
Will Of King

julianalilydemine · War
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3 Chs

Doom Of Love

I lost my wife, I am the greatest of all, no one can defeat me, just because of my greed I lost my beloved wife, I saw a dream with my wife to conquer heaven and the earth, I was fighting with my greatest rival chi, he was the only obstacles in my goal, if I win that war only that war, no one can stop my dream to become reality.

because of that, I made a stupid choice, my wife was fighting as a defence wall for the whole army she was protecting the centre point of my army, where I was fighting on the front line.

we are fighting for 5 years, and we have already won 80% of the world, but when I was fighting with my greatest rival, I order reinforcement from my wife's unit, to ensure my victory, she was already struggling to manage our defence, but she thought I am in danger.

the unit I am carrying was the most skilled, I was winning the war, but when I took a powerful unit from my wife, our enemy get a chance to strike, and they killed my wife with fraud.

my enemy spread false news that I am losing the war which is why I ask for reinforcement, everything was too much for my wife and the soldiers, they lose their morale and my wife was killed by an assassin.

the moment my wife died, 40% of our conqueror nation start a rebellion, and I am losing control over 68% of the land, Nations are coming together against me.

because of that reinforcement, I win my war, then I saw my wife's dead body, she was poisoned, I don't know my wife is gone until I visit my kingdom to tell her the good news to my wife, I saw tears and sadness all over my kingdom.

I have won the biggest nation now I can easily win the whole earth in 3 months, at the cost of my wife's life.

I become blind by my rage I become cold and cruel, I kill everyone children women, old men, and animals, and everywhere I saw happiness, I destroy everything, and because of that my own general kill me, he was the most trusted person.

when I conquer the whole earth.

I was deciding on punishment for all the kings and queens who fought against me, I saw only them as killed of my wife, I forget they are human too.

when I was talking with my general, he said.

general:- I am sorry to say, but you should retire, you are not in a position to govern, you have spilt so much unnecessary blood.

king:- it is not enough I need more, this world has to compensate more, but now I can't do anything I want to see my wife, please kill me.

I drink wine and my vision got blurry

general:- I ask about your future Saint he said you and my queen will going to reborn again, so you can die in peace.

I died he mix poison in my wine, I can never find such a loyal friend as him