
Wolves and Vampires

After the Massacre of his Pack, he was found a boy in the woods. He was taken in with wolves and became a member of the pack. He had to search for vampires who murdered his parents that's where he fell in love with his enemie's daughter. Love and Revenge with Advanture are Three Different Things.

milliyfah · Fantasía
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38 Chs

A Suicide Attempt

Leo turned his eyes into red 12 students Killed themselves by sliting their throat others started screeming Milan saw that he letted go of Leo.

"What are you doing?"

"This is just a beggining you didn't deliver Desmond's head now all those you love will die" Leo left Milan was sheding tears. Nutaila and the others showed up the teachers were clearing the area all students were moved away.

"Milan you okay? tell me what happened?" Camila was trying to talk to him but he was unconsious.

"It's Leo he.... he...." Milan fell and fainted. Bellamy showed up and helped carry him to a safe place.

"What happened here?" Deborah asked shockingly Nutaila saw her father with the sheriff and the mayor in the college.

"Another massicare Leo did this"

"That Son of a bitch I want to put an end into this" Deborah wanted to leave Sheriff and the Mayor showed up along with Desmond.

"Mrs. Mayor greetings"

"Hy Nutaila long time no see, which of you witnessed this?"

"We don't know we just came in here after we heard the screamings"

"What happened to him?"

"He is in shock he don't get alonng with blood once he sees it he fainted right away too much pressure"

"Okay then Call tge ambulance for emergency"

"It's alright he will be up inn minutes its normal"

"Okay Sheriff call tye head master and Call up on the emergency assemble right away"

"Why the emergency assemble"

"I am closing this college, this town has lost too many people already so am putting everyone in home quarratine untill we figure out what kind disease is making people on attempting suicide" The Mayor walked away. 30 minutes later Milan woke up in shocking.

"Hey breather your'e okay your'e okay"

"What happened?" Camila showed up to them

"Guys the assemble is about to start" Milan wa surprised.

"What Assemble?"

"The mayor wants to close the school, come on we have to go" They went to join other students in assemble the teachers were standing at the front behind the mayor Milam was staring at Leo.

"Hello To every member of Washington College most of you are wondering by now why the mayor has interefered with College stuffs for the past three days we all know that we have been experienced three different massicares at different places in this town so the council has decided for now to put everyone in Quarratine until we figure out what is causing all these people to attempt suicide note stay safe home and be healthy once everything is cleared you will be notified. Now I join me in a moment of silent to show our respects for those whom we lost today" Evryone was quiet all along Milan was looking at Leo.

"Thank you, you may dismiss take your things and go home right away" Students were walking away. Bellamy went to Deborah and the others.

"Guys come on follow me we have a chance to go now"

"Okay on our way" Bellamy and the others were walking away. Nutaila showed up.

"Hey where are you going now?"

"I have to go somewhere but go home now and rest okay we will talk later"

"No Milan if this is about your mother am coming too I need to hear what she has to say I have to please"

"Shes right I too need to go" Carmen said while standing beside Nutaila.

"Okay then get your things ready we will meet you outside the college and don' be late"

"You guys better make it quick this is our chance if we lose this we won't get another shot"

"Its okay I understand We will catch up soon" Carmen and Nutaila left. They were getting their things and ready to leave but they felt something in the lab.

"Hey Carmen you felt that?"

"Hell yeah come one lets find out its coming from the lab"

"No I think its best for us to get out of here, we are the only ones left in college this will be dangerous"

"Relax Nutaila we are supernatural we can't be scared to handle a few things" Carmen walked to tge lab Nutaila followed they entered in the lab and saw Mino on the table lying with bite's scar on his neck.

"Shit Is he dead?"

"He is in transfoming now" James showed up with Miles.

"So you are the who turned him into a vampire"

"Why are you scared your boyfriend will be hard to handle once he is a vampire?"

"First thing ex- boyfriend and for another he was once hard to handle now that you have turned him you should expect more, Come one Carmen lets get out of here" They turned around and saw James again.

"Not so fast princess he needs to feed on blood if he wakes up other wise he will die"

"And why are you telling me this? you are the one who turned him right? then deal with him"

"You know exactly what am talking about why don't you help with your blood?"

"My blood no, you do know once a vampire feeds on another vampire does, he will be sired to me and he cannot feed on Carmen too because a wolfs blood is poison to vampire"

"I remember Milan gave your father his blood and now you say it's poison"

"You don't get it do you?, a vampire that was bitten by a wolf can be healed by a wolf's blood but a vampire feed directly from the vein in wolfs its poison" Nutaila walked away Carmen looked at him and smiled then she left too. Milan and the others were inside Bellamy's secret headquartes.

"So this is the place where you've been hiding with my mom?" Octavia showed up to them.

"I wouldn't call it hiding Milan"

"What happened to you mom? how did you end up in a beast side" Octavia started explaining what happened to her "Long ago when I woke up I was in the caves it was very dark I saw no one but I heard a sound of a baby crying I stood up and followed the sounds Knowing it was you but when I got out I saw another village was massicared it was another pack of wolves they were killed all of them and the boy was the only one left alive So took him in and I managed to to survive with him, teaching him what he needs to know. At first when I didn't see you I lost all hope and wanted to kill myself but when I found him I knew I was given another chance to live. So sooner after years passed we were practising but we heard movements in the woods as if people were moving a heavy tool we rushed to see who was it we saw vampires got the Omega woman The one who took you we didn't know what was gonna happen to her thats when I told Bellamy with what ever may happen he has to search for you and make sure you are safe I was going to look for away to save the Omega wolf so I decided to tail them ahead. They entered into a toumb and it was very dark the witches were using the spells to make every wolves blind in there so I lost vision I didn't had a choice but the only way for me to be able to see again is by selling my soul to the dark. So I sold it and changed me frona wolf to a beast I freaked out and turned into a monster Vampires were able to catch me and brought me with other beasts there were about 80 beasts captive hostages. Sooner then we saw a blue lightining shining and we were thrown away in eternal prison by the spells used in eternal sleep. I realised that they putted the Omega in eternal sleep. So soon as the witches done their jobs Desmond killed them all just to make sure no witch will be able to come and unleash the spells again So I tried to bring back myself from beast to wolf but I didn't managed so I stayed in beast form for years. We were put in a dark place no food, no water, no shelter nothing the weak were dying we didn't get any food so we used to eat the ones who were dead. many died and 20 were left out of 80. Time went by the stronger started killing the weak once and feed on them eating them up. We turned our own piss into water, we had no hope at all all alone time later we were left of seven of us Eco, Leonardo, Raven, Lily Max Stephan and Me. I knew Eco back then she was pregnent we started depending on eachother amd became one. They knew who I was but they had no room for hating me all they did was took me in and treated eachother like family, so we trained day and night, we hustle to survive we experienced alot of things. There was a time when I wished it would be best If I died. There was a time when we didn't have anything to eat at all. Eco gave birth to a child, an unhealthy child that was dying a baby needed oxygen to breath not carbondioxide. Better than Dying Eco slayed her own child and shared with us a meal we were eating not because we wanted to but we needed to survive Eco was very angry and we all vowed on one thing since then 'Killing who caused us thos misery' So we kept on training harf day night without knowing the time outside until one day we saw a light shined upon us as there was a door opened from heaven that's when you freed us" Nutaila and the other girls were shedding tears

"I am so sorry this had to happen to you, I didn't know my father was that cruel"

"Child Eco needsyour fathers Head and she wont stop untill she gets it no matter what happen after everything he has caused us don't expect others to forgive him. I once was so deep in love with him but then he was broke because of what the ansestors fated us."

"Where is Eco by the way we didn't saw her since then?"

"Eco left town for a while but she left saying the massicare to continue untill we get Desmonds head"

"Okay mom Do you think you can stop this from happening, do you think we can stop many lives from being killed? If there is a way just please tell us and we will figure it out"

"Milan the only way for this to stop is for you to be named as a real chosen one as tge commander, the true immortal of all clans thats when you can put an end into this"

"Then lets do that, tonight turn me into a complete one lets finish the rituals mom"

"We cannot complete the rituals without a witch"

"Elijah is right your ritual to be complete we need vampire's blood and its Desmond only, we need a wolfs blood, an Omega's blood and we also need a witch to finish the rituals and If we are not gonna get this in 4 days ahead then everyone you ever love in Washington will be dead and they have already started by killing the innocents students. Everyone was shocked hearing that news from Otavia