
Will Of King

julianalilydemine · Militar
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3 Chs


I am an orphan, I have four best friends, but I feel like they are hiding something, everyone has some secret I have some too when I was waiting for my friend under a tree, I fell asleep I saw my past in memories in my dream, what I saw traumatized me, I don't know anything about my past.

all I have is just a bundle of painful memories.

I saw a huge mansion, some people are fighting to kill me, they saw I am a cursed monster, I take the wrong path in life, I will be destined to destroy the whole world, but my father was fighting all of them.

when everyone was sleeping, a strange demon in a black dress kidnapped me, my young brother killed that demon, and take me to my father, but my father was too overprotective he slap my brother and blame him, he just stand there and looked down, that memories hurt me, I wonder if he is still alive I will apologize to him, I don't know how many people have suffered because of me, I don't even know all that was dream or reality.

when I open my eyes I saw my friend, I was anxious because of my dream, but they console me, I wonder what will I do if they betray me, they are more real to me than blood relatives.

I am thinking all this because we don't know each other background nor do we ever ask, the only thing we know is that we are orphans and we gather here every day and spend our days scamming people and earning money.

when we are on our way to town, we travel to different towns, this world where some people have magical power, they tend to hide them because normal people are afraid of those power, so the kingdom uses those people but some kill them.

I don't know if my friend has power or not.