
Wizarding World: Bloodline

In the year 2045, more than Thirty Years after Albus Potter’s time at Hogwarts, a new generation of students enter Hogwarts. Duncan Baker is a Half-Blood boy who was invited to attend the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Along the way he will learn that the Wizarding World has undergone some big changes from back when his parents attended the school... There will be new friends, new enemies, and maybe even some returning faces!!

TheGorillaMonkey · Book&Literature
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17 Chs


Duncan sat silently in the Great Hall, he sat by himself at the end of the table due to his clothes being drenched in water. Arthur was nowhere to be found and Greg had just entered the Hall with his eyes set on Duncan.

"Hello, Rabbit" Greg said as he approached Duncan, placing his hand on the boy's head, almost immediately an All-Seeing Eye flew down with its eyes set on Greg. "Keep Your Hands To Your Side" A robotic voice came out from the drone. "...Or What?" Greg asked in an arrogant tone. "Do you really want to test us?" The drone asked, shining a red light over Greg and his friends. Greg immediately stomped away without another word, sitting down at the other end of the table.

Eleanor could see Duncan was not too happy sitting by himself, so she stood up and walked over to the Slytherin table, sitting down across from him. Many kids immediately gasped and booed, "Is she allowed to do that?!" Greg yelled, Longbottom simply shrugged "Why Not?"

"Get out of our table!!" A kid shouted. Eleanor simply ignored all the negativity she was facing. "How's your Hogwarts experience been?" Eleanor asked, "It's been...quite bad, I've already got someone targeting me and I reek of toilet water"

Eleanor closed her eyes as someone launched some mashed potato at her, it ended up getting in her hair. She simply wiped it off without uttering a single word, her blonde hair was now splotched with mashed potato and gravy, a professor immediately got up and confronted the student. "My experience has been...quite fun" Eleanor shrugged, "I attended Herbology, and we got to study the different type of magical and mundane plants" She exclaimed, hoping to see the bright side of things. To be honest, her year isn't starting off too great either, almost everyone in her own house hates her, almost everyone in Slytherin hates her, and she's got mashed potatoes in her hair.

"We should hang out at the Courtyard later" Eleanor suggested, "Or maybe we can go somewhere else...somewhere quiet" she told him. She just wanted to be as far away from everyone else as possible. "That'd be great...maybe by the big old tree on the hill" Duncan suggested, "But maybe we should wash up first...I'll have to change into something less...icky" Duncan stated. "Same" Eleanor giggled, "I'll have to wash the Mashed Potatoes out of my hair" she told him, "...It's a good thing they didn't throw anything heavy though, imagine if they had flung an apple pie at my head" Eleanor said, causing Duncan to fall into a fit of laughter. Duncan really liked Eleanor's company...