
With Naruto Knowledge System in Harry Potter World

Well, I got bored. With my shit like writing talent I'm trying to show my fantasy of what if MC uses naruto world elements with magic?? Well, A naruto/HP fan dies and a bored god gives him a naruto system to go to HP world. And you might wonder a ninja can kill a magician even before he takes out his wand. Then dont worry. MC uses magic but with naruto knowledge. He creates naruto elements using magic. if not he can obliterate all the magician in the world. So, there is restricition. He wont use chakra but magic. Warning: Shitty writing talent. So Sorry in advance. Just understand and get the general gist of the story. If you dont like the story dont read but dont review bad ok?? Thank You

The_Lost_God · Película
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18 Chs

10th year(2/2)

It has been a few months since I got access to my world. About after a month, Dobby used "I don't know" what magic or technique but instead of wanting freedom all the house-elves are made to serve me more loyally.

And no I'm not their master but a savior/hero like figure to them. I asked what Dobby did to them and Dobby replied, "Dobby told his story to them and they were crying. Dobby said his master is good and he never treats Dobby and other elves badly. And, I told them Dobby's and Master's dream. They wanted to be free but be loyal to you Master."

Well, That's my world and I'm like a god some being their savior isn't wrong and technically I'm going to save them. I actually gave them the freedom of choosing a place for elf village. They happily chose the European region. After that, I asked Dobby and his Legion to plant Elder Tree Seed. I also gave them a manual on how to do it. Most of the time I spent my time in my room in Malfoy manor reading and understanding Uzumaki seals. And, I must say they were the strongest clan. And, It was justifiable for 3 major villages to gather just to gang-bang them.

I first learned basic sensing seal. Actually, I learned magic strings when trying to manipulate my magic in the first two years. I learned later. Then I learned the most basic magic seal. i.e. Storage Seal. I had to learn it because, Apparently, my inventory can only be used for items from the system or items of a certain magical grade. Actually, when I tried putting miscellaneous things in inventory I got a message from Eve. It was like this,

"Creator has banned from using inventory for storing random items. He says It is disgrace of using the system for those worthless things."

I was speechless. How much can that man fall? I was wrong. He technically isn't a man. He is the creator god and he can fucking do anything he wants. Well, the gist is I need to learn sealing Jutsu. And, storage seals being one of the basic, I started with it.

Then I had a problem, I don't have storage scrolls for practicing. For it, I had to start with charms. Everywhere charms are used to expand the space. So, I asked Narcissa for books on charms. She was reluctant and I had to work a little hard during our milking session to get her to agree. And, Hooray I succeed. I started with space extension magic. I learned how they do it. The way magic paths are created and mafic flow, the runes. And, boy I succeeded. Since I can see magic paths and flow as well as control magic perfectly I was able to do it.

"Ding Ding Host has successfully learned Space expansion magic. The host is given a reward."

"Reward, Space expansion scroll creation method."

Damn boy, System is forcing me to use Naruto elements with magic. It blocked inventory and forced me to learn space scroll seal. There is no spell scroll so I had to learn charm in a magical way. And, by working hard for hours I completed that and, I get scroll making method.

"It's fine. If I had got everything from the system I wouldn't have a sense of accomplishment. I would be a power-hungry motherfucker. But, I work hard. Not like how others do but compared to them my journey is also long.", Suddenly nostalgia hit me.

I went to my world to see Elves. Damn boy, I must say they are really twisted. They had already made the Elder tree grow about 10 meters in height. And, 10 meters in diameter. I asked Eve and she said, it's because of magic in my world. They had made the elder tree grow fast.

(Elder tree is just not a type of tree but multiple trees. The tree in here is Elder Eucalyptus Tree.)

Elves had sown the Elder tree seed in a circular manner, creating a cylindrical like sealed space. If you want to go inside you can only do it either by cutting elder trees or by using magic. Inside the cylindrical space was a 100-meter radius of space. It might seem not much but it can be expanded by using space magic. In the middle was a big statue of me made of gold. I was flabbergasted.

When I looked around I saw small tents may be made for residence. "Dobby", I asked for him using the ring. He immediately responded. He happily came to grab my leg. "Master. Look we did what you asked for.", He showed me the surrounding. There were few elves coming towards me. I then looked at all of them and asked, "Why are you in tents? Why didn't you make your home in trees? These elder trees are important so I asked you to take care of them. Also, they will be the elves' home. You can make holes in elder trees and decorate it for you."

There was silence. Elves were dumbfounded. Ever since bringing them here I never asked them anything. When I asked them they thought it might be some unnecessary work but never had they thought that these trees were so much important for their hero.

I knew what elves were thinking. Without giving them chance I spoke, "Elder trees are stronger than iron by thousands of times and is stronger than mithril in legend. It can be used to make weapons and magic artifacts. But, it is also semi sentience. So, from now on it's your job to protect and take care of these woods. And, It shall be your home."

Elves were crying in joy. They finally got home. Then I asked them to create their own society. I gave them each my magic engraved knife which can cut the elder trees with ease. So, It would be easy for them to make holes in them and create rooms. I also told them that there should be a core of the tree somewhere in the middle column of the tree so don't cut too deep. As long as the core is safe tree can live a very long life. They were happy. I asked Dobby to led them and he was happy.

Before I came back I tried to get my statue away. But, it got me some death glare. Now, my turn to be dumbfounded. I can never understand these little creatures. "Sigh", I returned back. After a few days, I went back and saw that they had created a lot of holes and decorated them. Dobby had asked them to keep the elder tree blocks/splinters in one place. Everything was neatly done. Dobby had let half the Elves gather materials and Half for collecting fruits and berries in the surrounding area.

Then few elves used elder wood splinter to create needles. They used magic to create threads. And using needles to sew clothes. Some elves had created utensils from the elder wood and created fire to cook food. They had got fruits and berries in baskets made of elder trees. I was really happy for them. They had moved through so much in such a little time.

When they saw me everyone left their work and gathered near me. "Master Orion", everyone spoke in the same voice. They had reverence, respect, and love for me in their eyes. I was beyond happy. Someone loved me except for Narcissa. Then that day I spent my whole day partying with them. Later, when I was about to leave I remembered why I had come to them. Apparently, I had come to ask for their help to create a magic storage scroll. Scrolls might be a little weird so I asked them to create me Magic storage Papers. And, since elves can freely use magic I asked them to make boxes that work as a compartment in the paper and create it.

Magic storage papers need to be created by using magic flowing and magic stopping material. It means when I store things it needs to be done by using magic and put them in space inside the paper. When I get my hand out of there The magic should be stopped from flowing out. So, It needs magic stopping material to work. Magic resistance can work but if the magic power is high they can't stop it from leaking and destroying the item and the storage paper. So, Magical material that can freely let magic pass and magic material that can stop magic from leaking from space is required.