
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, it took him years of engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  It is a Multiverse story. I have a few words for all past readers. I am sorry for all of the cringe that you were subjected to under my writing. It was bad, beyond bad, thus I apologise to you. When I read past chapters it was too much for me to bear the weight of cringe, it crushed all of my motivation to continue. After some time (And reading other cringe fanfics) I have returned with new winds in the sails. In short, many of the chapters will be scrapped and redone. The story contains: excessive violence, swearing, sweet gore, sexual assault (Tuare, yes it's about you), and other Crimes like many of them. Ancient problems require Ancient solutions. And more positive things like: themes of responsibility, lack of harem, bettering yourself, Exploration of Womanhood in Aristocratic society, A lot of nerdy stuff Sciences in general with more pressure on Biology (If I make any guff, point it out, I do basic research but on the other hand I'm dumb), Martial arts, Economics, Hypothetical modern warfare of guns and magic, religion, psionics?! And also jokes from my country and nonsense humour in general like this: Have you heard a story about blind Michael who lost sight after excessive gum chewing?| No. | The end. Or other things that I found funny: Once he told me while walking past the kindergarden. | EarlyAccess. I have like 200s of these Now I will tell you a few small spoilers. As you already know this fanfic is a multiverse story, The first World is the one of Overlord, and following that will be either My Hero Academia or Danmachi, When it comes to the fourth one I still don't know what to choose, probably a Dragon Ball to juice Lex up before the final confrontation. I digress, I'm still angsty about how The Mech Touch turned to shit because of the bitch and endless diluting of the story by the author, So it's possible that Lex somehow gets his hands on the system from Mech Touch, the metal scroll, and maybe one from Chrysalis, Multiple systems stacked on top of each other? Yes. In the story it will make more sense, believe me or not. However, if you like what I do it could be continued to encompass more IPs that I like. (I have few ideas for Re:zero) By the way, Lex only vaguely knows the IP of Overlord, other words will be completely alien to him. Another set of bigger spoilers regarding the first world. It will be split into parts. Adventurer arc mainly focuses on training and earning wealth (stealing all of the good quests from Momonga), Following it is Aristocrat arc where Lex raises to the status of nobility its main focus is managing the realm, economy and starting industrial revolution, expansion and another rise in status culminating in Lex becoming the de facto ruler of his own nation then preparation for inevitable. Last arc of the First world will be war with Nazarick. Yes, you heard it right war, I always felt that the Story of Overlord lacked a strong opposing force to hinder Nazarick's goals, also Nazarick's NPC won't have hardwired Loyalty, so at least one will get on Lexes side. One of the reasons for the conflict could be because of afromention Lexes industrial revolution and Momonga's distaste for his polluted home. Or just Lexes trolling, who knows? NPCs still will be loyal but this could change under Lexes and Momonga's actions I won't let Lex suck Nazarick's dick like many of the other writers do. The same will be true with other settings. Throughout this fanfic, Lex will become a better man and change people around him.

MatMax · Cómic
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61 Chs

Chapter 41


Lex looks at Gramps with disappointment in his eyes, and after a moment, out of scars is coming steam. Coating man In the light mist. The most is coming from a giant scar on the torso

"What is this? And the hell was that transformation?" he asks, pointing at strange phenomena.

Gramps looks at his body, emanating a steam. "Tsk" comes from his mouth at the realization

"It's bad, before it would take more time to come out. Age isn't easy on me" a man says, grabbing the biggest scar on his chest. Palms are helping to stop the leakage of steam. "After a few minutes, it'll be fine"

then Gramps continues "Transformation? It's the first time I've heard something like it. I call it battle mode. It is an ability that I earned after... killing and eating the flesh of... a raging red Minotaur"

those words blow the mind of Lex. Minotaur Nation is far, far away.

"Did you adventure beyond human nations? From what I know Minotaurs are to the southeast of the Baharuth empire"

old adventurer is surprised by the knowledge of the youngster

"No, it was a mission from the local adventurers Guild…" After a moment of thought, his mouth moves with great pain, reminding himself of sad memories "…. At first, me and my team…." Man tries to tell, when sudden sorrow emerges from the deeps of the soul "I… I… I killed it after- "

Gramps tightens his grip on the huge scar on his chest. The skin ruptures under the pressure of fingers. Is the colour of the steam coming from a scar Mixed with blood.

Lex sees a great trauma, and eyes that have lost all hope interrupts

"Dude, there is no need to explain it. We've known each other for about an hour. How well I did in the duel is the only reason why I accepted this fight. To learn and improve upon my skills"

A swift change of topic clears Gramps thoughts, while his fingers stop exerting a force on the skin. After a moment, he realises his deed.

"This happens almost every time when I-" Lex, don't let him end his speech

"What should I improve in myself?"

"Oh, yes. " Gramps fully concentrates on the duel from before "Your stance is abysmal. When I did my first slash on you, your bad stance and wrong footwork resulted in you getting thrown off balance. You need to work on that, but on the second strike, you improved dramatically in comparison to the first one. It looked like it was your first time using a weapon in a fight, you have a battle sense. Now comes to mind the question, "Did you practise some marital techniques?"

"I did a bit of street fighting before. It's weird that I improved upon myself when I noticed my mistakes?"

"No, quite the opposite it's a good thing. Weirder is that you did it in the span of a short fight, normally it takes time and effort to correct their mistakes"

Lex has mixed feelings about his words

"In a real fight, I would be dead, I know that you go easy on me. Paradoxically, it's good that you got pissed off, because of it, I could improve. Even if a fight was short, I learned a ton from it. I hope that you will guide me in the future. I need to leave. Who knows what will happen to asleep Ludger, maybe some idiot would try to steal potions carried by him?"

Lex puts his armour on a body, but when it comes to the chest plate, it's a bit of a problem. The heaviest piece of armour is a few inches deep in the stone. Without using force to overpower a part of stone, it's impossible to take it out. He looks at Gramps, and he nods. Lex uses his brute strength to crush a stone and make a way for a hand to grab a chest plate

An old man comes closer to look.

Finally, the man is able to grab the armour, which appears to be stuck. Somehow, stone under pressure must adapt to the shape of the plate. A man gets pissed off and breaks up the stone that holds it. Force breaks stone, creating a small crater in the process. Pieces of stone, as if from the explosion of dynamite, scatter around, making a big mess out of a hall.

Gramps is angry at the pebbles thrown everywhere but more interested in Lexes deed. He looks at him with the shrewd eyes of an experienced adventurer, as if he sees an unknown exotic beast.

Lex puts armour on him, and it perfectly fits his frame. Now fully coated, he leaves the training basement

Before that, Gramps asks the last question

"It was your first time using a weapon?" In no time comes the short answer "Yes"

"I'm a Grambel Ponts, you can call me Gramps"

When doing a fist step onto a tier, Lex looks back and says

"Gramps can we not pay?"

Steam coming from scars intensifies, likely because of unreasonable words

"Huh?! You don't want to pay? You jackal. Get away, or else I'll beat your ass"

Lex hastens his steps and leaves the basement. It was a worthwhile endeavour

Back at the bar counter, Ludger is sleeping like he's dead. Fortunately, no one has balls so big or a brain so small to touch a sleeping comrade of a man who, because of bad humour, randomly killed a thug.

It looks like everything is fine. Lex puts Ludger, who is asleep, on a shoulder and inspects an inn. Not seeing Sara, he thinks 'Where she is? Anyway, she'll find out after I create some ruckus'

Lex goes upstairs, where rooms for adventurers are located. When going through a small corridor, he hears weird moans, coming from one of the rooms. His interest peaked, Who can be so bold as to do it in daylight? More weird is the fact that one of the voices is definitely childish 'Some fucking pedo is enjoying himself on my watch? NO MORE!!'

In the meantime

in the room rented by an adventurers duo. Fat, ugly bastard with short, messy, sticky black hair is molesting a girl "Don't be so shy Sonia-chan, your oni-chan knows places where you'll feel good"

Her name is apparently Sonia. a girl has blond hair to the shoulder, blue eyes, and a small pointy nose. It looks like she is still a child, on her cheeks is baby fat. Her height is about 1.20m. For a normal person, she would still appear to be a child, but something in the brain of paedophiles is wrong. Like if someone changed sexual attractiveness from hotness to being cute. When an adult woman tries to act cute, they will disregard it. In their eyes, it's as if the child tried to act in a sexy manner. They are a lost cause

"Nooo!!" she yells and struggles when the child predator covers her mouth and tells "Shhh, no one is gonna help you"

"mmmm" she tries to shout and struggles even more as if fighting over her life

'She is a bit rowdy like I love it, but it'll be hard to fuck her in that state. Let's try that spell who god lend me' black pupils of an Ugly bastard light a bit when he speaks those words [Dominate]

The body of a girl goes limp as her mind is dominated by a powerful mind-control spell

'Wooaahhh it really worked. Thank you kami-sama. This Isekai is the best thing that happened in my life!'

When Ugly Bastards takes off the girl's clothes, he starts from top to bottom. It's the first time of seeing nipples for your average loser, isekai protagonist.

Before he can touch those underdeveloped boobs, Loud knocks and shout comes from the door

"FBI OPEN UP" Lex Front kicks a door, and it flies madly until it is stopped by a wall

He throws Sleeping Ludger on the table breaking it, and proceeds to demolish a room. A huge man Grabs one of the beads doing a whirlwind breaking many decorations and one vase. Then he throws the bed out of the window.