
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 42

...bed out of the window.

"The hell?!?!?" a paedophile in the form of a typical Japanese Isekai protagonist shouts. Thanks to Lex, his small, slippery hands don't have time to touch a loli.

"Omae wa mou SHINDEIRU!!" Lex shouts and grabs a surprised pedo by the neck, throwing him to the wall.

"NANI!?!??!" the loser shouts while flying. Fat, short, ugly bastard slams at a wall. At the moment of impact, he spews out blood. While he falls off on his ass, Lex comes to him.

"The fuck did you say? Nani?" The eyes of an unlucky short king are watery. His broken dreams about finally losing his virginity are gone, and the pain isn't helping. A few tears ran across his face.

"Yes… I said it, motherfucker! You'll pay for this!" From a quiet voice of sorrow and sadness, it becomes fuming with fury. Using an otaku rage, the man shouts "[Do-]"

Before he can end a spell, an instinct tells him to somehow stop a malicious guy. The low kick hits a man on the right side of the face. Feet coated in metal strike at an unsuspecting man with astonishing speed. Short King's head slams onto the floor, making him pass out. From his opened mouth came blood and a few teeth.

It was a weird sensation, as if anything dangerous was coming only from an otaku's eyes.

"Shit! I was going to interrogate him. What happened to the child?"

Before Lex can do anything, the affair lures Gramps and the weirder Sara.

Gramps eyes are bloodshot from anger, as if someone has stolen one million dollars, and fucked his wife.

"Lex!! you bastard! "First, you told me that you want to sleep and eat for free and now demolish my inn?!" A wave of steam comes from the man's scars. Lex doesn't know if it's from anger or something else.

"Great, Sara, put clothes on the girl, or I'll do it." Sara comes to the bed where Loli lies, and dresses her.

"Tell me what happened!" A few veins bulge on Gramps forehead. When he sees a half-naked child, his rage subdues a bit.

Lex grabs his chin while explaining.

"That guy tried to rape her..." He looks at Sara, trying to see any reaction, but she is focused on the girl, disregarding his words, "...His eyes are weird, I felt danger coming from them"

"Eyes?" Gramps comes to the man to inspect him. "He looks somewhat exotic, like a noble, I mean, he's short and fat, but this colour of hair is quite rare. The shape of his eyes and face is a bit strange, it is my first time seeing a human look like that" He goes even closer and squats before the man's head, opening one eyelid, becoming more shocked by the colour of his eyes.

"They are black? His pupils are black!…. Lex, did you make a pact with Daemon? Before meeting you, this was a calm inn. No strange things have happened in years"

Lex is baffled by those words.

"Pact with a daemon? It's a kind of joke? If so, I don't get it, Gramps. Wait… black pupils, black hair, his face has an East Asian characteristic, he said 'Nani' and for some reason, my automatic translation wasn't working…. This guy is probably from the same place as me, he was born on Earth"

Gramps looks at Lex and then at the dude lying on the floor. Trying to find any resemblances, and finds none

"Are you sure? You look worlds apart..." After a few seconds of staying close to the fat, sweaty man, Gramps nostrils are assaulted by fetor "… uh he smells like a wet goblin in the morning"

Afterwards, the old adventurer loses any interest. Stands up and goes to bed with a girl. Thanks to Sara, the girl is dressed up, protecting her damaged dignity.

When a man in armour is lost in thoughts Sara says to Gramps


"Call me Gramps" Apparently, he has a soft spot for a young woman

"Gramps, this child is…" She does not know how to describe a girl. Only one word comes to mind "… unnatural. I tried to speak to her, but she didn't respond. When I grabbed her arm, the outcome was the same. At first, I thought that she was ignoring me, but then I saw her red eyes. I got goosebumps"

An old adventurer comes to a girl, looks into her red eyes, and comes to a conclusion.

"She is mind controlled. From what I know, there is only one spell having this effect a [Charm Person]. When used, it needs to fulfil a few conditions, the most important of which are eye contact and overall weakness of the body. It doesn't work on strong adventurers" He looks under her neck and sees a copper plate.

He is disgusted by the thought that her parents are irresponsible enough to let a child become an adventurer.

"When did she and that fatty come to my inn?" Then he comes to the realisation that they sneaked here and tried to sleep for free! His brows consort, making an aggressive V shape. He doesn't blame a girl, thinking that she was mind-controlled by a fatty. "No one scams me! No one!"

Gramps rolls up his sleeves and goes to the unconscious man, he is going to let him taste a first-rate fist that killed many monsters. Before he can do anything, Lex stops the pissed-off man in his tracks by grabbing his wide shoulder.

"Wait, that manlet is dangerous. If he truly is from the same place, he must have cheats"

"I feel cheated on! I'm going to slaughter this pig and make ham porridge from it"

Lex understands the rage of the old man and tries to calm him

"Beforehand, we need to properly interrogate him. I have too many unanswered questions.

I overheard that you talked about 'mind control', but he tried to say something starting with do-.

There is one spell that comes to mind. However, it's impossible..."

Lex makes a dramatic pause, grabbing the attention of both of them.

"… impossible because I would feel danger from him, not only in his eyes but in the rest of body too.

You need to be a peak level power in the world to use this magic, which has the name [Dominate]. It's a spell from the eight-tier "

Sara thinks that Lex is spewing bullshit.

"Eight-tier? It's impossible, things like these are only in scary tales told to kids"

Gramps because of his experiences, has seen many things, but this is too much to keep in mind.

"Girl is right, this level of magic is approaching the level of gods. How can a fatty touch a godly domain? This is out of the question. He must use a [Charm Person], because of that, I think that he is a talented magician"

Sara's words irritate him the most. It is reasonable from the standpoint of Gramps, as they don't know each other that much, but Sara? She has seen what he can do and still doesn't believe him.

"Because he got transported to another world. In a standard Isekai story, a guy gets superpowers or a system from a god, allowing him to make the impossible possible. Sara, have you seen that attack on the tree, or not? And you, Gramps, have seen my strength firsthand. Did you both think that these deeds were attainable for a normal human? If I could land a hit on those 'gods' I would slaughter them!"

She forgets a deed from earlier and tries to please him.

making a sad face and watery eyes

"I'm sorry, Lex, in the future, I'll remember that you're a freak of nature"

Then says Gramps while stretching himself. Trying to ease the pain in his joints

"When you can't prove your words, don't speak them. It is true that you're a monster. In my long life, I never saw a person that could break through [Perfect Fortress], and three other defensive martial arts"

He is pleased with their replies

"So what should we do to him and a girl?"