
With Kaido's Powers in Fairy Tail

Ryota, a young boy with mysterious powers, wakes up in a strange laboratory, unaware of his past or how he ended up there. Subjected to cruel experiments, he discovers his extraordinary physique and lack of magic. Determined to uncover his identity and escape, Ryota faces the relentless pursuit of scientists seeking to exploit his unique abilities. As he fights for his freedom, he finds himself drawn into a world of magic and danger, where he must confront his past and embrace his true power. First World : Fairy Tail Second World : One Piece Eaten Fruit : Uo Uo No Mi : Model Seiryu MC doesn't know the plot, and he will changes it. I will not add important OCS, and thats all. Not an hero or not a vilain, I would say neutral. Little harem, I have my idea (3-4 max). 1,5k~2k words by chapter Release when I want. Thanks for this fanfic !

Bananuts · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 : True Power

I was watching the bandit, who had now become a threat, and I was sure it was magic. The question was, how should I act ? I don't know the danger of magic because I have never experienced it.

My senses had become as sharp as an animal's, my eyes not leaving the man for an inch. I didn't want to attack; my heart was also anxious.


Ryota watched the bandit leader closely as a magic incantation circle formed in his right palm. The young boy instinctively felt the magical aura emanating from the man and understood that he had to prepare for a difficult fight. His heart was beating rapidly, a mix of anticipation and anxiety. However, he wouldn't let himself be defeated.

The bandit leader stood up with a mocking smile on his face. "Kid, I have to admit you have superhuman strength, but it won't help you against magic. In this world, magic reigns supreme."

Ryota took a deep breath and assumed a fighting stance. His sharpened senses and resilient skin gave him an advantage, but he had to stay vigilant. He was ready to face his opponent's magical attacks, even though he had never experienced magic before.

The bandit leader pointed his hand at Ryota, and the magical aura intensified around him. Suddenly, bolts of lightning shot out from his fingers, heading straight for the young boy. Ryota skillfully dodged the initial strikes, but he was hit by some, causing small burns on his skin.

"Lightning ? Can magic do such a thing? I need to stay calm," his eyebrows furrowed, contrasting with his childish face.

The battle raged on in the clearing, with Ryota evading the magical attacks while searching for an opportunity to counter-attack. He quickly closed in on the bandit leader and delivered a powerful punch. But the leader reacted with agility, managing to parry the blow and counter-attacking with a new barrage of magical lightning.

The bandit leader's attacks were fast and devastating, and Ryota took many hits. His resilient body allowed him to endure, but it was clear that the battle was taking its toll on him. Scratches, burns, and bruises now covered his body, bearing witness to the relentless onslaught of his opponent.

As the fight between Ryota and the bandit leader raged on, the environment transformed into a battlefield. The surrounding trees trembled under the impact of the magical attacks, releasing sparks into the air. Branches snapped, and leaves whirled in a chaotic dance.

The young boy, displaying surprising agility, dodged the magical attacks by moving with grace and speed. He leaped between the trees, using the environment to his advantage to shield himself from the surges of magical energy. With each dodge, shards of light pierced through the forest, illuminating his face.

"What the hell is this kid ? How can a damn child put up such a fight against me ?" The bandit gnashed his teeth in anger as he looked at the child's visibly mocking smile.

Ryota fought back with strength, striking the bandit leader with remarkably powerful punches. His attacks became precise and impactful, shaking the ground with each impact. The remaining bandit, witnessing the fierce struggle, cautiously backed away, realizing the devastating power of the young boy.

Despite the pain, Ryota didn't give up. He focused on his inner strength, channeling his energy to continue the fight. He evaded, blocked, and countered with difficulty, searching for his opponent's weaknesses.

The battle between Ryota and the bandit leader reached its climax, with the bandit becoming seriously angry due to the young boy's unexpected resistance. A dark and menacing aura surrounded him as he concentrated his energy to unleash a devastating spell.

The bandit leader raised his hands to the sky, and a swirling mass of black energy began to take shape above him. Dark sparks crackled around him, casting a sinister glow over the clearing. Then, with a swift motion, he hurled the mass of energy toward Ryota.

The magical spell hit the young boy with full force, sending him flying through the air. The attack was so powerful that Ryota crashed into a tree, his body sore and battered.

Deep wounds now marred his body. His already torn clothes were now in tatters, revealing cuts and burns. Dark energy sparks still danced around him, disrupting his vision and confusing his senses.

Satisfied with his strike, the bandit leader slowly advanced toward Ryota, a sadistic smile on his lips. He believed his victory was assured.

However, even in his weakened state, Ryota refused to surrender. He drew upon his last reserves of strength and struggled to rise, his eyes burning with fierce determination.

"You... you won't defeat me so easily," he murmured in a weak but rage-filled voice.

He knew it was over for him. He just didn't realize magic was this powerful; he had gravely underestimated this quest. A 7-year-old child who had put up a challenging fight against a magic-wielding bandit was already an achievement in itself.

"I still want to fight... I can't move my body anymore... Why am I so weak?" His expression was desperate and filled with anger toward himself. Ultear's words came to mind; maybe she wasn't wrong.

Weakened and injured, a strange sense of exhaustion overwhelmed him. The pain in his body seemed to intensify with each passing second, making his movements increasingly difficult. As he struggled to remain standing, a blinding flash of light cut through his mind.

Suddenly, he found himself transported into a memory. He was in a dark room, illuminated only by the flickering candlelight. A shadow, or rather a huge and imposing man, stood before him, emanating an aura of power and dominance.

In the memory, Ryota was much younger, maybe four or seven years old. His face was filled with sadness and frustration as he listened to the man's cutting words.

"You are weak, unable to defend yourself. You are nothing but a burden to others. You cannot afford to show weakness. The weak are crushed, and only the strong survive. Get out of my sight, kid !" An overwhelming aura washed over the child who sat on his knees, unable to stand up.

The words echoed in Ryota's mind, rekindling the pain of the humiliation he had felt at that moment. What was it ? He was scared for his life, but it made him angry.

The pain brought him back to reality as he stared at the bandit in front of him. A mischievous smile formed on Ryota's face as the atmosphere began to change.

Ryota slowly straightened up, his eyes fixed on the bandit, and said in a weak but confident voice, "Tell me, bandit, have you ever felt despair ?"

The bandit leader, uncertain of the meaning behind those words, responded with a mocking laugh, "Despair ? Don't make me laugh, kid. I'm the one who brings despair to others, not the other way around!"

Ryota slowly stood up, his steps unsteady but determined. "You've never experienced true despair, the fear of losing everything that matters to you. You think you're powerful with your magic, but you're blinded by your arrogance. Prepare to see your hope extinguished in the despair you have sown."

The bandit, maintaining a mocking smile, began to feel a growing unease. He couldn't understand how a wounded child could still dare to mock him.

"Look around you," Ryota continued, pointing to the damage caused by the fight. "The forest lies in ruins because of your destructive magic. You may think you're strong, but you're just a man who revels in the fleeting power granted by magic."

The bandit, increasingly annoyed by the young boy's words, retorted, "You have no idea what you're talking about, kid. Magic is a superior force, and I am its master here!"

Ryota let out a sarcastic laugh. "Master of magic? I see nothing but a fool who doesn't even realize the weakness of his own existence. You are obsessed with your power, but you're trapped by your own limitations. True strength lies not in magic, but in the determination and resilience of the heart." Ryota had a smile on his lips as the clouds grew darker.

As Ryota's words echoed in the air, a mysterious energy began to manifest around him. An intense blue glow enveloped his battered body as his arms and legs started to elongate and transform.

Bluish scales formed on his limbs, his head extended to form a snout, and a black sheath appeared along his back.

Suddenly, before the astonished eyes of the bandit, Ryota transformed into a colossal and terrifying creature, a twenty-meter-long oriental dragon with shimmering azure scales. Its eyes gleamed with an intense light as its entire body expanded to its full size.

The once confident bandit was now filled with panic. His legs trembled, and his voice choked as he stammered incoherent words.

"A monster... I'm dead." The bandit looked at the towering creature with despair. He had no knowledge of such a thing's existence.

The dragon, imbued with immeasurable power, let out a thunderous roar that shook the entire forest. Flames erupted from its gaping maw, creating an aura of destruction and vengeance.

The bandit stood frozen in place, paralyzed by the overwhelming fear that engulfed him. He now realized the gravity of his situation, facing a damn creature.

With a graceful movement, the dragon soared through the air, ascending above the bandit. Its imposing presence darkened the sky, creating a sense of oppression.

Then, with terrifying precision, the dragon unleashed its fury upon the bandit. Torrents of scorching flames spewed from its maw, engulfing the bandit in unbearable heat. The cries of pain and terror filled the air as both the bandit and his leader were obliterated by the dragon's destructive force.

The dragon in the sky quickly disappeared, revealing the small figure of Ryota, still covered in wounds and bruises.

He had been careful to control the heat of his flames, not wanting to completely incinerate the bandit. After all, he needed his head. Nevertheless, there was no chance of survival.

Ryota stood, panting and covered in injuries, yet a feeling of victory washed over him. He had managed to triumph despite his opponent's magical power. He had finally unlocked his true power; he remembered the fruit he had consumed.

Although it was the only memory that came to his mind, it was enough to remind him of the fruit. This thing could transform him into this great creature, even if he still needed training. He could transform and breathe basic fire.

As he recovered from the exhausting battle, Ryota collected the heads of the bandits, excited to have unlocked his new source of power.

Nevertheless, he still considered it a defeat. Without it, he would already be dead. He had been beaten again, which frustrated him. But now, with this asset for future threats, he felt somewhat secure.

A joyful smile formed on his face. He finally had the power to destroy everything.

I will release an another chapter this evening, hope you enjoyed !

Bananutscreators' thoughts