
Chapter 7

That night me and Aspen sat around the warm fire. It was perfect, the moonlight glowing down on us. Although the running questions filling my head wasnt a beautiful thing.

"so.." I wondered, trying to break the awkward silence, "where are we going now."

"We have to find the Light-wolf," he answered quickly, taking my arm in his

"Lightwolf?'' I questioned with curiosity in my voice in almost a whisper

"someone who has more power than the other light wolves." Aspen answered again "of course I'm not the Darkwolf, I'm just allowed to guide you and help you along the way."

"oh" I murmured. "And I'm.. the way they say it, 'the' Wind-wolf" I motioned with my hands.

"yup" He answered


The next couple weeks were difficult, the treacherous storm that came and went every once in a while. until we were finally at the Darkwolf border.

We were close to a small stream and drank from it.

"we need to find meat" Aspen announced looking at me with guilt, "could you start the fire while I go?"

"Of course '' I agreed quickly, getting up from the stream. Aspen Transformed into his darkwolf and left. I was alone now, and for some reason it didn't bother me as much. I decided to continue and enjoy the beauty around me.

The soft stream was a dark shiny blue. The field around it was a nice soft green. I wanted to paint it. Before I was taken I was a moderately good painter. I grabbed a log and put it in the pile. I was forced to go a bit in the woods to get the wood I would need. I grabbed another- a wolfs paw came in contact with my head pushing me to the ground.

I couldn't tell what color it was. I tried to change but I didn't have the time. He ripped off a piece of my shoulder from my shoulder blade. I screamed. pain filled my arm.

"Stop" was an all too familiar voice. the wolf stopped he pinned me there waiting for his next instructions

"Hello Hugo '' I greeted coldly, trying to push the wolf off and examine my wound. it was bleeding all over the dark coat of the wolf. then.. before I knew it a wolf came running out of the forest and attacked Hugo. it wasn't just any wolf though.

"As-" I tried to yell but then the wolf knocked against my head and before I knew it I was out like a light bulb.


I slowly opened my eyes, my shoulder was in much pain, I heard snarling. "As-" I was interrupted by more snarls. I saw Hugo sitting in a corner deeply breathing. His brown hair was curled and bloody. He had wounds all over but mostly on his head and shoulders. Lethal if no one cared for it. The other wolf was fighting Aspen.

Come on Julia, you can do this, don't attack Aspen. I slowly changed the wound on my shoulder trying to stop me. but I wasn't scared off. I changed. My white wolf ran to the Dark-wolf. Something about it was different. I was able to control my target this time. I grabbed the Dark-wolf, distracting it from Aspen. He clawed my chest and tried to get free. but the strength I have been getting from the exercises let me keep hold until Aspen had made his blow. He made a blow to the wolves stomach and then I was forced to let go. The two were attacking nonstop. I jumped and hit the wolf in the head with my paw. He was knocked to the ground. The wolf was now weakened; he could do nothing to stop us.

"Raven" Hugo screamed the wolf looked at the prince "come let's go home"

We stopped and backed up, we had wounds to care for as well, and we didn't want to kill the dark wolf. I only changed when the two Dark-wolves left.

"Ill see you later Brother" Hugo barked annoyed and limping with the wolf named raven holding him.

"you did good" Aspen changed beside me once they were gone. "you didn't attack me" he smiled h

"I tried," I murmured . Going over to the fire, I put a bandage from our pack on the shoulder wound. I grabbed some poultice to address the arm wounds.

"You were very brave." Aspen complimented, shaking my hair with his hand.

"You were too" I laughed but that hurt my head so I stopped . Aspen Laughed a little too. We fell into silence, and attended to the wounds. "we should go soon"

"yup" that didn't make us want to leave any faster.

Aspen's smile was a little offsetting. He had captured me. He had done this.

He was forced to. I tried to explain. Maybe that was just an excuse he was helping me with now that's all that matters.

I put another bandage on my arm and was done. my body was begging me to get water, so I went over to the stream and sat beside it. I drank the fresh water.


After a couple hours of traveling we were both tired, but we had to make it across the border so we could find the Light-wolves and find the special wolf. The plans were simple. I walked across the bridge that was leading to the other side of the great river. It was the biggest river that led through all the packs. it connected all of them together.

"The light pack is here. If we keep going straight for maybe a week or two we will be right on the territory line of the lightwolves." Aspen Tried to explain to me for the hundredth time.

"Were in no mans land" I looked at the river. As Aspen nodded beside me.


I woke up to someone coming. I got up quickly and grabbed my bags, but before I could move a white glow, almost as bright as the sun kept going around, soon more and more of them came.

I looked at Aspen Because now that my vision was better, I knew who they were "Father!" I yelled

Aspen's face went pale "Julia our mission" he whispered roughly to me "don't forget the mission"

"Aspen It's my father" I whispered back "I want to go even if for a little while" the wolves came closer Aspen Stepped behind me and looked at me with resentment. "Aspen It will be okay" I whispered looking at the strong form of my father, "it's me.. I'm unharmed.." my father gave a look to the boy behind me, growling slightly "he's not a threat" I tried to explain, looking at my father with an innocent glow in my eyes.

Then all of a sudden father changed. He ran to me and hugged me. Fur was still left on his body. "Julia" he hugged me in his warm strong embrace "I missed you"

"I missed you too," Aspen Gave a fake cough ,

"You are coming home" Father said looking at Aspen

"No" i shook my head and stepped back "i have a purpose right now" I confessed quickly afraid of that hurt look that he would give but he nodded and stepped back.

"You are a grown girl.. barely.." he looked at the others who had not changed yet they looked hurt and injured. "I have a pack to care for and you will be the leader next" He looked at me "But i know about how important this is" he nodded and hugged me one more time "Here take this, if you ever need us break the leaf in half we can smell that from around the country, ill smell you" he sniffed my hair as if he was making sure to remember. "Remember your training '' I nodded and looked around.

I remembered the pack members' names, Joy and Holly. They were littermates, twins and born around christmas time hence the naming, plus they usually were just happy dogs. I smiled at the recognition.

"Please stay" I begged

"No i have to get the injured healing" Father disagreed, walking over to our fire. The small army behind him decided to go out hunting.

"And we have some traveling and shelter to find" Aspen mumbled putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Before we go i have to tell you something" My father mumbled still not thrilled about my companion. He dragged Aspen away and i could hear bits of yelling but nothing that made since, i could only assume it was about my safety.


After a few days of pure walking and sleeping I sat down on a log, it was by the stream that ran through to the river. the river of haven, as the light wolves called it.

it was a sacred river, the Windwolves and Lightwolves had a ceremony there once a year celebrating the peace of the three year war we had after the shananigans with my mother. I still have yet to see my mother at one of these festivals.

The river also ran through the wind wolf territory, we ourselves called it the lighthearted river, of course never saying that to the light wolves.

The stream went briskly through these parts, a short drop was just behind us. "Aspen, how should we approach them?" I asked, swinging my legs off the log.

"i'm not.. you will be right in front of me, as a dark wolf they would never even think about letting me in the territory they have tight borders.." he paused "as a wind wolf you're free to roam, with heavy watch but free to go anywhere, with you they will want to do a quick check of your wolf that's why you should probably tire yourself out or meditate.." he kept blabbing on about it

"well let's eat first.. fish?" I asked as my stomach growled

"I don't care for fish but can't really be picky now can i" Aspen muttered in a joking tone. We laughed and I went over to the stream pulling out the wooden spear I had carved in the time it took us to walk all this way. The fish were falling down the waterfall and swimming, unable to go back where they came through the waterfall. It was an easy kill. I grabbed leaves, sticks, and mud. I placed them not too far from the waterfall. I built a sort of dam so they would have to jump it.

"Brilliant" Aspen Whispered behind me. I looked at him

"you don't use structures for killing creatures"

"ha no..I usually just jump at whatever i see, but I see this is more efficient." he pointed to a fish that was now wondering how to get over the dam, it was too tall for it apparently. I aimed with my spear and stabbed into the water. as I pulled it out I laughed with success. I took it off the spear and onto the leather of my bag to skin it. I let Aspen do it with his dagger. while I caught more.

5 fish later and it was close to dark. I put the fish over the fire that Aspen had made while I was fishing. We had enough food if we wanted it to last until we got to the light wolves although the way Aspen was eating we would need way more.

The fish was done cooking and we each grabbed a few, Aspen Grabbing a third. We ate with vigor since we had barely eaten since Darkwolf territory.

"Hmm i knew there was a tasty snack here" a man sneered behind us there were several others behind him.

Aspen Growled and he got up and looked at the man. I froze instantly afraid, my fur threatened to come out to protect me if anything happened.

"Who are you?" I asked , looking at the men behind the lead.

"oh oh these folks haven't seen a vampire before" they all laughed at my stupidity before I growled at them..

"quiet bat or i'll shut you with my jaw!" Aspen growled

"jaw, what are you, shark!" The Vampires looked in mock surprise.

"nope '' he mocked with a smile on his face as they did not obviously know who WE were. "Let's show them" we were weirdly confident, and we transformed into our natural state. we growled angrier and louder. Now they were surprised.

"never had werewolf for dinner" the lead vampire chuckled at our cockiness that shocked us "let's feast" the four vampires pounced they were strong and fast. but all we had to do was burn them. I grabbed the spear with my jaw and lit the tip. I swung it at them, saving Aspen From an attack. I stabbed the spear at them.

I charged but unfortunately I underestimated them. They all laughed and grabbed my tail. "you don't just burn us…"

The vampire threw me to a nearby tree trunk. my sides instantly hit the side and pain wentz through my entire body. I almost got knocked out. Apparently the dark wolf was doing way better than me, he actually killed one. throwing the head in the fire while the lead was dealing with me. The two others were trying to get him. but everytime they went for him he would dodge them.

Meanwhile I was desperately trying to get up. the lead grabbed my tail again, he went to take a bite out of my neck but then. BAM. a werewolf came out of nowhere. It was darker than me but lighter than Aspen. There were four wolves. and the vampires were stricken. one had already had their heads decapitated by the time i was saved. I fell to the ground. pain filled my lungs and it was hard to breathe. but my eyes were open. I could see two wolves dealing quick hits on the lead while one was sneaking behind it. another and Aspen were fighting the second vampire. I got up and looked at the action. I quickly had to sit and watch. my sides were gravely injured. The wolf sneaking on the lead finally decapitated him and threw it in the fire.

The other wolf helped Aspen Decapitate it. then when they were all done. I changed "thank you Light-wolves, I greatly appreciate your help.." only two of them changed. They looked at me then at Aspen.

"What is a Dark-wolf doing with a Wind-wolf!" the one who was the leader of what I guessed was a patrol shouted.

"we're on a mission" i replied looking at Aspen he went right beside me.

"And why are you two in our territory!" the second snarled.

"we need your help with it.." I attempted, looking at Aspen quietly, waiting until he could talk without looking stupid.

"Is it for a war.. because we are not in your wars we have our own battles to fight.." the second growled looking at the leader the others gathered behind them. The leader looked calm waiting for more of an explanation.

"no it's for peace.." I attempted again lamely.

"That makes no sense," a maroon haired girl accused. Behind the two the other two girls had a dirty blond hair color and gray blue eyes, but this one was special. She had light eyes and maroon hair.

"We need help with a prophecy, we need a lightwolf with stronger abilities than any others, and by that I mean someone who has a special scent like her." Aspen explained pointing to me. quickly the wolves smelled deeply then looked at the lead girl.

"Yes I smelled her earlier, she smells like.. but.. that's not possible." the leader put together the puzzle, going into thought.

"she smelled like her '' the second girl pointed to the maroon haired girl.

"that's.. no that's not- im not strong enough for the prophecy and why are you trying to fill that lame prophecy anyways.." the others looked at her with interest.

"look i know this is strange and that it won't make sense, but we're trying to fulfill it to bring the peace to our nation, we know every wolf has been struggling with one thing or anouther, if all the wolves are together than we can protect the kingdom from stupid vampires or other creatures and stop wars that could kill millions." I explained, taking a deep breath

"how would you do that!" The leader scoffed, "You couldn't even take out a vampired how do we know you'll be able to protect everyone? How do we even know you're special?"

"when I'm transformed I usually can't control myself but when I can control myself I'm so much more powerful, I kill better if I can control but keep the power i can use that to my advantage" I defended looking at the maroon girl to see her opinion she looked at my face the birth mark on my hand with two lines that looked like water. I looked at her right hand with a white circle for a birthmark. I looked at her and nodded. She looked at the leader of the team.

"we need to take them to her"

"alright"she agreed finally "but any wrong move and I'll slit your throat like paper" she threatened. She had the team follow us while she led and the maroon girl walked beside me.


After a while I got the girl to talk more to me. She told me about herself, about what she supposed was the gift of the wolves. which was that When she changed she could feel her senses grow way stronger. She could feel herself become a better wolf. and that helped her become a great hunter which led her out here. They were hunting and smelled the vampires. As well as my smell, they knew something special about the smell and came running. I looked at the maroon hair.

"Did you dye it or were you born with it?" I asked but she blushed.

"She was born under the red star." a guard muttered behind us

"Basically when I was born the sun was red. Our powers grew that day and I was born into battle." the girl tried to explain, still blushing, when she blushes she's as red as her hair almost, I thought to myself

"I forgot to ask your name," I wondered looking at Aspen, who was heavily watched by the guards.

"Rose" she replied looking away, and somehow her hair changed to a lighter red. "MaryRose"

"My name is Julia, and this is Aspen" I introduced "How'd your hair do that?"

"do what?"

"turn a different shade of red" i gasped in awe

"oh she's been getting a lot of sun today so her hair becomes lighter, same with all light wolves but hers is more noticable." the wolf behind us explained again. Rose blushed

"That's awesome," I mumbled.

"eh.. not to me it isn't" she muttered boredly smoothing out her hair "it's a silly thing-"

"We will be there tomorrow. We must all be rested." the leader interupted stopping "it is late in the afternoon we need more sleep.

We had been traveling all night and morning even though in the afternoon most of us were exhausted.

I laid beside Aspen And Rose. each on either side. the others gathered beside rose there were even some guards who would switch throughout the night. not just for our protection but to guard Aspen and I.