
Chapter 11

Aspens Pov

It has been ten minutes since she has collapsed and now all the poison should have been out of her body or in her liver. I didn't exactly know how to take care of the poison but my father told me a few tricks. The leaves I had put over the wound were anti venom. They helped fight off the snake venom. she wouldn't lose her leg today i couldn't allow that. She needed to fight. I smiled at her asleep form. it was... cute in a way.

"Will she be okay?" Rose worried behind me. The rain is pouring down on us now.

"Of course" I took her into my arms. She was light, I had strength and she was a pretty small girl. I got up from the muddy ground. "we have to keep moving" I ordered the guards nodded "hey could one of you maybe hold Rose?" i could see their eyes and how confused they were "you have armor on your legs she doesn't it would be really bad if she got bitten by a rattlesnake as well" they nodded and one of the guards looked at Rose who nodded with agreement. I wasn't part of the group needed.

we walked the mud underneath us grabbed at our feet. I was balanced and I saw Rose shiver with cold..

The wet grass underfoot held many secrets. Julia looked cute when she was unconscious. I found myself guilty of staring at her last night. my hormones. I need to learn to control them.

They would get worse. I knew that much and i didnt want to become possessive over anyone.

Rose was behind me. I could feel her stares at my back. I didn't need to say anything I didn't want to.

I saw a cave next to the trees. It was shallow but shelter nonetheless. The guard behind me, the male, almost slipped a couple times.

I wished the female had taken her. She was carefully roaming through the thick grass. Her small but light footsteps had helped her. She hadn't shipped yet.

Rose was shivering with cold. I hope she doesn't catch something.

The shelter that I found was small rain drops coming through to the entrance but it was alright. I put Julia flat on the ground by the female guard. she would help with Julia, I would try making a fire. I grabbed some wet wood. and put them around the fire spot. I grabbed my favorite fire rocks.

The guard stayed behind me, setting down Rose and she grabbed a long blanket from her guard's pack. I focused more on the fire than her. I grabbed some of my acess cloth and started up a small flame. with the flame it dried some of the wet wood. Therefore those burned and then I got a larger fire. I put some more wet wood a bit beside the flame for later. when we would need to feed the flame once again

I saw what Rose and the male guard had been doing. The male guard used a large stone to hammer something in the cave ceiling, he made a curtain to keep in warmth.

"How's Julia?" I asked the female guard.

"She's doing fine, her body's detoxifying the rest" she replied, holding a cloth on Julias forehead. Julia was sweating and twitching. She had a bit of a fever.

Does she need anything?" I murmured trying to be helpful I knew there was a good sized medical kit in my bag.

"not right now" she muttered "if the fever gets any worse then she may need a few drops of tylenol or whatever you call it"

"I got the tylenol," I piped up , taking hold of my bag. "It's here if she needs it." I walked out of the cave

"Aspen You shouldn't"

"im going hunting" I transformed and ran out into the rain.


I came back with a small rabbit. I had dug it up from its burrow. I transformed before going in. The guards kept the fire going. Julia was slightly conscious and Rose was standing near the fire. I walked in and dropped the rabbit at Rose's feet. she took it with a rush. She used a pocket knife to skin it.

I grabbed the hide and put it in a small pouch. I saved as many of the animals as I could. including the hides.

I sat against the cave wall. The cave is shallow and only about ten feet in width and 30 feet in length.

"You shouldn't have done that," Rose's mom growled. if she was my mom she would have come over and stricken me, but she had no control.

"im keeping the pack fed" I growled back closing my eyes

"You could have been killed," Rose worried with a squeak. I could have lashed out with since when do you care but I didn't. Rose was good to me.

"We could have died hundreds upon hundreds of times," I mentioned instead, keeping my eyes closed. "the vampire attack, when we escaped-"

"That's enough Dark-wolf," the female guard snapped. she hinted at a growl. I wouldn't let her do anything and so what if i made her leave Rose was with us she would come.

"I'm just saying if we could have died we would have died hundreds of times." I grabbed my pocket knife and shoved it in my pocket. "I'm going to rest," I muttered , going to a corner. I put my head against one of the walls and kept my eyes closed.

"he's such a-" Rose attempted to say

"No, we're not arguing with him, and we're not saying anything about him, he's helping the world. We have the same purpose and journey if he wants to get himself killed let him" the female guard intervened. She was right, and wrong. I would never let myself get killed. They would have to take it from me.