
Wizarding World: Bloodline

In the year 2045, more than Thirty Years after Albus Potter’s time at Hogwarts, a new generation of students enter Hogwarts. Duncan Baker is a Half-Blood boy who was invited to attend the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Along the way he will learn that the Wizarding World has undergone some big changes from back when his parents attended the school... There will be new friends, new enemies, and maybe even some returning faces!!

TheGorillaMonkey · Derivados de obras
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17 Chs

The Art Of Making Enemies

"The name's Donovan, But please call me Professor Don" The Potions master stated, he looked like a total mad scientist with fuzzy gray hair and a stubble, the man looked like he just survived an explosion. "I can teach you the art of brewing a concoction that can make even the most sane man go mad!!! All you have to do is open your mind" Don said, his voice shaking as he spoke.

"This Guy doesn't look very stable" Duncan muttered, "He looks like a homeless Emmett Brown" Arthur stated. "You will be with a partner, and the first potion you will brew is a Babbling Potion, which can make even the most quietest person speak until their jaw hurts!!" Don exclaimed.

"Now...I will be picking your partners" Don stated, receiving several groans, "STOP YOUR WHINING, You molded infectants" Don sneered, "Now..." Don began reading off the list of names until he got to Duncan, "Duncan Baker will be with Greg Klaw"

Duncan was immediately filled with disappointment, he'd rather be partnered up with a Werewolf than with Greg. "You may now move to your partner's table, hurry up now, time is running out!!" Don yelled. Duncan moved to Greg, who immediately stepped on the other end of the table, obviously not wanting to touch a muggle.

Duncan followed the instructions, add some Valerian Springs, and Aconite, Duncan was about to ground up some Dittany when Greg suddenly knocked over his potion, spilling it. "KLAW!!! YOU STUPID STUPID BOY!!!" Don shouted, "It wasn't me!! Duncan knocked my potion over" Greg quickly said, "What?! No I didn't-" "DUNCAN, YOU IMBECILE!! CLEAN THE MESS UP NOW" Don shouted.

Duncan groaned but grabbed a towel, cleaning the potion off the ground, Greg suddenly placed his foot on Duncan and forced his face to the ground, holding him down, "I want you to lick it all up" Greg ordered, nearly crushing Duncan's head beneath his sole. Duncan tried to get his foot off but failed, he reluctantly began licking the potion like a dog. Greg chuckled as he took out a phone and began recording, "Pathetic" Greg growled.

Duncan left the room immediately after they were dismissed, rushing into the restroom to clean his face and mouth. He felt a pounding headache and could feel some blood and cuts from the glass of shards cutting into him earlier. Duncan suddenly froze when the restroom doors opened and Greg walked in followed by four other boys. Duncan didn't know why the boy was treating him so badly, Duncan has never done anything to Greg to warrant such harsh treatment.

"Hello Rabbit...fancy seeing you here" Greg smirked. Suddenly Greg's friends rushed at Duncan, grabbing him by the arms and pulling him into a stall. "Why are you doing thi-" Duncan suddenly felt his head get forced into the toilet bowl, Greg had his foot on Duncan's head, using his foot to force the boy's head into the toilet.

"Why am I doing this?" Greg repeated, he looked up at his friends and waved them off, leaving only the two of them in the room. "My father used to work for a bad bad man...as a result, he did some terrible terrible things...among those terrible acts, one of them is demonstrating his strength on me...he wanted to show me and my brother that we are nothing compared to him, that he's the Alpha...but over time, I was used to the beatings and now I realize that the beatings only made me stronger, and here you are...a little rabbit...YOU are nothing compared to ME...And Now, Im the Alpha" Greg stated, before slowly getting up and ruffling Duncan's hair as he walked past him, leaving Duncan alone in the restroom...