
Within These Walls.

Nothing can ever escape beyond these walls. A story in poetic terms. Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think. I will try to release a piece as often as I can.

Alongside · Real
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Note 2

I enjoy being alone and I enjoy the safety that is found within these boundaries. There is no reason for me to escape when I have everything I need here. All I've ever wished for is given to me for free: wine, a calm area to sit and rest, and the assurance of safety. I don't want to escape anymore, since I have all I need.

I don't want to reach outside of my boundaries and nor do I care for trying to. The risk is not worth it. As peculiar as it seems, I have been close to escaping. And although I have pondered how I would finally successfully leave, I have never tried anything that could bring disaster upon myself. I have everything I need here and I don't need anything else. And even then, within the safety of my walls, the things of which I lack here are not guaranteed to be outside.

For as long as I have lived, I have never been a risk taker. I do not want to lose the things that I currently have and therefore would never chose to put them at risk by trying to gain more. I would not like to let my greed take over. Though, my curiosity can at moment wander and I find myself daydreaming about things of which I currently do not have.

Sometimes I am able to hear things from outside the walls and I often ponder on what I am hearing. I hear children crying, and the same children laughing only moments later. I wonder what subject is able to put them through such emotions. Would I be able to feel those same things if I was to leave?

Farewell for today.