
Witcher: I Can Extract Everything

Heath transmigrated to an alternate dimension and awakened the [God-like Extraction System]. With the help of the system, he steadily walked the path of the Witcher to become a god. Feeble powers? No problem, the God-like System can extract attributes. Not enough talent? No problem, the God-like System can extract talent. Shabby bloodline? No problem, the God-like System can extract the noblest of blood heritage. Everything and anything can be extracted.

Lich King Number 13 · Fantasía
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393 Chs

Chance Encounter

Traductor: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The scoundrel Bruno had a surprised look on his face. After being a scoundrel for such a long time, this was the first time he had seen someone actually come out to serve justice. Had he read too many Knight novels?

With this thought in his mind, he immediately put on a fierce expression. He pulled out a dagger and pointed it at Heath with a fierce look on his face. "Are you trying to be a hero?"

Heath did not waste any words and went up to kick him.

As a high-level Knight, he was extremely strong. Even if he just casually kicked him without using any strength, he still sent the villain Bruno flying seven to eight meters away.

Bang! With a loud sound, the villain, Bruno, knelt heavily on the ground with both knees bent into a shrimp shape.

The eyeballs of the underling beside him almost did not fall out.

"Monster... Monster!"

He shouted and disappeared in an instant.