
Wings of Redemption: Light & Dark

Dylan Belmont is a 200-year-old Lust Primordial who finds it difficult to accept his origin and identity. He may be a powerful demon born with the natural desire to lust over women, but he is a kind and thoughtful man who tries his best to keep himself tamed. In order to prevent himself from giving in to his demonic side, he drowns himself with work as the President of Zemoria and Emperor of Belmont Empire. Little did they know, behind that wealthy lifestyle, amazing talents, and aesthetically handsome looks is an ordinary man struggling with self-esteem, trust issues, and controlling the evil within him. The first time he lost control of his power, his evil alter ego takes over and nearly annihilates a feared clan of vampires and dragons. Victor Aldrich, a sadistic and violent frost dragon, has sworn to exact revenge on the primordial for the death of his mother and lover. Dylan has been spending his life trying to correct his past mistakes and accept the evil within while protecting his loved ones from his archenemy. ———— Content/Trigger Warning: Blood, Gore, Language, Sexual Content, Read at Your Own Risk! ————— [ UPDATE as of 10.10.23: Fair warning, I am not good at fast updates, so expect slow updates as my real life comes first. I'm not competing for the author with the fastest updates, okay? ^^ Thank you for understanding! ]

RedZetroc18 · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Dylan – A Special Case

Finding a job and earning my own money had been at the top of my mind when I decided to live in Zemoria. Lucky for me, my dad was Asmodeus. He had opened a bank account under my name and deposited five million zia—the realm's currency. The large amount of cash made me an instant VIP member and the talk among employees.

What if I withdrew more than five billion from my bank account at home and deposited all that money? I'd probably cause a huge commotion in both banks. A suppposedly dead person . . . withdrawing and deposting cash.

Standing by the living room's dining table, I was staring at my own black credit card in my hand. My first thought was to visit the bank and withdraw 200,000Z. If I wanted to be practical, I should refrain from carrying my black credit card everywhere. What if it got stolen on my first day here in Zemoria?

Better safe than never.

"What do you think? Are you satisfied?" Dad was grinning beside me, anticipating my answer. "You have more than enough money to sustain your needs."

"Definitely, I am." I smiled and slipped my black credit card into my wallet. Placing it on the table, I said, "Thank you for your help, especially Cordelia's. If she didn't use her magic to help me unpack and decorate this house, it would have taken me a while to get everything done. Not that I was in a hurry." I rubbed my nape.

Cordelia, who was right behind my dad, politely bowed her head. "You are most welcome. It is my duty to help you at all times and get everything done in a quick manner, Lord Dylan."

My house had been fully furnished from top to bottom, but I gave it a flavor of my music. I had decorated the fireplace with photos of me performing on stage and a photo of my crying mom when I first won my music award. For the spacious areas and empty walls and shelves, we had placed my trophies, albums, and musical instruments (like an electric keyboard and acoustic guitar) to complete the look.

"Ah! Before I forget," Dad said, keeping eye contact with me. "By tomorrow morning, your own servant will be arriving. She will be a great help in finding you a job. Most importantly . . . fulfill your lustful desires when it starts to kick in."

I was about to thank him for ensuring that I have a bright future, but he reminded me of my true nature. "I'm not sure about that," I drawled.

"You will thank me when the time comes, I promise." Dad swore with a hand raised, but I judged him with my eyes narrowed.

"I'm not touching her . . . or Cordelia," I emphasized, just in case he was thinking of offering her body to me.

"You are quite stubborn." He clicked his tongue three times before patting my back, like I was a lost cause. "It seems like you did inherit your mom's human qualities. Let's see how long you can hold back your demonic side. I often wonder how powerful you are among your half-siblings."

"I'm still a novice, Dad. . . ." I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Our race is powerful, that I knew. "I'm fighting no one. I am a peaceful Lust Primordial."

Dad just hummed a happy tune while Cordelia opened another portal with a wave of her hand. I caught a glimpse of the Underworld and its . . . endless crimson morning sky. Or was it night sky? My eyes didn't linger for long when my dad blocked my view.

"Fair warning, Dylan." He turned his back on me and stepped into the portal. "You must embrace your true nature as a Lust Primordial no matter what. Late bloomers are . . . quite unstable."

Just before I could ask him to clarify that part, the portal closed. I dropped my shoulders. What a great way to drop the mystery bomb on me. How was I supposed to react to that? Be calm?

I stood there contemplating about my life's choices . . . again.

"Lord Dylan? If I may . . ." Cordelia stepped closer to me and lifted a finger. "The reason why your father called you a late bloomer is because . . . you're a special case."

"A special case?" I listened carefully. This ought to be good!

"I am uncertain if your father have told you the general definition of a primordial, but your race is seen as masters of chaos who the celestials have created to sow confusion and despair. Your mere presence will cause any mortal to pain or any magical creature to weaken.

"Feeding on emotions and magic, primordials are not to be trifled with. They are seen as the bane of hell in Zemoria and Terra due to their fearsome and cruel nature." Cordelia cleared her throat. "Obviously . . . your default qualities as a primordial hasn't shown or it simply does not apply to you. Fortunately, as a Lust Primordial, your ability to charm and seduce women are present."

My knees weakened that I had to pull out a chair and sit on it. Another bomb exploded, but right in my face. "My mere presence will cause any mortal to pain or any magical creature to weaken? Sow confusion and despair? And I'm supposed to be fearsome and cruel? Why does my dad look . . . harmless?"

"The weakening of magical creatures and causing pain to mortals is a passive skill called Predatory Pressure. It only triggers in your full demon form while using one hundred percent of your power." Cordelia hugged herself and she began shivering . . . in fear? "Lord Asmodeus is different than his . . . power-hungry brothers. As the Primordial of Lust, he only concerns himself with quenching his thirst for sex and ruling over the Kingdom of Sheol.

"Primordials in general . . . love to sit on top of the power chain compared to the archdemons and lesser demons of the Underworld." She let out a heavy sigh. "Some of your half-siblings and cousins had been . . . slained in battles."

I couldn't believe that I was admitting this, but I felt relieved to be the son of Asmodeus. My dad really seemed like a chill guy and not the type to engage in meaningless fights. I'd choose having sex with women over fighting for power.

Yeah . . . I said what I said.

"It seems like my history lessons have started. Shall we continue this talk outside?" I got up from my seat and took my wallet on top of the table. "I'd like to withdraw some cash and explore the nearest city with you. You could buy anything you want," I said, giving her a warm smile. "It's my appreciation gift to you for being my teacher."

Cordelia's amethyst eyes sparkled in delight. "Really? Anything? Lord Dylan is truly kind! If you need my body in the future, please, you have my full consent!"

I choked on my saliva. "Please . . . don't say that so casually. I'm still adjusting in that department."

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Don't mind me!" Cordelia panicked and covered her blushing face with a hand while the other hand quickly created a portal, which appeared behind her. "P-Please step into the portal. Our first destination is the capital of Velaris. The City of Monadh."