

[I understand i may be doing something that people won't like to read but I'm going to be doing flashbacks of his time visiting the four countries he mentioned rather than writing four or more chapters on them]

--- 1990, The Minister's Office ---

A portly man in a brown suit sits at his desk across from two figures, Albus Dumbledore and Amelia Bones.

Amelia breaks the silence, "It will be good to have Alastor come back, while I'm hoping the man has become less agitated, he strikes fear into those who stand against him"

Seeing Albus nod at the corner of her eye, he answers her with his own thoughts on the matter, "you asked him for monthly reports, how has it been going?"

She sighs at the old man's question, "Moody hates paperwork, often saying it's a waste of his time, when he did report back it was only a couple times a year and even then they were only a few lines"

"But what he did say was that he felt that it would be in our best interest to get the boy, Malakai, on our side", she says with a confused expression on her face, Alastor Moody was not a person that complimented others.

The fat man, Cornelius Fudge, looks wide-eyed at his guests, "the boy is only eleven years old and has yet to attend Hogwarts, surely he can't be that special... right?"

Albus sits quietly as he listens to Amelia's rebuttal, "We're talking about the boy that could walk, talk, read, and write perfectly before most children could say their first sentence"

"It's been reported by Moody that while it's only one spell, the boy can do wandless and chantless magic"

"Think about what this boy will be like when he graduates Hogwarts, we shouldn't underestimate him because of his age"

"Now, if you will excuse me, I have things to take care of", she says before using the floo and leaving.

Fudge looks towards Dumbledore to say something but the older man follows Amelia's actions and leaves to go about his business.

--- The Malfoy Manor ---

Sitting in a dimly lit dining room sits the Mafloy family and a few guests.

The lords and heir of the houses Nott, Crabbe, and Goyle sit in silence while they eat.

Draco looks towards his mother, "mummy when does Malakai come home"

This question catches the interest of the lords, Narcissa looks at her youngest son, "Soon, he wrote in his letter that he'd be home by tonight or tomorrow"

Tiberius Nott interjects, "How have his travels been?"

Lucius is the one to answer the man, "would you like the short or extended version?"

Lord Nott just replied with a single word, "Extended"

Lucius wipes his mouth with a napkin before leaning back in his chair, "His first destination was Transylvania, it may sound cliche but my son went there to learn from the many vampire covens"

"He didn't just go to learn new spells however, he went to spread the Malfoy name and build connections and earn favors, he did this on all of his adventure"

"All my son told me was that he learned some spells that affect shadows"

"After that, they went to the Amazon Rainforest, he spent his time learning Botany, potions, ingredients, he acquired spells built around nature"

"it was at this time that we received a letter from Moody telling us that our son had taken someone else's life in defense of his own"

"They were attacked by a bunch of wand thieves, luckily, Moody was there, my son picked up a jagged stick and pierced a man's heart that was trying to attack him"

"From what Moody said in his letter, Malakai became silent and distant for a while, after a few weeks of contemplating on what he did and the fact he took a life, he went back to being his old self but there was something different that he couldn't explain about the boy"

After a minute of silence, Lucius continues the story, "After a year and a half in that damned forest, my son went to Egypt where he had taken several photos of himself petting deadly animals and creatures like the Nundu"

"During their time there, we stopped receiving letters and reports from them for three months, no one knows why and they won't talk about it"

"His remaining time there was spent like learning examining and learning the history of the many crypts and pyramids throughout the land"

Lucius looks around the room and stifles a chuckle at all the starry-eyed children, "Lastly, he visited Africa, we only received a single letter from our son, saying that he'd been injured during a fight against an Erumpent, thankfully, a hunter from a nearby wizard tribe killed it"

The thought of her baby boy being hurt by a monstrous creature bring tears to Narcissa's eyes, as the mood in the room begins to go in a downward spiral, a house-elf pops into the room.

"Masters, Lord Malakai is waiting in the main lobby"

As if the room was on fire they forget their etiquette and sprint out of the room.

In the lobby stands a boy about 5'5ft, his short black hair has grown slightly, the pale skin he had as a child is replaced with a slight tan, but the thing that changed most is his eyes, the normal calm ocean blue eyes now had a wild and dangerous glint in them.

Staring at the neatly dressed boy in front of them, his family rushes to him and smothers him in their arms.

He smiles as he hugs them back.

"I'm Home"

[Please comment and tell me what you think, comments are more appreciated than anything else]