
woke up in fallout 4 with Halo system

in the world fallout where people fight for anything from food to territory and when big faction take all the weapons or even try to take anything that they get there hands on. what if there was a another faction rises up with unique armour and weapons and vehicle that stands out as they go across the commonwealth will they be friend or foe well only one way to find out. (hey before you read let me explain a little about this I've played both halo and fallout and enjoyed both and recently i played fallout with halo mods on and thins what gave me the idea to make this story and ill try to make it good but feel free to help by pointing stuff out that i missed or messed up on or even if you got a idea or two and now before you go read i will try to post as much but i have other stuff now enjoy the story)

Shikizone · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Project Puma

(if you get the reference then you get a cookie for it) 

Arthur was going to remove scrap cars around the sanctuary he took them to an area he set up near his base he took the parts and looked at what could be used or smelted to be used to make the frame he wanted to use.

Arthur: Okay now this will be difficult going by memory but hey it works then I could get the blueprints.

As he chuckles to himself as he goes and smelt the scraps that he couldn't use as he waits for them to melt his suit helping with the temperature as he hasn't got clothes to deal with this as he sees it all melting as he goes and set up a mould of a frame for a vehicle as he pours the molten metal into the mould and waits for it to cool down as he goes and put the part that could work to one side as he then grabs tools to weld, screw and grinder as he places it on the table.

after a while the molten metal has cooled down as he pulls it out and grinder to take out and lose angle or line to make it more refined he then places it on the floor and starts to add components and parts from the cars he took apart as welds them or screw them into place as he sighs.

Arthur: well this will take more than a week but it will have to do while I wait.

As he continues to work on the project he has his eyes set on finishing as he does that codsworth comes by and sees him working as he gets curious he goes over to him.

Codsworth: Sir may I inquire what you are doing?

Arthur as he stops gets up and looks at Codsworth as he cleans his hands and puts the cloth away.

Arthur: as there would be time to move to gather more supplies we going to need some transportation to get there and back while also carrying more people or supplies.

as he starts putting up the frames into place and sets them ready to torch together once he find a blow torch as codsworth nod as he goes back to cleaning the house as Arthur stands up and put his helmet on as goes to patrol the area.

after a few minutes of patrolling as the screen popped up on his face.

System: new quest: Red Stop take control of red rocket and added it to the base

reward: blueprints for the warthog, 150 points.

as he see this he goes and head to the bridge as he thinks on how to move the walls up without messing the river stream as he then goes and starts to plan a layout as he goes over to red rocket to make sure it was clear as he approaches he see some mole rats eating the what remains of the raider corpses he took out as he slowly approaches with his side arms as he aims as he waist for them to be distracted as he takes a shot hitting one in the head destroying it as the rest scatters and go underground as he runs and jumps onto the car and aim at the ground.

Arthur: ahh I hate theses fucking mole rats.

as he has been waiting for as few minutes aim around him as the mole rats were underground as then one jumps out to attack him as he does he bites on the armour part of his arm as he falls on to the car nearly losing his gun and falling onto the floor as he aims and shoots it head off as he gets up and wipes the blood off his visor as he looks at his arm seeing a slight dent in the armour.

Arthur: i really hate these fucking rats.

as he goes to the ground with his side arms and knife in hand as the the last two mole rats lunges at him as he shoots one and stand the other as he slice the mole rat in half as he goes and gather the meat and supplies as he goes and set up a wall and barracked to make sure no more can get in.

Arthur: finally done and as much i hate eating the meat but its better then starving when the food does run out.

as he head back as the system pops up and says mission complete as he clicks claim as he gets the blueprints of the warthog into his mind as he smiles as he head back as he goes and starts to make the plating of the warthog as he make sure it fits smoothly.

-two weeks later-

 (doing a small time skip to kind getting to the start of the game but also to show how long it took him to make the warthog)

it been two week and during those week he been working on the warthog almost finishing it while also gather supplies and doing mission from the system gaining good amount of points which he used to get ammo and some armour repair kit and also gain the MA37 assault rife as he was happy to have another weapon he made sure to attach a suppressor to it for quiet take downs as he made sure to stock up on ammo for it as well. 

As he was doing patrolling area as per routine he saw something in distance which when he zoomed in on it he saw two people who were in damaged clothes as he goes over to them and hold his gun down but ready to move if the try anything funny.

Arthur: halt state you reason coming here.

the two people stop and look at Arthur was curious about his armour but didn't move as the male step forward with his hands up to show he no threat.

???: we mean you no harm we just was looking for a place to stay as are home was raided by raiders and we barley escape it only me and my sister that's left.

as the female nods her head Arthur look at them for few second as he lower gun as he signal them to enter the base as he take his helmet off and smiles.

Arthur: well welcome sanctuary I'm Arthur king but you can call me Arthur or spectre what's your.

they smile happy to see someone friendly as they enter the base as they look at him.

???: My name is Jenkins and my sister is anna.

as the female now know anna waves.

Jenkins: sorry she shy this world is not been the most friendly.

As Jenkin spoke as they walk to the houses as Arthur take them to a place that he had set up just in case anyone does come as he know it no longer a game as he introduce them to codsworth as they get along he goes and grabs spare assault rifle and some ammo as he goes and hands it to Jenkin.

Arthur: you know how to shoot a gun.

Jenkin nods his head and aim the gun at a open area to test his sight.

Arthur: good because you be helping patrolling and any mission we do and don't worry about anna codsworth and dogmeat and we can teach her to shoot and use knife if need to.

Jenkin: i understand and as much i may not like it we live in world where you have to defend yourself in every corner.

As they carry on doing there patrols from different areas as anna helps codsworth with anything or play with dogmeat as they do that the screen pops ups.

system: congrats you have gain two new people for your group a secret mission is complete your reward is random character from the halo press the button and see who you get.

Arthur was surprise at this but was curious to see who get after all it could help with making this place better as he press the button the icon spins as waits to see who he will get.

(i know it been a while and this may seem short but I have been busy and also trying to plan this out so it did take a while but I do hope you enjoy this chapter and also this character will be picked by you but let me say as much you want Spartans or ai like Cortana they will not be picked as it would be too easy to push threw the story so do pick someone who you think would help but not push all the way to the end.)