

Who's to say that man,can resist the urge to become a MONSTER. Who's to say they weren't born a monster. Follow Bjorn Wolf-Blood as he grows into a feirce warrior that his terrible world made him into. Born amongst a large viking clan,The bastard son of the jarl.Living there until it all gets destroyed,he heads out for revenge from those who wronged him.As the Darkness of the world lashes out onto any unfortunate being it can get. Cursed with lycanthropy.The ability to become a powerful werewolf.And a terrible bloodlust set deep in his heart. Can Bjorn Keep the beast at bay or will it consume him and all he cares for.

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27 Chs


Bjorn-Haaaaaaaaaaahhhh.hah.hah.hah.hah.hah*breathing wildly*

I look around, springing out if the bed.What...Whats that burnt smell?The sharp pain of my wounds sending me spiralling back down to the bed.Damm I forgot.clutching my ribs I limp over to the cane on the side of my bed.I use it for support.

I try thinking back on what happened but my memory is a haze and I dont remember past getting my ribs broken

Slowly I begin to exit the tent.

Bjorn-What The Fuck!?!

The bright light shocking my eyes,as I look at the burnt down village.The Jarl's long house standing sadly as the ash falls.The Sight of Despair,my home up in flames well ash now.

What the fuck happened.Did we lose?

No I'd be dead.They really torched the city.Anger boiling in my chest.I go back into the tent clutching the can tightly.It squeaks like its about to be crushed but remains sturdy.

As I sit down on the bed a Medic enters the tent.She look at me before asking.

Medic-How do you feel?When did you wake up?Is anything hurting?

Bjorn-I-Im ok I think,still alive that goes for something huh.I think I woke up a few moments ago really.

Medic-Well you've been out for a few days. We will be sending you out to the barracks,busy times now.Goodbye.

She walks out the tent hastily.Seems there must be many other people hurt.

A man walks through inside the tent.Tove?

Bjorn-Your alive old man!Hah though they got you.

Tove-Hmph.Seems you're a walking corpse.

Bjorn-Hows the land?

Tove-Packed really, I've got people living all over the grounds.More than half the village burned and now they have no where to live.Jarl ordered all land owners to accommodate for the homeless.

Bjorn-Sheeesh...Sounds rough.

Tove-Yeah.Well I brought you your cloak found a villager wearing it.Bought it off him,seems looters are everywhere.

Bjorn-*grabs the cloak from him*Thanks.

Tove-Well thats all I came for no time to much now.Got some new workers to over see.

Bjorn-See you.

He leaves the tent.

It really is fucked out there.Does this mean we will have to find The Raven shields Hold.Damm bastards caught us at night.Sneaky rascals.

A few hours later...

Gornan-So How many did ya kill!?

What?! The question catches me completely off guard.As he walks with me to the barracks.

Bjorn-I dont know?Why?How many did you kill?

Gornan-56.*he says blankly*

Bjorn-56! That's absurd!

Gornan-Ye,I like to keep track.

Bjorn-Why?Ive never heard if that before?

Gornan-My Father.He claimed to kill 3,000 men.He would always boast about it,at dinner,anytime basically.So I told him I would kill 3,001

just to beat him.

Bjorn-I-I dont what to say.Thats just crazy.

We soon arrive at the barracks.I go lay in bed,but the event's of the raid.Still are fresh on my mind.My body begins to get hot,and my heart starts to beat faster.Andrenaline pumping through me as I think of battle.

I've never felt this way before.Never so...Good.These thoughts of fighting a man to death.Is making me excited,why?

I get out if bed and walk out of the barracks.*my stomach rumbling with hunger and throat dry as cotton now.

Bjorn-*deep sigh*

I leave the barracks, limping through the village of ash,blood still fresh on the walls,on the ground.I couldn't do much to stop it.Powerless to the battle.

Like Tove said A sword would plunge through any man equally,A stone would crush any man equally as well.I don't want that...To be like the rest of these men.

I soon arrive at a Tavern.Silence where as usually its roaring with noise.But not now.Its empty as I walk in.


I knock on the counter taking a seat by it.The Barkeep comes out the back.Talking with some woman back there.

Barkeep-New face.Never seen u round here,whatta ya want?

Bjorn-Something to drink and eat.I have the coin.

Barkeep-Alright I'll bring something,damm raid did a number on our supply's.Say would u be looking to make some coin???

Bjorn-Im not sure right now.The Storm Bears might need all their forces right now.

Barkeep-Thats alright.Ill bring some meat and mead.

He walks across pouring some mead into a tankard and leaving it Infront of me as goes to the back.

I grab it drinking the mead quickly.The intense flavor really staying in my mouth.

I begin to think about what happened after U got my ribs broken.

What happened?I cant piece any of it together, absolutely no memories.

Suddenly a plate if venison is slid in front of me.

Barkeep-Ill make a tab.

I dig into the meat,even though it's not the best or juiciest.Its food and im famished.


Bjorn-*groaning*im soo full.

Barkeep-Good for ye,45 cretchins.

I bring out my coin bag,and pay the man.Even leaving a tip.Because hard times.

I get up and leave the tavern The silence of the night and blast of the full moon Illuminating the world greatly.

As im walking down the road.Towards the barracks,I see a large shadow flying in the sky.

What is that?It soon flys away before I can think of anything.

I head back into the barracks quietly as most of the men are sleeping.

I cam hear Gornan snoring loudly from across the room.

What a roommate...

I lay in bed my mind seeming to be at ease after a large meal.The fireplace near my bed soothing me like a baby with its cracking noises.I close my eyes

Slowly drifting off into sleep...



There it is that beating sound like War drums.

Where...Am I dreaming.Theres nothing its just dark and blank.


Whats that.

A path of blood unfolds Infront of me.A giant moon coming out the ground displacing the blood.

A giant red moon.

My hands what the?

Suddenly im tearing someone's head off.

They look familiar...Thats me!