
Wings of Redemption: Light & Dark

Dylan Belmont is a 200-year-old Lust Primordial who finds it difficult to accept his origin and identity. He may be a powerful demon born with the natural desire to lust over women, but he is a kind and thoughtful man who tries his best to keep himself tamed. In order to prevent himself from giving in to his demonic side, he drowns himself with work as the President of Zemoria and Emperor of Belmont Empire. Little did they know, behind that wealthy lifestyle, amazing talents, and aesthetically handsome looks is an ordinary man struggling with self-esteem, trust issues, and controlling the evil within him. The first time he lost control of his power, his evil alter ego takes over and nearly annihilates a feared clan of vampires and dragons. Victor Aldrich, a sadistic and violent frost dragon, has sworn to exact revenge on the primordial for the death of his mother and lover. Dylan has been spending his life trying to correct his past mistakes and accept the evil within while protecting his loved ones from his archenemy. ———— Content/Trigger Warning: Blood, Gore, Language, Sexual Content, Read at Your Own Risk! ————— [ UPDATE as of 10.10.23: Fair warning, I am not good at fast updates, so expect slow updates as my real life comes first. I'm not competing for the author with the fastest updates, okay? ^^ Thank you for understanding! ]

RedZetroc18 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Dylan – Zemoria, Here I Come!

"Slave? Is that legal?" I blurted out, shooting straight up from my seat.

Cruel masters holding a whip and abused slaves wearing tattered clothes and collars around their thin neck lingered in my head. Was I exaggerating? Cordelia didn't seem like one. She looked healthy and blooming like a white rose in a garden of red roses.

Cordelia remained silent. Mom got up from our couch and walked into the dining room. Dad looked at Cordelia and signaled a nod, granting her the permission to speak. It gave me an idea that he was the original master.

"Slaves have a long history in Zemoria. I recommend the practical teaching approach for this topic as it is proven to be an effective way to retain information." Cordelia placed a hand on her chest, pouring her heart out into her speech. "If Lord Dylan wishes to know anything about our realm, I will share my knowledge to the best of my abilities. I am here to assist Lord Dylan until he no longer has need of me."

There she was calling me Lord Dylan multiple times. It felt . . . nice, but strange to be addressed like that. The idea of owning a slave was even stranger. Was I going back to the old times when owning slaves were legal? Why the mystery and suspense?

"May I know where I could find your packed belongings?" she added, keeping her tone polite and diction as clear as day.

I gave her a reluctant look while she focused her expectant gaze on me. As much as I appreciate her help, there was no way I would let her carry five large boxes.

"The boxes are stacked at the hallway." I pointed to the living room's right doorway. "Are . . . you sure you could carry them all? I'm not comfortable letting a woman do the heavy lifting. Let me help you."

Dad snickered, putting a clenched fist over his mouth. Did I say something stupid? Cordelia, on the other hand . . . I noticed the subtle change in her expression. Her porcelain cheeks turned into a shade of pink. She avoided eye contact with me and fiddled with her fingers.

"Lord Dylan is kind. Please . . . do not worry about me. I am able to lift the boxes with a simple spell," she said, flicking her wrist afterwards.

Spell? I looked to the right. Five large boxes floated into the living room and she placed them down on the floor, leaving me in awe of her ability. I was seeing real magic here. She could levitate objects without a sweat! Was she a witch?

"Wow. That is really convenient for people carrying a lot of things. You have an awesome ability, Cordelia. I'd like to know more about you first," I said, giving her a genuine smile. "Thank you for the help."

Cordelia's face turned red like an apple. She hid her face into her palms and whirled around, facing her back at me. "Y-You're welcome, Lord Dylan! It is not that big of a deal! I-I am just happy to assist you!"

Did I say something I wasn't supposed to say again? Or was she always that shy? It was kind of adorable that I let out a fond chuckle.

Suddenly, Dad slid beside me while rubbing his chin. He leaned over to my ear and whispered, "Hmm. Smooth words. It seems like you're a Ladies' Man. You're quite natural at flirting with women."

I glared at him. "I'm not trying to flirt with her, Dad. It's called socializing."

"How to Flirt 101." Dad leaned back and stroked his invisible beard. "Make her the subject of your interest."

"Are you even listening?" I dropped my shoulders in disbelief. If the rest of the Lust Primordials were like my dad, I don't think I could stomach the thought of meeting more of them. My head would surely ache.

"Dylan!" Mom called my attention. She had returned from the dining room, carrying a medium-sized black box in her hands. She handed it over to me. "Before you leave, take this with you."

"What is this?" I held the mysterious box and inspected it on both sides. "A parting gift?"

"A gift from me to you!" She clasped her hands to her left cheek. "Open it when it's time for you to rest, okay? Rest early today. Don't study too hard."

I think the huge smile on my face was going to fall off. She didn't have to give me a gift, but her small gesture really touched my heart. "Mom, you're the sweetest. Thank you for this. I will miss you a lot." I gave her a tight hug with one free arm while she looped her short arms around my torso. Her hug was tighter with a touch of motherly love.

"Go now before your friends and Ms. Yul arrives to check up on me." She patted my back and pulled an arm's length away. "I'll be fine. I promise."

"I'll come and visit you once a month," I said, then I turned to my dad who was back to his normal self. Normal as in, he wasn't being ridiculous or annoying. "Could I?"

Dad nodded, giving a warm smile. "This is where we part ways. Goodbye, Clarisse. I'll see you the next time I visit Terra."

"Goodbye, Asmo, Dylan," Mom said, smiling with her eyes.

Cordelia snapped out of her trance. She waved her hand in the air and the portal with a yellow ring opened up. My mouth formed an O-shape. I thought it was Dad's magic earlier, but I stand corrected. This made me admire Cordelia's abilites. Her non-verbal spells could have been consuming a large amount of her magic. We were hopping realms, right? She made it seem like a piece of cake.

The five large boxes floated again, and they began moving towards the portal with her guidance. Taking a closer look into the portal, I could see a thick forest and a cemented house in the background.

My heart raced.

The excitement just caught up to me that my hands and legs were trembling. What could be in store for me from the other side? Dragon slaying? Love finding? Magic training? Sword fighting? Damn. Am I entering a game world?

Cordelia moved aside and motioned her hand, prompting me to enter the portal. "Your belongings have been successfully transferred. You may pass through, Lord Dylan. It is safe."

This is it, Dylan. I released a deep exhale and moved towards the portal. One foot in. Whole body in. I passed through without a problem. Then . . . in a blink of an eye, I found myself surrounded by the woods. Northeast was a small lake. Ahead of me was the two-storey cottage with a built-in chimney.

Behind me, I sensed Cordelia and my dad stepping out of the portal but I couldn't react. I couldn't wrap my head around that I was finally in a different realm.

I was in Zemoria.