
Chapter 8 - Left Behind Part.1

[Intro: After the Funeral Incident]

As the cold rain mix's with the tears flowing down my face, clinging to big brother. Even though it's sad, he's not crying but feels angry.. but I don't know why? "dad.." he called out to papa while tugging on his sleeve but he didn't respond, "dad, please..." he kept calling out with not even a look from papa as he smacked away his hand, because of papa, he was hurt, because of papa he started crying and because of dad, the look in his eyes change.

Because of what dad did, brother almost died again, because of dad I almost lost my family again. I don't understand why this is happening, what am I supposed to think, how am I supposed to feel, I don't know.. with brother back at the hospital again and dad at work, it felt so lonely. If only I was strong enough. But how do you get strong..

~Hello there little one~

A voice rings in my ears, "Who are you?"

~Someone like you~

"Like me?" What does she mean?

~yes, you were lonely right? That's why I'm here~

"But I want to go.. see brother..."

~Hey! there's no need to cry, ok. How do you see him? do you know where he is?~

"He's in.. the hospital."

~Ok, I'll help you find him! So please stop crying~

"Really?!" I can see brother.

~Yes, but you have to help me first, if you do I'll help you find your brother~

Finally, I won't be alone anymore, "Thank you! Um? who are you?"

~A Gift~

"A Gift?"

~Yes, one your mother left you~


[Present: Louis's Home - Private Training room]

"You're almost there, just a bit more, you can do it," in order for you to be ready for the up coming tournament, daily training is necessary. "You're slowing down again, Focus!" We've been training together since we were little but I won't always be there. "Come on, ten more minutes till we're done, so go all out." Do your best, I won't fight for you but I'll always be cheering you on.

I guess meeting dad today really got to him, "yes brother!"

10 minutes later~

The floor feel so good, nice and cool, it's so comfortable, "Thanks for.. helping me out brother" I said while pealing my self up off the floor. "How was I this week, Did I improve?" I need to get stronger if I want to beat him, but first I need to learn all I can.

"Not bad but still no visible improvement, did you work on your reflexes like I asked?"

I did, So no change yet.. well there's still two months left till the preliminaries start but if I don't get better soon, I'll never win.

"Hey bro, when will you make up with Dad? I'm sure he feels sorry about what he said" I'm not strong enough to fix it, so I always have to rely on you. "I want to go back to how it use to be" a time when you smile like you used to, without that look in your eyes.

"I told you already to drop it, I don't want to talk to him"

I know how hard it's been but we can't keep this up, "can you at least think about it, please?"

"No promises, ok?"

I've always wanted to help you but there's nothing much I can do as weak as I am,

"I'll go prepare dinner so you take a bath first"

my kind and dependable big brother, "Thank you brother."

"What's up with you today, are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine really, no worries at all" I replied.

"If you say so, well I'm going" he said as he left.

You've gotten stronger again or maybe, I've gotten weaker, "I guess using you is my only option,"

~are you sure, I thought you didn't want to use me~

"I don't have the luxury to be picky anymore"

~well you can use me when ever you want~

"I will, thank you."

~no need to thank me, I'm your partner after all~

30 minutes later~

"Thanks for the food brother, just as good as always" I guess he's mood improved from my little compliment, no matter how angry he is, he'll always put it aside for me. As we were clearing the dishes the door bell rang, tell Louis that I'd get it I went to see who it was, "who is it?" I asked looking at the woman through the security monitor.

I was pleasantly surprised, I hadn't noticed at first since it was night time but I'd never forget you, "Ms. Juno! It's been too long, how have you been?" As I opened the door, bombarding her with words, brother comes from behind, literally picking me up and bringing us both in.

"Sorry about her Doc, she sometimes can't control herself" he said jokingly, at least I think it's a joke.

Chuckling to herself, trying to hold off her laughter and calming down as she came in, "it's wonderful seeing you two again, I've come by requesting your cooperation" she says looking at me.

"Our cooperation? What for?" It was rather sudden, looking at brother, he gave me a nod as if saying let's hear her out.

"I'm nearing a breakthrough with my current experiment but I need the help of spirit candidates" she briefly explained. "When I read the incident report Louis was involved in back then," she Continued. "I started researching the healing properties of mana crystals and I found something else entirely"

She put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a crystal, "what I discovered was that the crystals are alive" she declared.

"That's amazing but how does that help us? Weren't they just fuel before?" I asked, even if it's alive, how does it benefit us?

"Exactly, because they were used as fuel, if we can fuse them with your weapons & armor, we can not only enhance the abilities you already have but also unlock new possiblity" she explained enthusiastically. "From what I heard, even though Louis was great during his kendo lessons but compared to prodigies his age he's average," she continues, "after the incident, the only negative affect was his partial amnesia but a part from that, his physical strength and reflexes started improving gradually over time,".

So it wasn't that I was getting weaker, it's just that his potential is greater than mine, "Louis? Mind leaving us for a bit, please?" It's hard but I want to get stronger too.

"sure, do you guys want tea or coffee?"

"Coffee for me please." Replied Ms. Juno.

"Nothing for me, Thanks bro." I replied.

"Alright, be back soon". The sound of him waking away always terrifies me but we're home so it's fine, nothing will happen but now to ask her.

"Now that we're alone, I only have one question," it seems she anticipated my actions with how she's smiling. "If brothers power comes from the crystal in him, will I be able to be like him? No, I need to be stronger but is it possible?" I asked while waiting for her to suddenly stop me, saying it wasn't possible but she just sat there, smiling.

"Let me ask you something as well, say I was able to give you the power you want, what do you plan on doing with it?" I've always though about it ever since I met them but she's not weak, so why does she need more power. "Your one of the finest swordmasters in the region right, I mean last I checked your 30th in the regional rankings with Louis at 13th".

~are you sure about this my lady~

I've tried my hardest for so long to reach my current level but I've hit a wall, "I'm not strong and it was just lucky that I won that last match"

"Very well, come by my lab tomorrow and I'll help you get the power you want." Now I'm one step closer.

~be careful my lady, the last thing I want is losing you~

This is what I want. Don't worry, I'll be sure not to push myself.