

Two weeks later when Araxie was sitting alone in the room with tears streaming down her face, she thought of meeting her friends once again. it had been a while since she saw them. She was missing them so badly and that desire to see them again was uncontrollable at the moment. So without telling anyone, she teleported back to Akira city from where her story began. She was so happy that she was going to meet them again but unfortunately she found new faces at her friend's house.

"How are you madam."she greeted the woman whom she found cleaning the compound.

"How can I help you ma'am."the lady asked back ignoring her greetings.

"Well, I would like to meet my friends if they're inside."

"Sorry."the lady's face seemed confused on hearing that.

"What do you mean by sorry." She was talking when she heard a familiar voice spoke from behind.

"She meant to say that... sorry try your luck elsewhere because your friends and their mother aren't here anymore. They no longer live here. You're in the wrong place and before I count to five, get lost from here." It was Malinda.

"You! H-how come you're here? And why would Mrs Judith leave this place. It was her world"she was wondering.

"What did you think... That you'd turn my sister against me and I'll let you get away with it so easily? If you had it that way then you're wrong young girl.... right now Judith and her daughters Sara and Aurora are busy paying for their mistake of befriending someone like you. I'm sure they don't want to see your face again because what they have seen is quite enough to make them understand how unfortunate they are to have chosen you as their friend of all the people in the world.

Would you like to meet them? I can direct you since I also want to see how pale your face would be after seeing the condition they're in."

For a moment she wished she could strangle that woman to death but she was still human with a soft and clean heart. What did you do to my friends."she was crying.

"Well... I think you should follow me if you want to meet your beloved friends. I'm sure this is going to be fun, I'll enjoy seeing you being chased from their sight just like one chasing a flog."

Malinda's words were so annoying but Araxie chose to remain calm till she took her to Mrs Judith, Sara and Aurora, who were her long time childhood friends. They were not just friends, they were her family. She could never forget how they always fought for her right despite her naivety. Perhaps she was still young but those people... always stood for her even when they were well aware of the consequences for messing with Marina.

She fell out of words the moment she set her eyes on those three who were working tirelessly in the palace as Malinda's servants. Tears rolled down Araxie's face when she saw Aurora being punished for adding extra sugar in Malinda's tea. They were beating her as if she was not human.

The anger that Araxie felt at the moment was too much to control and before Malinda knew it, Araxie was hitting her men as well. How dare they punish her best friend! - She cursed inwardly as she punished Malinda's men.

"Why are you punishing my men over the ones who don't wanna see your face. Hmmm... I'm sure you think I'm lying, don't you? Well, you can go on and ask them for yourself if you really want to hear them say it to your face. Why do you look surprised?

Are you afraid that you won't handle it, huhh? You know what Araxie.. I had thought of forgiving you and your precious people but you turned my sister against me and now she considers me as her enemy and so... I won't spare anyone that's close to you. I'm waiting for the day I'll get your beloved father-in-law and his son, I even don't know what I'll do to them. I thought that once I become a queen, I'd finally unite with my sister but you... I don't know how you convinced Casey that she chose to leave us for you and my Andie.... I wonder what's so special about you. I mean what magic do you use to turn tables on me every time I try to challenge you?

I built the protection wall but you surprised me when you showed up in my house. I admit you defeated me even though I own the throne. But this time around, I promise you won't save your friends no matter what you do. And if any of them asides with you, I'll kill her immediately and you'll be blamed for her death. You'll live with that guilt due to your stubbornness.

Araxie knew very well what kind of woman Malinda was, she knew how dangerous she could be that's why she didn't dare to ask them anything but was surprised when Mrs Judith spoke after she had taken some steps backwards to leave. "Don't leave us here please Araxie. Find a way to get us from here." Her voice penetrated through the walls of Araxie's heart and left it bleeding non-stop.

She had her bead with her but she didn't know how powerful Malinda was. What if she's more powerful than me?-she breathed.

Knowing that Malinda would make it a big issue if she listened and fell emotional to help them, she turned around and said.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I would've helped you and got you from this place but unfortunately I can't do that. I mean I don't know how you came here in the first place so.... how do you expect me to take you back."

"Wh... what are you saying dear. You can't say that."

"I'm very sorry ma'am. I don't have any choice but to hurt you right now. I don't want to get you in trouble. I ca see you've endured so much because of me and that's why I don't want to make things worse by making a mistake. I have to act like I'm not willing to help you out. But you shouldn't worry because Trion, Andie, Marina and Neel are on the way here to help y'all."she breathed.

Standing seemingly shocked, Malinda found herself winking several times as she couldn't believe what she was seeing! She was so confident under the impression that the magical wall she built would never let anyone inside and here, Marina, her ex-husband King Beryl, Neel and everyone else was standing right before her and looked like they were ready for a war.

Yes, it was indeed a battle against her. These people would do anything to throw her out of the palace for the second time.

Would she let it happen?

Of course not! The throne was all she needed. It was the reason she manipulated the committee members into marrying king Beryl in the first place so letting her dream slip out of her hands was something she wasn't prepared to welcome.

"I can see you've come fully prepared for a war against me, aren't you? What makes you think you'd defeat me? And how dare you show up in my castle without an invitation!

Who called you up here?"she was shouting at them but no one said anything till she heard Araxie say.

"I did. Well ma'am.... I've invited them here. And as far as I know... this whole place belongs to father-in-law."

✨✨ Malinda's ~POV✨✨

••Twenty two years ago I sacrificed everything I had for this man.

I didn't want anything else from him except his love but I never received anything like love from this man.

He always came up with different excuses, today this and tomorrow that....

I didn't mind because I always lived under thereturnthat imhopingpression and hope that someday he'd realize how much I loved him and maybe learn to love me back but that didn't happen at all!imhopingpression

I was unlucky that even after his first wife's departure, her memories stayed back with this man and for that reason, he never cared about my feelings at all.

I lived in the world of yearning for your love but you always showed me that I meant nothing to you.

I gave you my whole heart hoping to receive yours in return but you kept yours out of my reach....

And all that pain which you caused me... this heart that once loved you immensely now hates you like nothing.

It only wants to see you suffering every day and night.

As they say, a wounded heart is more dangerous than a hungry wolf! I'm very dangerous and it's all because of you Beryl.

Had you given me a chance to love you.... everything would be different right now but no, your love for Tia blinded you to an extent that you had to look at me as your enemy despite my efforts to win your heart over!

I still remember the day you kissed me when you wanted to show the committee members that everything was fine between us. How could I ever forget that sweet feeling.

I love you so deeply but unfortunately you rejected my love. I was a nice person but your actions changed me to this extent so don't blame me.

Anyway I'm happy that a broken heart didn't kill me... I'm sure I didn't die because I still had something important to do and that was taking my revenge on you sir Beryl!

I returned to make your life miserable and that's what I'll do even if it's a last thing I do!"

Unto hearing Malinda's words, Andie, Casey and Marina were left emotional.

They remembered how she suffered while mending her broken heart. They were there and saw how hurt she was after she was oust from the palace and the king's life. They remembered they had promised to help her take her revenge on king Beryl but now, circumstances were as such that they were now ready to fight against her!

"I'm sorry sister. I can't aside with you despite my promise to you. I'm doing this for my two daughters. I have to secure their future and make sure to leave them with right people.

I'm not betraying you intentionally but every Mother out there would've done the same for her daughter's sake.

Sorry sister."Marina breathed inwardly on seeing her sister Malinda's worried expression on her face because no matter what, she was still her sister.

"I'm sorry aunt. I remember Mother and I promised to fight with you no matter what but today.... I'm joining hands with your enemy for the sake of my unborn baby and it's father.

I'm sorry for this betrayal."Casey thought.

"I'm very fortunate to have met you and you became my mentor. I can't forget the fact that you acted like a mother figure to me, you taught me how to fly and land back properly on ground without breaking down. You showed me how to use my powers. You taught me to differentiate between right and wrong. You gave me another chance to live the day you got me from slavery and turned me into your colleague. I remember how badly you fucked those people up when they laughed at my messy hair.

I wanted to chop it off but you insisted that I should keep it and those jokes that you used to tell me that one day somebody's daughter would fall in love with me for my broad muscular body and my long black hair.

I can't believe that I'm going to fight you today.

I.... I..."Andie thought before he walked and hugged Malinda like forever as tears rolled down his face.

"I'm still upset with you but that doesn't wash away all the good things you did for me. You showed me motherly love that I had longed for. You cared for me when I least expected it from anyone.

I think it's high time I returned all those favors. I won't let anyone lay a finger on you mother."Andie was so emotional and his sudden change left everyone wondering what had gone into him although his reason to was justifiable.

"Andie!"Malinda couldn't believe it. How come he's not angry with me for trying to kill him -Malinda was left in wonders.