is brimming with bright & promising prospects... is the dimmest of all, and an individual who smiles is the saddest of all. There are only two options: Death or Life Failure or Success. Wars............A theorem that can't be solved by most battle tacticians. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazumino Fujishimo a teenager who struggled psychologically till his teen, joins the army with the aim of eliminating all evil that comes his way. His real identity remains unknown to him, under the pretext of childhood trauma. Who is the main cause of the deadly disaster that befalls them? Find out in this interesting story.

Vortexsama · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Dragon's Domain

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Mc's Pov-(Point of view)


"All freshmen in General Hiroshi's squad should gather at the dragon's domain". I switched my phone off and on simultaneously to see if it was an illusion.

After several rounds of repeated movements, I finally realized it was reality. We freshmen were asked to meet at the dragon's domain.

According to what I heard from Kenji, the dragon's domain was the residence that separated General Kiirito's squad from our own (General Hirsoshi's squad).

I really don't know why all the freshmen in my dad's squad have to gather, and at the border which separates us from the deadliest squad in the army.

Kenji living with me might have being an annoying idea but, I have gained a lot of information from him. Ever since my friendly relation which was more like a nonaggressive pact with Shinsui got strained, Kenji has been like an immediate replacement.

Although he's pretty rebellious and quite bossy, he has a vast amount of information about the sangotaro army. He would really be a big threat to us if he ever turned against us.

Speaking of my non-aggressive pact with Shinsui, I turned it into a pact. He offered to be my friend but I refused, turning it to an alliance instead. I've got to fix that but, after this impromptu meeting that would be held at the dragon's domain.

"You had better leave before you miss out on an important information." Kenji says as he stretches lazily.

"Which information I'm I missing?" I asked pretending to be ignorant of the message passed across.

"Don't mock me, I am well aware of the situation, and also aware of you pretending not to know." He says while showing me the screenshot of my message on his phone.

"How dare you?" I asked him blankly.

"Learn to be grateful, I did that to help you check if it was a blackmailer." He switched his phone off, and closes his eyes due to stress.

"Keep your help to yourself." I scoffed as I put my shoes on hurriedly.

"Still as cold as ever? That's no fun." He gets up, then walks towards the kitchen, probably to prepare something for himself to eat.

"Off I go." I said, with the hope of not expecting a reply.

"See you then!" He waves his hand in a friendly manner alongside a warm smile

"Yeah!" I replied subconsciously while waving my hands back.

Just then, I felt a slight burn in my chest and it was like my head got lighter as everything blacked out.

"Where's this?" I asked as I saw a room full of lights, and it was like I felt alive for a split second.

"Do your best!" I heard a cheerful feminine voice that echoed throughout my ears.

Immediately I looked up, I saw a young lad that was holding a bag while waving back.

"That's me, th--that's me!" I said with a glimpse of happiness in my eyes.

Looking towards the feminine voice I heard, I saw nothing but the silhouette of a female.

Like it was printed down in my memory, I realized it was my mother.

"Mother! Mother!" I echoed repeatedly, while trying to showcase myself.

The young me finally left the house; to school probably. After several shouts, I finally knew my voice wasn't going through.

"Damn it!" I cursed inwardly, as I clenched my fists in utter frustration. When I finally thought I would see my mother, all I can see is the silhouette of a female.

"Damn it!" I shouted in agony, as I hit the wall in frustration and mild anger.

"Fushi! Fushi!!! Is that you?" Immediately I heard the voice, I raised my head in surprise. It seemed like my voice went through finally. It was really my mum, I now remembered how my mum sounded like.

"Fushi! Fushi!! Fushi!!!" A voice kept echoing my name, it got louder and louder until--

"Fushi!" The voice reverberated within and without of my eardrums.

"Huh?!" I gasped, as I finally regained consciousness.

"Jeez! You blacking out for some seconds almost produced a heartache for me, what the hell happened to you?" He really had a worried look on his face as he asked.

"Uh-Um, I'm fine I think?"

"You think? Better pull yourself together so you don't get there late." Kenji advised.

"Yeah". I replied as I went out of the house.

So I was really in a trance for a few seconds? I finally heard the voice of my mother. Thank God she sounded nice like I assumed.

"Tsk! Damn it! This life is f*ck#d up." I muttered to myself, while I closed the door on getting outside.

"I mustn't be late to the meeting, I better stop hating and start walking." I echoed to myself, as I walked to the designated residence for our meeting.


*Dragon's Domain*

"I believe life in the army has been a pleasant one, you must be wondering while you freshmen were asked to come." A male Individual could be seen addressing the soldiers as I walked closer.

"Tssch! It seems like I arrived late." I whispered to myself.

"..The General has some information for you." He steps back to pave way for my dad to emerge.

"Young men of polished talents." Dad echoed.

"Yes sir!!!" The freshmen echoed in excitement.

"I've decided to help you guys build intense courage, stamina, power, and experience before another war comes up. You freshmen of my squad, would be going on several city missions. This would help you to build enough courage to fight in a battle. You'll still continue with your daily training and activities, but high ranked missions would be shipped into your schedule. I want you to experience missions that would put you in the midst of life and death." Dad announced.

"You freshmen would form a team of three to five individuals of your choice. Although, a team can only be formed by the leader which would be chosen by me. But not to worry, the team leaders would be taken from you guys (freshmen). That's all of the information for now." Dad said, before turning his back against us to leave. All freshmen including me saluted in respect as he turned his back to leave.

"That's all?" I asked while bringing my hands down.

The freshmen began to murmur as they also seemed to be surprise for an impromptu meeting to be called, and only for the information to be disseminated within fifteen minutes.

"Why did they have to make us come to the dragon's domain then?" I wondered as I held my head in disappointment while staring at the ground with a bored look.

Just then, the man who announced at first stepped forward with a paper in his hands.

"Kazumino Fujishimo, Johnny Sean, William, Shinsui Kyonotaro, and Helena Miguel! Wait behind while others can take their leave." He announced.

Every freshman began to take their leave one after the other, leaving me and the others that were asked to wait behind. A buggy car parked right beside us, the driver gets down and walked towards the instructor who called us.

"You people were the main reason for calling this meeting, the others were just called as a means of diversion." The driver said, while cleaning his hand with a handkerchief.

So their main aim was to call us? Why did they have to do so? And why at this location?

"Not to worry, I informed General Minamino about your mission." My dad said as he walked towards us again.

"So it's for a mission you asked us to wait behind?" I asked as I heaved a sigh.

"Yes, and a very top rank mission. William and John were selected for their good fighting skills, while Shinsui was selected for his high intellect. These three have far impressive skills than other freshmen in your squad for now." The instructor announced.

"So why did you call me?" A lady asks with a troubled voice.

"Oh! You were the eleventh person to finish during the trials, apart from the top ten who didn't even participate, you were the first person to finish the practical. So you going is just for you to gain some experience." My dad said, As he removed a device from his pocket.

Whoa! So she was the first to finish the practical? That's nice, which number was I again? Yeah, five thousand! Nothing to be impressed of.

Helena or so was her name. She had magenta pink eyes, unlike the warrant officer two who's eyes were creamy pink, hers (Hinata) seemed to deeper in color. She was medium in complexion, and her bun hairstyle was black in color. She was pretty but not as cute as Iris to be honest. Although it wasn't like I cared much about people's features.

"So you really want me dead?" She said while fidgeting.

"Nobody's dying while I'm around." John assured everyone.

For real? Still surprised she was the first to finish the first wave of test.

"And Fushi, I decided to let you tag along for you to gain little battle experience. So don't go dying on me. Naito you can continue from here on right?" Dad said as he turned to leave.

"Yeah." He replied.

Dad turned back almost immediately, like he remembered something.

"Take!" He said, as he pointed a device that had the shape of a chip to John.

"And what could this be sir?" He asked.

"A tracking device probably?" William guessed.

"Correct William! it's a tracking device, in case something goes wrong we would be able to track your location to rescue you." Dad explained, while he pointed his index finger towards the sky.