
World War Zerø『WWX』

The world........................................The world is a place that even we humans cannot understand fully. The only factors of reality that ceases are mainly two: 1. Peace 2. Life. ------------- The world is full of more disasters than endowment from nature. A world that is brimming with bright & promising prospects... is the dimmest of all, and an individual who smiles is the saddest of all. There are only two options: Death or Life Failure or Success. Wars............A theorem that can't be solved by most battle tacticians. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kazumino Fujishimo a teenager who struggled psychologically till his teen, joins the army with the aim of eliminating all evil that comes his way. His real identity remains unknown to him, under the pretext of childhood trauma. Who is the main cause of the deadly disaster that befalls them? Find out in this interesting story.

Vortexsama · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

A quick recovery

Oh! I didn't pay attention, just imagine what would have happened if I hadn't met this guy.

Huff! I don't know but,it seems like bitterness is sweeter than sweetness itself.

I'm so confused, there are a lot of questions unanswered in my life.

"Arrghh! What the hell I'm I thinking of?" I shook my head from one side to another, as I tried to clear my mind of any negative thought.

I don't know but, the main aim for joining the army is to protect the country and it's people but, I guess I just want to exterminate all forms of evil, I don't mind if I make an universal war to spring up.

All I want to do is to exterminate evil, that's all I want...

"I just sounded like a tyrant." I mumbled, as I laughed inwardly.

"Man! I don't know what gets into me sometimes but."

Oh! We're almost visible to others now, and Shinsui was still helping me. Wait! What if we get disqualified from the tests for helping each other, since this test is done individually, I mustn't risk it. Not when we've almost reached the finish line.

"Hey!" I said, and shinsui pauses.

"What?" he asks

"Go Far away from me, just keep running till you finish." I said

"You said?" He asked, pretending not to hear my words.

"Finish without me, I'll be fine, go upfront."

"Why?" He asked.

"Then be ready to pass the tests." I said sarcastically.

"Idiot! We could get disqualified for helping each other, I don't think they have our coverage around this area yet but, over there, (I pointed towards the front) there are a lot of people so, there'll definitely be CCTV/Closed circuit television coverage, so we part ways till the finish line and after."

I explained.

"Yeah! Every lion for his own self.." He said enthusiastically.

What he said took me by surprise for a while, before I decided to complete his unfinished statement.

"He doesn't even mercy his pack!" I said.

"Don't lose okay? If you're early, you can still enter the top five thousand. I'm off!"

Immediately he said this, he launched himself forward at a very fast rate.

Wow! He's fast, and...Now I've lost him in the crowd, can't see him again.

I've gotta make it, I started running also.

Although, I was still limping from the injury I had.

After all, I wasn't given birth to with any super powers.


I was now running in the midst of thousands, some were trampled upon, some were too tired to continue, and some even argued with themselves.

"You'll see this every time, especially during wars so forget about your surroundings and just focus on finishing." I whispered to myself.

I didn't like the look of things, I was beginning to imagine how life in the army would be like.

During a test, terrible scenes are occurring. What if it's during a battle?

I let out a deep sigh as I whispered,

"Peace can never descend on this world anymore, pain is the last joy we have to go through."

I held my right rib cage, as I was almost dragging my whole body with my legs, I was left with no stamina but, I could now hear loud cheers of people. Maybe I'm almost done with the practicals. Am I?

My eyes we're now closing up, my body system was now showing signs of shutting down.

"I can't end like this!" I thought. "Damn!" I surveyed the whole area with my eyes.

Up ahead I could see a bunch of people who were upfront, standing with from rooted hands and legs.

They we're probably giving their salutations.

No! They're are the ones who have passed.

I ran at full speed with a blurry vision, as I crossed a boundary and I heard a loud yell saying five thousand and one. That should be the warrant officer, wait! Five thousand and what?

I looked sideways, then I saw shinsui, he was smiling at me, and I was now hearing almost nothing except the sound of a screeching pulse, as I looked sideways again, then I saw a guy with 360 waves, I faced front, then turned back immediately.

Wait! Is that not..... Woah! My legs felt so slippery, as I fell straight to the floor.

I blinked my eyes to gain consciousness but I failed, I could see three people running towards me, a lady and two guys, they we're probably dad, shinsui, and Hinata.

I lost sight of everything, in other words. I blacked out.


I finally regained consciousness again, I looked up, then swerved my eyeballs with force to look sideways.

"Just stay still you're still recovering" A voice said.

My eyes opened completely, and I saw a doctor standing at my front.

Damn! Did I passed out again?

My head was aching badly, and my body was weighed down.

"You're alright now but you'll need some rest, and don't worry, you'll get over it.

That's how the army is." He encouraged, while he arranged his tools.

What the f*#k did I just hear now? That's how the army is? Huff! What a pain in the back.

"I'll be back in a moment, just stay still."

The doctor says as he exits the room,

The room was painted white but, it was still smooth and new, it was like I was receiving special treatment, oh! I am the general's son.

As I remembered that I stared blankly.

I began to wonder if I had passed the test or not.

"I keep passing out". I muttered to myself.

As I tried to recall what happened after me & Shinsui parted ways, my head aches even more.

"This sucks man! Did I pass, or did I fail?" I mused.

The only thing I can do right now, is to hope for the worst and for the best


General Hiroshi's (POV).

As I celebrated my son's success in the practicals, I was also worried of the injuries he had. I know it's a physical test but, I didn't expect it to be a bit brutal.

"At least my Son is in the next *gen (generations)." I whispered to myself.

"Who are you smiling to?" Hinata asked

I see.... I was lost in thoughts that I couldn't even notice when Hinata was walking towards me.

"Errrr. No one. I.... Wa... I was just happy that my son passed the test."

"I told you he'll pass the practicals." She said.

Come to think of it she sounded so confident when she said that.

"Yeah sorry for doubting." I muttered.

"Look who is still behaving like a toddler,

It's your son you're meant to apologise to." She said.

"Ha ha ha" I laughed. "Okay, feedback accepted. I'll go check, if there are any updates concerning him."

"No probs." She replied. "Just make sure you two don't get in an argument."


As I walked towards the room where my son was receiving treatment, I saw the doctor walking towards me, and I was prompted to speak.

"Any updates?" I asked worriedly.

"He's awake. Although he still needs some rest. And he can also feature in the written aspect". He announced.

Phew! At least he's alright...

"But," the doctor interrupted.

Shit, I don't like the sound of the buts.

"But what?" I asked

"The thing is..." The doctor said as he stared at the ground. "Before any treatment could begin, He.... H...His injury had already been healed. Although he was still feeling some pains but, his injury had already been healed so, we just did few treatments for him, and also his drugs are on the chair beside him. I'm sorry!" He says in fear.

"No problem. It's fine, I'll go check on him". I said, as I forced a smile.

"That's good to hear sir!" The doctor said as he walked past me.

Did he heal his injury, how did he?....

Wait! What was Teresa's hmmm... Sh*t! I can't remember.

What the h*ll is going on with Fushi?

I mustn't allow him to hear this, to avoid unnecessary thinking and questions.


What could have happened that I'm not aware of?

"At least his fine." I said to myself, as I managed to clear my mind. "Fushi mustn't see me worried." I whispered.




Okay! I think I'm fine, let's start by trying to walk.

I rolled, as I tried to get on my feet. Immediately my feet touched the ground, I tripped. And as I tried to regain my balance, I slipped, then I landed back on the bed again.

"This sucks!" I complained.

Just then, the door opened again, and behold, it was my dad.

I stared at him blankly as he closes the door, and approaches me.

"What do you want?" I asked, not tending to care about his response as I rolled my eyeballs sideways.

"I wanted to congratulate you on passing the practicals, you're one step away from joining the army." He said, as he sat on the iron chair that was beside my bed.

"So that's the reason you came here?"

I asked as I laid on the bed.

Dad's patience when he's talking to me is out of this world. Anytime I try to frustrate him or change topics, he'll still remain composed. He's really a cool headed dude. And also, I always talked to my dad like we were brothers or something like that.

"There's no need to worry on something so trivial" I resumed. "After all this isn't my first time passing out since I was a kid. You weren't even there to worry" I taunted, alongside a smirk.

"Son....It's was because of my busy schedule, that's why....."

"I know! I know! I understand that aspect. After all, I'm doing the same also. Not having time to even be by myself." I let out a sigh, after I finished my statement.

"Yeah thanks for understanding." He stood up from the chair and as he walked out, he paused as if he was stricken by something he turns back at me.

"Son......We saw what you did, all the generals saw it also but, that's okay since he was helping an injured. It isn't against the rules, I'm proud of you son." He says with a smile. Although, we didn't cover all areas but, we are still investigating the matter on how many of the people that participated in the second trials got injured."

"That means they don't know about my encounter with a bane/curse, that's good to hear." I thought, as a thin smile followed thereafter.

"Get well as soon as possible." He said, as he walked out of the room.

"That's all? Tsk!" I thought, as I slightly clenched my fists.