

Who's to say that man,can resist the urge to become a MONSTER. Who's to say they weren't born a monster. Follow Bjorn Wolf-Blood as he grows into a feirce warrior that his terrible world made him into. Born amongst a large viking clan,The bastard son of the jarl.Living there until it all gets destroyed,he heads out for revenge from those who wronged him.As the Darkness of the world lashes out onto any unfortunate being it can get. Cursed with lycanthropy.The ability to become a powerful werewolf.And a terrible bloodlust set deep in his heart. Can Bjorn Keep the beast at bay or will it consume him and all he cares for.

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27 Chs

The Plan.

3 Weeks Later

Gornan-NICE HIT!!

He says after I struck him in the side with the sparring axe.Making him bend over from the impact.

He raises his wooden hammer swinging it with great force even though its huge i barely manage to dodge it.almost hitting my chest.

I swing my axe at him striking him on the arm.


Bjorn-Well next time dont be so slow!Hah-


Gornan-*walking back to the weapon rack*Ah must be news Thork said what will happen now.Let us go

We put the weapons and armor back in the training room.After that we walk the snow falling slowly almost glistening in the golden rays of the sunset.

Gornan had offered to train me.He said that he also needs a sparring partner.I agreed after all I want to become a Great Hero for this clan.

As we go into the Main War hall.A giant hall with tables full of maps,plans, Strategies,and all things for an army of our caliber.

Gornan nudges my shoulder pointing me over to Thork standing on the elevated floor readying his speech.

I speak with some of the other warrior's they say a plan has been erected of what The storm bears will do.

Norgar-Ay!I heard we are to embark across our lands exterminating all their filth from Velhiem our motherland.

Gungar-Ay!I heard as well.Bastards really dared strike at us even after we agreed to a treaty.*drinks mead from tankard*Filthy, cowardly scum is what they are.

Bjorn-Yes,This shall be a long war campaign.

Norgar-Yes,after all we had split the lands equally.*sighs heavily*I just want my sword wet with their blood.All of em!




All the noise in the hall falls to silence l.As Thork stomps on the ground catching the attention of all men present.

Thork-Hear me men!The Raven Clan has desecrated all they held Worthy and threw it away with the raid.They have lit the floor beneath then and the branches of above.With a roaring flame.

We the Storm Bears will drive them to EXTINCTION!

*The hall goes crazy*

He lifts his hand up once again the hall goes quiet.

Thork-Firstly all of our Storm Bears,The blooded will return here.By 3 days and nights time.

Then you shall await your orders.Prepare men,kiss your families goodbye,your lover, children,pets,homes and peace.All of it will be gone until we destroy them.


As the hall begins to empty,I sit in the corner thinking.

Why!would they attack a treaty was signed and all was well.What has changed?

After a few minutes the hall clears,and I get up to leave.Exiting the hall l.I begin to head out to the river.Its freezing currents and silence i seek to enjoy tonight.

After all my injuries are almost healed.Except for the damm ribs,still stinging with pain.Tightly wrapped in bandaged every day.And herbs from the Villages,Shaman.

Varneia an old hag...Dare I say.Her skin droopy and exhausted l.Yet her mind young and interesting the mixtures she creates from herbs from all around the lands.

I arrive at the river.Plunging into it as I fight the aggressive current.Every Inch if my body pushed to fight it.Otherwise I'll be blown away to the rocks down stream.

I think about the training session I had with gornan going over every detail in my head trying to make sense of the spar.Imagining different scenarios,attacks,moves.

Feeling overwhelmed by it I sink under the river.The sharp freeze blowing my thoughts away.Only the cold left.

I get out the river.Shivering with coldness.

I spark a fire out in the woods, drying myself off as I dig into the food I brought from the hall.Dried venison and some berries.Drinking the water out of my watersack.


The forest for the first time in so long.Seems alive the animal's steps heard,the whistling of the wind through the trees.The howls of the wolves.The Giant white eyes staring at me.


I pull out my hunting knife a big thick knife.

Out of the shadows 4 giant dire wolves spring just a few feet away from me.They snarl at me, barking aggressively.

When did they get there?I didn't even hear them,Shit I could really die now.

No I refuse.


In slow motion it seems I begin running at the pack of wolves,They begin to run at me as well.Their mouths drooling with saliva at the sight of me a tasty meal for them.

One leaps at me i dodge out of its way, plunging my knife into its neck.As another grabs my ankle dragging me away.

I turn and stab its skull.It lets out a shriek of pain and whimpers as It falls lifeless to the ground.

The other two stare hesitantly for a second.Before running at me I swing at one missing as it dodges with its insane agility, getting close to my leg before I swing at it again.Cutting a gash on it's back.

It grabs my leg sinking its large fangs into my leg.


I almost drop the knife from the pain.But i stab it in the back as the other one bites my shoulder.

I can feel them tearing a chunk out of me.

So I roll, Stabbing one multiple times in the chest.As the other goes for my head.I cant dodge in time so It bite's into my cheek ripping a chunk out of face skin.Reavealing my teeth and jaw.

I grab its face trying to resist.As its on top of me.I push my thumb into its eye but it still continues to attempt to eat me. Both my hands occupied Im stuck.

I try to calm my mind but theres nothing I can do.

I try to flip the wolf to the side into the river but its too strong.


I grab its mouth,and begin pulling its mouth apart.Blood spitting into my face as it crys like a bitch.But I wont stop until its quiet.

Soon as It stops making noise,all the strength and energy I had begins to fade away quickly.

Knowing I dint have much time before I faint.I begin running to the village,my legs wobbling beneath me.Yet Its soo far and I cant make it in time.Soon I lose myself,my vision blurring

Is that Light.I see a small hut.In the distance.All i can think of is getting to safety.

I run at it full speed at hut.Tripping as I fall over a branch.Slamming my head into the trunk of a tree just a few meters away from the hut.

I knock out...