
World War Zerø『WWX』

The world........................................The world is a place that even we humans cannot understand fully. The only factors of reality that ceases are mainly two: 1. Peace 2. Life. ------------- The world is full of more disasters than endowment from nature. A world that is brimming with bright & promising prospects... is the dimmest of all, and an individual who smiles is the saddest of all. There are only two options: Death or Life Failure or Success. Wars............A theorem that can't be solved by most battle tacticians. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazumino Fujishimo a teenager who struggled psychologically till his teen, joins the army with the aim of eliminating all evil that comes his way. His real identity remains unknown to him, under the pretext of childhood trauma. Who is the main cause of the deadly disaster that befalls them? Find out in this interesting story.

Vortexsama · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Checking the billboard

<<MC's POV>>

We were told to go to the place where instructions was given to us by the general of the army before the practicals took place, it looked like there was an update in our test results.

Still standing at the said location for five minutes without any of the generals or officers around, was so annoying. Especially when I was aware that I was in no position of being lucky enough, to pass the written aspect.

After all I didn't write down a single alphabet, apart from my name and personal details until I submitted. Or should I say until it was hijacked!

I was still soliloquising until I noticed that everyone was now silent. As I looked up, I saw the whole crew that coordinated the exams except for my aunt and dad.

General Minamino removes his jacket, placing them on his shoulders as he prepared to take his speech.

"I can see your faces are brimming with joy. Despair not, for you all did a great job!" General Minamino announced.

"A great job? That's nice of you to be mocking us ironically." I thought. "Well you're not to blame, thanks to the chief warrant officer 2." I looked at her with mild anger and frustration, which led to a crease appearing just a little above the bridge of my nose, around the middle of my forehead, as my eyebrows were scrunched up, and brought together perfectly in displeasure.

"As for all of you who made it, congratulations! And also after I'm done with my speech, you can check the billboard for your status...." General Mianmino says, before pausing for a moment. "That is to know if you failed or passed." He finally added.

I let out a sigh as I gazed at the sky.

"Now, my promise to the top five thousands is still intact, but on one condition which we are well aware of." General Minamino uttered as he raised one of his arms towards the blue sky, before clenching it midways. "If you fail to make it, that doesn't mean the world is about to close up on you, or you're totally useless. Failure is just a route to another dimension of success."

Wait! Come to think of it, his toothpick isn't in his mouth.

"Come on!" I whispered as I slightly tipped my forehead, to get rid of any funny and unnecessary thoughts.

"If you didn't make it, go on with your life and apply for other jobs. However if you want, you can train against the next five years." He announced.

"Man! I really can't come back in the next five years. Who the hell will do that?" I thought, as I turned to look at the people around me.

Some were starring in despair, while others were even crying. I wasn't really surprised about the crying aspect, as ladies also applied for the military. Some of the males also had tears in their eyes as General Minamino continued with his inspirational speech.

I couldn't even find anything emotional in what General Minamino was saying.

"Weaklings." I mumbled, as I clenched my fist at their helplessness which irritated me.

I never knew people who were still mama's boys could apply also.

And almost immediately, I too remembered I once had a mother.

This made me to stare at the floor with watery eyes that had no tears because, it was a look of a coldblooded homie who was just waiting to lay his hands on power and revenge.

"You are now free to go and check the billboard." The general said, as he finally drew the curtain there.

As he turned to leave, his feet glued still to the floor for a moment. And with his back turned against us, he said:

"Oh! I think I forgot something. If your name is on the billboard, come to the military's barrack in the next two weeks from this day.

If you fail to come, you're on your own."

"Yes sir!" Everyone bowed and echoed.

I bowed, but didn't mutter a single word as I was busy mulling over the job I could do next.


Everyone moved at a fast pace with anxiety to check if their name was there or not.

"Thanks for punishing us further by killing us with anxiety." I said inwardly, as I walked towards the billboard's location.

"Let's see if I made it or not." I muttered with a monotone voice. My morale was beyond low, as I couldn't find any reason to be hyped or anxious. I wished I could linger here a bit more.

Come to think of it, he mentioned barracks. Don't tell me....

So, this place isn't the barracks but just a playground for elites (testing arena)?

Oh! That's why the generals weren't complete at first! Well not as if my name's on the list. I already knew within myself that my name would not be on the list but, I was pricked in my heart to step further. I guess I was just trying my luck though.

As I moved closer, there was a lot of commotion. People celebrating their entry, others their failure.

I wasn't surprised about the results. I knew majority would fall off, due to the questions that were asked.

"What could be the answers?" I asked myself, as I stroked my chin out of curiosity.

I was now at the front of the billboard, and instead of a regular billboard, where it had to be pasted or written on a paper glued to the board, this one was extremely different. It had a smooth screen, with a robotic eye above it that scans literary everyone near it.

All you have to do was step closer, then it scans you, and boom! It displays your name. That's if you passed the written test. If you're name doesn't show up, then you didn't make it.

Although there was another way of confirming status which was through one's thumbprint because, you never might know when it develops a technical fault.

Before we had even started with anything, we had filled in a form which had our personal information, in which they registered our thumbprint also.

At least your own thumbprint cannot lie. Can it?


I stood still as I stared at the wide screen, others too where struggling with themselves but, I was so lucky that the people around me were a bit calm.

Unknown to me, the red glowing lens of the camera above looked towards the side I was, and was scanning us in no time.

Almost immediately, different names began to pop on the screen. I didn't expect this percentage of success from everyone, even though the fail percentage was high, quite a lot of people were still rejoicing.

It became super rowdy in no time, as people began to hit and trample on each other just to check if they made it through or not.

I was now getting frustrated as I was getting pushed backwards by different people badging in my way. And I decided that it was enough, I too will join the rumbling from here on.

As I wanted to pace forward, a hand held unto my shoulder, grabbed me back, then used me as a boost for himself.

Still trying to regain my balance, I saw the persons face in a quick to (-) slow motion.

He was grinning widely, and he definitely had the look of a gangster. Stars were tattooed on his neck, and he had a slight scar on his left eyebrows. I tried to grab him by the hands but, he outruns me.

"Damn you!" I whispered as I adjusted my clothes neatly. Frustration was written all over my face, as I paved way for myself.

After several minutes of struggle, I walked up to the screen board.

Lo and Behold,



Wasn't there.

"Tssch". I said calmly. I finally failed, wasted my time and efforts. Well it's no surprise. I clenched my fist, and walked away from the scene, preparing in my mind to go home.

Those guys....I kept remembering faces as I walked, the warrant officer two, and that scum who held me by the shoulder just now.

As I was walking away slowly but in anger, some people were now paying attention to me, and some of them begin to whisper:

"Won't he verify with thumbprints?" One asked

"!Poor being." Says another.

Tsk! Did I tell them, that I am in need of sympathy? Those hypocrites!

"That guy was right though, won't I confirm?" I thought as I turned back and walked straight to the screen.

It showed new set of names, and I wasn't there either so I turned to take my leave. Imagine which general's son will ever fail his father's test. Such a disgrace.

A vibrating sound echoed from the screen that caught everyone's attention,

I was now grinning as I turned back to recheck.

Luckily, ---my name was there.

I walked away as I stared at everyone with pride. It was then I remembered that he who laughed last, laughed better and longer.

Now, where was the guy that provoked me?