

Casey shouted out loud on hearing that her precious Mother was hit by lightening. Not only her, everyone else was shocked to hear that.

"No. Nothing happened to her... nothing. Mother is alive, right Casey? Our Mother is not weak that she can die just because she's been struck by lightening.... she'll fight and win but we too have to help her. We need to go to her rescue.."Araxie cried while Trion comforted her.

They were all wondering how to save Marina when Tia returned and just fell to the floor before she passed out without telling Trion how Marina was doing.

"Mother! What happened to you. Why are you so silent. Open your eyes mother."Trion screamed.

"Did I hear you just say Mother? Why would you call Tia your mother?"the king asked after finding it strange. No wonder he felt so much attached to that bird!

"Did I really call her mother... I mean muy mother?"

"Yes. You just did and I want to know why?"the king insisted.

"Actually, he calls her mother since she was his mom's pet- that's why."Araxie lied because she knew Trion wasn't in a right state to cook up a convincing lie.

"I understand dear.

Looking at how sad everyone seemed at the moment, Andie couldn't stop cursing and blaming himself for everything that happened!

Yes, it was his fault that he once joined forces with Malinda despite her evil plans and got nothing in the end even after hurting his one and only twin brother and the lovely people who took care of him for all those years.

"I must punish myself and this is how I must do it. I have to bring Neel's mother-in-law home at any cost."Andie breathed before leaving the house while it was raining cats and dogs outside.

At that moment he didn't care about anything else let it be getting harmed or losing his powers....his only mission was to bring Marina back home.

But wait! Was she still alive? He hoped she was.

"Protect her merciful Lord."he breathed.

Elsewhere Malinda found herself feeling restless like something big was going to happen. She felt like a part of her was drifting away from her but she couldn't figure out what it really was. Of course she was bound to feel restless since her twin sister was busy fighting for her life in the blood rain.

"Could Marina be in danger? Why am I feeling this restless. What's happening with me. I can't find peace."she wondered before a bird showed up in her house despite the magical wall she had confined the palace with.

She tried scaring it away but fell surprised when the bird's feather dropped a braid to the floor.

Yes, it was Tia's ( her co-wife) . She had sent it to her perhaps it was why she returned home and passed out.

On touching the braid, Malinda quickly realized that her sister,Marina was in grave danger.

Putting their differences aside she quickly flew straight following the feather to where Marina laid all covered up with pearls.

She was trying to lift her up when someone spoke from behind ordering her to put her down.

Turning around, she fell speechless when she found it was none other than her new enemy, Andie and she knew how dangerous he could be so without saying anything she put Marina back.

"Where were you talking her?"he asked in a broad tone.

"I.... I..."Malinda found herself stammering as words refused to come out of her mouth.

Feeling like she was getting weaker, she flew away immediately since she knew her sister would be rescued. Moreso, keeping there with Andie would've resulted into a fight or argument!

Without wasting any time, Andie held Marina on his back and teleported back home with the help of Marina's braid which Malinda had placed back on Marina's head.

Andie wasn't that selfish because he collected Tia's pearls and brought them along of which Tia swallowed up the moment she gained consciousness.

"Thank you so much Andie. I will always be grateful for what you've done today."Trion was left emotional.

Andie may have brought Marina back home but she was seriously injured and looked to be dying any time soon.

They needed to heal her soon yet they had no idea on how to do that.

Trying to summon the witch's tree but in vain, Neel fell on his knees and cried.

Trion too wasn't seated, he was lost in thoughts for some good time. The thought of him losing Tia wasn't over him yet.

"Bite Araxie once again. She will start to control the bead again."the king told his son and without thinking about anything else, Trion took some steps forward and bit Araxie on the neck and by doing that, the bead instantly summoned in Araxie's hands.

They were all happy with the impression that all was well since they have gotten the bead little did they know that what was about to happen was beyond the bead's control as well and only Marina's sister could heal her.

Would Malinda agree to help? They hoped she would.

It was still raining heavily outside but they had no time to wait since Marina seemed to be dying and time soon.

"I think I'm the only one who can convince my aunt."Casey suggested but before she could finish.... Neel placed a hand on her mouth.

"I can't let you go anywhere in this rain. Think about our baby at least Casey."

"No one is going anywhere. I'll go."Araxie said because she was now sure the bead would take her there so quickly just like a falling star.

"I will come along."Trion hurried to say but Araxie shook her head in refusal.

"Why can't I?"

"Think about it, I'll come carrying Malinda so.... how will you come? Remember it's raining outside and it's not our usual rain."she reminded him before disappearing.

"What. She left! She's so stubborn. I hope she doesn't meet any difficulties on the way."he breathed.

Malinda was taking hot tea to warm herself up when Araxie landed before her.

"You! What are you doing here? Wait, how did you enter."

"Greetings aunt. I'm so glad to find you here."Araxie greeted ignoring that woman's questions.

"I'm sure you can see that I'm fine but first tell me, how did you get in here. You don't have any drops of blood on your body.. how's that possible because it's raining bloody outside and....my magical wall, how did you break through?"

Araxie didn't have all that time to answer Malinda's questions.

"I can see blood on your body, were you playing from the rain that you got this drenched."

"What brings you here anyway. I hope you aren't here to tell me that my sister is no more. If it's so, please don't tell me."

Are you aware of what happened to her? -Araxie seemed surprised before she spoke again. "How did you get to know this?"

"Is she fine or something has...."

"Nothing is going to happen to her, I've promised her that and I'm here due to the same reason. You're coming with me as it's only you who can help Mother now. She needs your blood since you're her only sibling."

"It's good that I'm being so important to you people right now... Oh wow, I can't believe you even have the guts to show up in my house despite our enemity. And who gave you false hopes that I'll help you out. Don't forget the fact that I'm a witch and witches are well known for their selfishness. We only cared for ourselves.

I admit Marina is my twin sister but the way she betrayed me and asided with you... it's still beyond me. I'm sure she revealed all my secrets to y'all and here.... you're asking me to save her life. For what if I may ask."

Araxie was fuming with anger while she listened to Malinda.

She was sure it was going to be hard to convince her that's why she made her fall unconscious and carried her straight home.

All they wanted was Malinda's blood because the two of them were twins and shared the same powers and since Marina had almost lost half of her powers to Trion through the braid she gave to him, her wounds failed to heal.

Using an opportunity of Malinda's unconsciousness, they collected some of her blood and applied it to Marina's wounds. Before they knew it she had opened her eyes.

"Thank you so much everyone. I thought I would never see you guys again. I had lost hope but thanks to that bird which brought back one of my braids and covered me with pearls, I wonder how she managed to do that but I'm so thankful."

"You still need to rest Mother. Let me carry Malinda back home. I don't want her to create a scene after regaining consciousness. See you."Araxie said before she left with Malinda and just within a bit, she was back home.

"You're such good people I must say. You could've dumped Malinda anywhere and conquered the palace back but you didn't. I'm so fortunate to have met you all and most importantly, my daughters are so lucky to have found love within this family."Marina cried in realization before she spoke again. "Araxie dear. Thank you for having a soft heart that's filled with love and respect for others. I failed to be a good mother but you, you always proved to be a good daughter but unfortunately I was blinded by hate and witchness that I didn't recognize that right from the beginning. I'm very sorry that I snatched your precious childhood from you. I hope you'll forgive me one day."

"I forgave you long time ago Mother. And anyways, let's forget the past and move on.

But Mother, I have one request. Would it be possible for you to reunite with Mrs Judith again? I heard that you guys were best friends but this crazy world drifted you apart. I wish I could invite them over to celebrate my victory. Those people helped me a lot mother."

"Don't worry dear. The moment I leave from here, I'll go straight to their house and apologise for everything I did to them. I'm ashamed of myself... like seriously. I remember I would punish you and when Judith and her daughters showed up to help you, I'd shout at them and throw them out of my compound. I really don't deserve to live, don't you think?"

"What are you saying ma'am. Shouldn't everyone be given a second chance? I admit you treated her badly but it doesn't mean you should die. You still need a second chance to show her your goodness. I'm sure she'll love that version of your and before she knows it, all her agony and what not... would be erased from her heart and only happiness will abound."Trion pointed.

"Yes mother. Araxie may have forgiven you right now but the pain we caused her, it still hasn't been erased. So, if you die today that pain will come back to haunt her. The only way to make her forget about such pain is to reform and let her see the goodness in you. You need to make her feel loved. I think it's high time you became a wonderful mother figure in her life. She needs you more than ever. Remember she's just joined the magical world. Who'll teach her how to fly. She's going for marriage soon, who'll nurse her when she's pregnant? I'm sorry to say this but it's a fact and facts must be said without holding back....her mother, Asherah would've done all this for her but you took away her life without any mercy. And this only means you have to do everything her mother would've done for her daughter. I'm sorry if I offended you but...."

"You're right Casey. You didn't offend me at all. I'm feeling relieved on hearing you scold me like this. Finally, I feel proud that my daughter has grown up and can differentiate between right and wrong.

I'm so happy that you haven't turned out to be like me, you have a good heart of which I don't possess. May God keep you soft like this."she was crying. Perhaps she was regretting her mistake."

"Stop crying Mother. Wipe down your tears and go to console Araxie. She's crying since you've reminded her of how you used to punish her friends and their mother because of her."Casey told her mother.