
With Love Forever

ArjunSurendran · Real
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

So tomorrow is my first day at West Shore Arts College, packing is almost done. In the evening,I moved to the college hostel. First time in my life, away from home, away from my family. Even though I felt excited, deep down the thought of being away from home hurt me.

So began the new chapter in my life, afternoon- Mom offered a ride to the train station and from there to Shillong. A journey of 90 miles from home to college. We reached the station at 3:20 pm, Train's time was 3:40. After the parking, we sat down on the bench, me looking to the right side from where the train arrives. The station was not that crowded. A few minutes of silence, then Julianne said,

" Try to enjoy, learn new things, make new friends but no alcohol".

I smiled and said " yes, no drinks ", advice that every parent gives.

An announcement came, from right slowly the train.

" Earlier than expected" - Julianne.

I confirmed after looking at my watch marking 3:35.

I picked up my heavy bag and slowly walked. I got to the train and looked back at Julianne. Her eyes are red , filled with tears, for the first time after the divorce. She wiped her tears and said " Don't forget to call every Sunday okey".

"Yeah, I will".

I looked at my ticket, seat 35 and walked in search of my seat.

32,33,34, and 35,A window seat.

After putting my bag on the carrier, I sat down and looked through the window. I can see her in the distance, looking at each window for me.

The train began to move and within a few seconds she passed me without notice.

After 2 hrs of journey, i reached Shillong . A light cold temperature welcomed me, about 1500 meters above sea level so it's natural to expect a cold climate. From the station I took a bus to the college.

After getting out of the bus, in the distance I can see the hostel gate. A few minutes walk and reached my new home. A three floors building built in a model of square bracket "[ ] "and at the center a huge tree standing spreading the branching like an umbrella about the building. There were lights on the branches of the tree which almost looked like fully grown apples in an apple tree and the fog also gave few finishing touches to the tree. There were wooden and concrete benches placed under the tree.

I entered the left side of the building and walked through the corridor passing doors and looking from room 66. Someone sitting at the bench loudly asked;

" which room"

To which I replied 66.

"So you are Willy's new roommate, your room is on the right side of the building and he is home so you need to find Mark ".

"Who is Mark " - me

"The warden, you can now find him near the gate if you go quickly ".

When I reached the gate Mark was locking the gate and put the key back to his pocket and said to me

"no , you can't go outside the gate is locked "

" I need the key to room 66 " - me.

"Follow me, " Mark said .

Mark, who is in his 70's maybe wearing a blue uniform, gradually walked towards his room. The room was well kept, offering a fan, chair , bed and on the side of the wall were all the keys hanging with its number written and there were only a few keys left. Mark took his spectacles from the pocket and within an effort searched for room 66.

Mark found the key on the third row and gave it to me.

The room was pretty decent. I must saw, more than I expected. Two beds, an old table fan when switched on crys like a sheep, an empty bookshelf, attached bathroom or toilet , a table with one leg slightly broken. After unpacking, I took a shower and hit the hay to wake up early tomorrow morning.