
World's War

In a world brimming with heroes, villains, and quirks, Alex Chaser finds himself reincarnated to fight a war he never thought possible to happen. A war between worlds. And all for the chance to become... Alex will be ruthless and will do anything to achieve his goals. So if that's not your thing head out now.

Neo_Acer · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Prelude to Ultimate Power


3rd Person POV

Location: Los Angeles, California

Date: February 26, 2026

Time: 2:30 a.m.

"Ah, another great day." A young man said with a smile. The young man had short brown hair and black eyes, and he wore a simple white bathrobe. In one of his hands was a bottle of wine, while in the other was a glass.

The young man strolled through his spacious and luxurious hotel room, admiring the elegant furniture, the soft carpet, and the modern paintings on the walls. He stepped onto the terrace, feeling the cool breeze on his face and hearing the distant sounds of the city. He settled into a comfortable chair and poured himself a drink from a crystal decanter, enjoying the sweet aroma and the sparkling color of the wine.

"Nothing like a sip of wine after a refreshing shower," he said, curling his lips into a smug grin as he raised the glass to his lips. He savored the rich and fruity flavor of the wine, feeling it warm his throat and relax his muscles.

He then felt a sudden jolt in his chest, as if someone had stabbed him with a knife. He gasped and froze in place, unable to move or speak. His glass slipped from his hand and shattered on the ground, spilling the wine. 'Huh, what's wrong with me?' He wondered, but his mind was clouded by confusion and fear. The pain intensified, spreading through his body like fire. He forced himself to look down and saw the red stain on his robe growing larger and darker. He realized he had been shot.

But the young man refused to accept his fate, clinging to his pride and ambition. He thought of his wealth, his power, and his success. He thought of all the people he had beaten, manipulated, and destroyed. He thought of all the things he still wanted to do, have, and conquer. He screamed in his mind, 'No, not like this. I can't go out like this!' But his defiance was useless; he felt his heartbeat slow down, his eyes begin to close, and finally, his body fell to the ground dead.

In a dimly lit and abandoned building, about 1800 meters away from the hotel, a mysterious figure was swiftly and skillfully disassembling a sniper rifle and putting the pieces in a briefcase. He wore a black hooded trench coat, a black half-face mask, and a pair of black gloves, concealing his identity and blending with the shadows. The only features of the man that could be seen were his red eyes, which shone like blood in the dark room, and some fringes of white hair that escaped from his hood.

After securing the sniper rifle in the briefcase, he snapped it shut and slipped out of the room, leaving no trace of his presence. He walked through the halls of the abandoned building, alert and cautious, watching for any signs of trouble. He reached his car, which was parked behind the building, hidden from view.

"Better, make sure no one rigged this." He muttered to himself as he inspected his car for any bombs or trackers. He looked under the hood, the seats, the tires, and the trunk, searching for any wires or devices that could blow him up or expose him. He found nothing, but he didn't relax. He knew he had many enemies, and they could strike at any time. He climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine, hoping to get away safely.

He drove through the streets of LA, ignoring the traffic, the noise, and the people. He found the city dull and uninteresting, having seen it too many times. He longed for a change of scenery, a new challenge, and a different target.

After half an hour, he arrived at a private runway, where a sleek and expensive jet was waiting for him. He walked up and into the jet, greeting the pilot with a nod. He checked every nook and cranny of the jet, making sure there was nothing that could compromise his mission or his life. He gave the pilot the cue to take off, eager to leave LA behind.

"Ah, finally," he said as he let out a sigh and took off his coat and mask. He sat down in a soft, plush chair, feeling the tension in his muscles melt away. "I deserve a vacation after this job. Maybe I'll go to Hawaii or Tahiti." He closed his eyes, dreaming of sunny beaches, palm trees, and cocktails.

But not even a second later into his relaxation, his eyes snapped open, alerted by his instincts that had been sharpened by years of combat. But he had no time to react as the jet exploded, engulfing him in flames and shrapnel, and he died in an instant.


1st Person POV

Location: Afterlife

Time: ???

My eyes blinked open in surprise, as I was never expecting to see the light of day again. Instead of being in an unfeeling void where I would feel nothing, I was now in a vast and bright room filled with countless people. They were all transparent, like ghosts, and had bluish-white wisps emanating from them. They were all panicking, shouting, and wondering what was going on.

And despite all that was happening around me, I kept my cool, as I already had an idea of what had happened. I knew that I had been killed, no matter how brief a moment it was; the pain was undeniably real.

For now, I'll see where this goes. Looking around, I scanned the room, observing the people around me. Then, a blinding light appeared, illuminating the entire room and causing me to cover my eyes.

Once the light died down, I lowered my arm and opened my eyes to see the source of the light. I couldn't help but gasp in shock as I was able to see the figure floating in the air.

The figure was an old man with a wise and kind face, a balding head, and a long and flowing white beard. He wore a white robe and a golden crown, and he had a radiant aura around him. Despite his soft features, every one of my instincts was blaring in alarm that this man, no, this thing, was dangerous.

The old man slowly lifted his hand and waved it; immediately following that gesture, a holographic screen appeared right before my eyes.

[Greetings, Alex Chaser. You have been chosen as a contestant in the Omniverse Wars. You and the others around you will compete in battle to determine who will be the ultimate victor. The prize is nothing less than the chance to become the new God of the Omniverse, replacing me as the supreme ruler of all realities. To help you prepare for this challenge, I will grant you two boons. The first one is any power you can imagine and desire. The second one is a multiverse of your own, where you can explore and enjoy countless worlds without interference from others. You have thirty years to train, have fun, or build up your forces before the war begins in earnest.]

The screen then displayed a variety of powers that I had not seen for many years since becoming a hitman. There were abilities that could manipulate elements, time, space, the mind, and more. But I continued to scroll through the list, ignoring the chaos and confusion of the people around me.

Whoever this entity was, they were powerful enough to resurrect hundreds of thousands of people with ease. And if he can give life, he can obviously take it, so the safest option that sees me coming out alive is accepting the situation and making the most of it.

After scrolling for several minutes, I finally found something that caught my eye.

[Ultimate Hope Serum]

[A serum that grants the user the ultimate talents from Danganronpa, a series of video games and anime that feature students with exceptional skills in various fields. The serum can enhance the user's physical, mental, and creative abilities, allowing them to perform feats that are beyond the normal human range.]

If I remember right, this should be immensely helpful with all these talents. I should be at the peak of human ability, and I should be able to close any gap in my way by thoroughly preparing beforehand, like I always have.

With that, I chose the [Ultimate Hope Serum], and the screen flashed and displayed various worlds.

Alright, I need a modern world so I can take full advantage of these talents as well as be decently safe with only minor threats.

I began to swiftly scan the seemingly endless list and, in no time at all, found a world that fit my criteria. The world of My Hero Academia.

The screen then changed once again to show how I would go into the world. I could either be reincarnated as a character like Bakugo or Midoriya, go as a family member of one of the many main families in the series, go as myself, and finally be a younger version of myself as well as where I would be in the timeline.

After thinking for a couple minutes, I decided to go with a younger version of myself that was decided at random, and I was the same age as the protagonist.

The screen then changed to one of those wheel-picker things with two options on it. Quirk and no quirk. The wheel spun for a minute before stopping on the quirk side.

As soon as it stopped, the screen closed, and immediately, a beam of light shone down on me, and I began floating up into the air. Looking around, I saw others also floating up into the air in a beam of light as well.

After floating up for a couple of seconds, the light intensified, and I was unable to observe my surroundings before I lost consciousness.


Alex POV

Location: Musutafu, Japan

Date: March 9, 2214

Time: 4:00 A.M.

I abruptly opened my eyes and sat up as I gripped my chest. But I quickly pulled my hand away and looked at it in shock. Instead of the calloused and weathered hands I was used to, I was greeted by a soft, uncalloused hand.

Quickly, I sat up off the bed I was sitting on and took in my surroundings. I was in a studio apartment with barely anything in it, with only the bed I was just sitting on, a desk in the corner with a laptop on it, a kitchen, a TV mounted on the wall, and a nightstand with a clock and a cell phone on it.

It looks like I was a minimalist here. I like it. Reaching over, I snatched up the phone, turned it on, and then opened up the camera app.

"I look just like I did three years ago." I admired my now-short white hair that only reached my shoulders and the bright red eyes of youth. Before I could admire myself further, I gripped my head in pain as I got a splitting headache.

Memories, not my own, flowed swiftly through my head like a movie. Knowledge of dead parents, a quirk, and the life so far. In no time at all, my headache dissipated and my mind settled down.

"Goddamnit it just had to be an AU world." With the knowledge in my head I knew that this wasn't the original mha world.

For one I was the same age as the main characters but I was eighteen years old now. And instead of UA high school it was UA academy, a college to train heroes.

Other than that I was I was pretty grateful that this reincarnation thing actually worked out.

"Glad I didn't choose something crazy like picking a god to reincarnate into." While miniscule, the new memories I had of the Alex of this world were affecting me slightly. If I had chosen something with a far greater lifespan and a stronger mental fortitude, I may have been the memories and not the one in control.

"Anyway, I better use this now." I had felt it in my pajama pocket since waking up, but I ignored it in favor of taking in my new surroundings. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a small silver syringe filled with a clear liquid. On the side, there were only three letters: UHS, which probably meant Ultimate Hope Serum.

Without hesitation, I swiftly plunged the needle into my shoulder, flinching slightly and making sure to keep the needle straight as I pushed it deeper into my skin. Once the needle was fully embedded in my shoulder, I pressed down the plunger, pushing clear liquid into my body. Once I pressed it all the way down, I slowly pulled it out of my skin.

The syringe then crumbled in my hand, shattering into a million pieces, and drifted off in the wind.

"Guess I don't have to…" My vision grew blurry without warning as I fell to the ground with a soft thud.

I could only look at the ground as I felt my body begin to twitch and spasm out of control.

"Gah!" I shouted out in pain before I bit my lip hard to muffle my scream, letting me taste the familiar metallic taste of blood on my tongue.

I could only lay on the ground in agonizing pain, and my body felt as if it were being ripped apart, put back together, and then ripped again.

Then knowledge of various things began pouring into my mind until I couldn't handle it and passed out from the information overload.


Alex POV

Location: Musutafu, Japan

Date: March 9, 2214

Time: 7:17 A.M.

I had no idea how long I was out, but when I opened my eyes, the morning rays of sunlight were hitting my face. But I ignored that in favor of marveling at all the knowledge flowing through my head, from simply cleaning a house to building just about anything. All of it was at the tip of my fingers now, and all I had to do was apply myself.

Looking down, I lifted my shirt and admired my new and improved physique. It was way better than my previous body, which I had trained for years, with the muscles being well defined but lean and not grossly big. And to be honest, it kind of ticked me off how perfect it was.

"With this, I would be at the bottom tier of superhuman ability with all my talents and with my quirk, I should be able to survive decently in this world." Walking over to my bathroom, I began taking a shower, letting the hot water cascade down my body.

With my enhanced memory, I could now fully recall everything from my past life. I now knew clearly what happened in My Hero Academia all the way up to its very last chapter.

And to be completely honest, I was disappointed in how the story ended. While Horikoshi was rushing the ending, I didn't blame him for it with the weird fans he had and the literal death threats he got.

Anyway, the final war arc was full of contrivances and leaps of logic so that the heroes would come out on top and the villains would lose. And don't even get me started on the nonexistent character development and how other issues that have nothing to do with the villains are resolved without issue and then never brought up again.

But despite all that, I now knew how to play my cards in this world, who I could work with, who I would have to kill to get out of my way, and what I could achieve.

First things first, I need to learn how to effectively use this quirk since the original Alex only knew the basics of how to control his quirk since he didn't train due to those stupid quirk restriction laws.

Using his memories as guidance, I moved the invisible muscle in my mind that activated my quirk. Some of the shower water flew up and wrapped around my fist like a glove.

If I train this up, I should be able to get into the hero course without issue. With a thought, I released the water from my hold, letting it harmlessly fall into the bottom of the shower.

I continued to test my quirk out as I took my shower, and after a couple of minutes, I turned off the shower and walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and a toothbrush in my mouth.

Walking over and picking up my phone, I saw that it was already 7:30.

Better hurry up so I'm not late for school; I don't want to get suspicion on me right away.

Quickly, I made myself a quick egg sandwich while I put on my uniform, a plain black gakuran uniform with yellow buttons running down the front, before I grabbed my school bag and made my way out of my apartment, but not before locking the door.

As I ran through the streets of Musutafu, I took in everything around me. It looked exactly like the modern Japan I was used to, except there were tons of people wearing cringy, not to mention embarrassing costumes.

Good lord, how can they wear those things with a straight face? While they were obviously made with some of the best quality materials, half of them just obviously threw what they thought were cool and matched their quirks.

My thoughts came to a screeching halt as I registered what I was thinking about.

So this is what the talents feel like? Huh, nice. With a smile, I continued to run until I arrived in front of my high school.

Walking through the front gate, I ignored the girls who fawned over my appearance as well as the guys who gave me the stink eye for getting all the attention.

Seriously, how can they continue to act like that when they've been around my counterpart for four years?

Walking inside, I didn't head to my homeroom class; instead, I headed to the counselor's office.

"Yo Mr. Tanaka." I said opening the door to the office. Standing on the other side of the room in front of the coffee machine was a man with swept-back black hair and blue eyes wearing a black suit.

"Ah, Chaser, what are you doing here?" Tanaka said while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Ah yeah, I'm just going to say sorry now since I know this is going to be a pain in the ass to do." Walking over to one of Tanaka's empty chairs, I sat down, rubbing my head slightly as I did so.

Tanaka released a sigh as he set down his coffee cup on his desk as he sat down across from me. "What do you need, Chaser?"

"I want to change my college application so I can go to U.A. Academy specifically the hero course."