
Wild Side by Queenie Cao

Queeniecao4 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

03| The party pt. 1

Addison's POV:

Ahhhh! Ok so today there's no homework. I guess it will be ok to go to Tyler's party. I'll not drink since I have class tomorrow, I was thinking when suddenly I heard the three come in. I turn around and glare at the boys.

"I thought you said you'll be at the front waiting for me?" I said with my eyebrows raised. Lilac found the snack I made for her and went to eat it leaving me and the idiots.

"Sorry sis, we got carried away..." Ashton started.

"Uhh ya sure. Carried away with your new friends and girls am I right? I'm not dumb or blind." I interrupted really pissed.

"What? How?" The two stuttered confused. "I have my ways dumb asses. Now is there anything else you must tell me about? Anywhere you guys are headed later?" I ask sensing if I didn't, they would just leave me alone again. They look at each other in shock. They deserve to be shocked. I tap my foot impatiently waiting for an answer.

"Uhh, what do you mean?" They acted inocennt scratching their neck. Those dumbasses are seriously dumb. They dumb or stupid or dumb?

"Give up the act I know you two are headed to Tyler's not bothering to ask me or tell me. What brother are you Ashton? And you Ryder what type of close friend are you?" I scoff and roll my eyes. I don't wait for an answer from either of them and storm upstairs.

Ok, time to get ready.

*A hour or so later*

Outift: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/633107660110964845/

Hairstyle: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/762163936924312780/

Phew. That was hard work. I redo my nails as earlier just with black and wait for Madeline and Sabrina to come.

Mads, Sab, Addi 😜💎😎

Mads: Hey grl we here. We saw Ash and Ry leave

Sab: U bish better get ya ass outta your house

kay, im comin ash and ry r gonna get itttt afterwards again

Mads: lmao wish you all my strength

Sab: haha same now get here

"I'm here" I say laughing. I get in the car and we drove a few blocks down from my place to this house which I assume is Tyler's house. I see lights flashing and hear people screaming, cheering and laughing. Oh dear. As the we got out of the car, I spotted Ryder drinking and dancing with girls and playing tongue tennis with a bunch of them. Wtf?! Mads, Sab, and I went inside Tyler's house and was greeted by Ryder playing tongue tennis with another bimbo walking into a room. Ew, they gonna do the dirty.

"Hey beautifuls. I'm Tyler if you didn't know. Come on upstairs, we're playing truth or dare or drink." The black haired guy greeted us. We turn to him and greet him back and head upstairs. I was walking upstairs after Madeline and Sabrina when I felt a hand holding on to my wrist. I turand came face to face with Tyler.

"I'm heading upstairs, Mads and Sab are gonna be worried if I don't show up." I said trying to get out of his grip. He shook his head and told me to follow him to the elevator. He said that "someone as sunny as you shouldn't walk the stairs." Oh well, I took the elevator with him up to the second floor and got him to let go of my wrist and met up with Mads and Scar.

"Summers! Where did you come from? I thought you were behind us?" Sabrina questioned puzzled. I explained what happened to them and they were gasping.

"He likes youuuuu" Madeline cooed lowering her voice. I shot her a glare and a confused look. It's not possible though, we just met.

"What do you mean? He doesn't, he was probably just trying to get us there faster or being a gentleman or some random reason. We literally just met!" I scoffed. They are insane for thinking such thing. We walk into the room and saw Ashton, Ryder, the bimbo, cheerleader captain, and other people. The three of us sat next to each other and the game began. It hasn't landed on either of us yet so I'm safe. I see Ryder spin the bottle and it landed on me. Holy shit! I spot him smirking again.

"Truth or dare sunshine?" He asked me still with that stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"Truth." I say blandly. He puts a hand to his heart and pretends to be offended. I roll my eyes.

"Ok then, who is the most attractive person in this room?" He asked with quite some confindence. We'll see about that. He was never specific soooo.

"Mads and Sabrina." I reply laughing. He turns and looks at me with shocked eyes causing everyone to laugh. "You were never specific dumbass." I said with a smirk of my own. We all laugh again. It was my turn to spin the bottle and truth or dare someone. It landed on the bimbo. What a nice coincedence.

"Truth or dare-" I say before she interrupted me.

"My name is Andrea." She sneered. Ok then. Two can play a game for sure. Although, I am wondering how did she sense I was gonna say bimbo or whatever?

"Ok Andrea, Truth or Dare?" I ask with sarcasm. I hear Mads and Scar snicker behind me.

"I'm not a scardy cat so dare." She said. She's gonna get itttt. I have perfect ideas running in my mind right now. I'll go easy on her.

"I dare you to let Madeline, and Sabrina each crack an egg and I crack two on your hair and pour a bucket of ice on top." I smirk. I know those girls care abour their precious hair so much. Time to ruin it. Madeline and Sabrina turn to me with huge grins and silently thanked me and I returned my gaze to Andrea. I mentally laugh when I saw her with wide eyes in shock.

"I thought you weren't a scardy cat Andrea." I heard a voice say. I turn and find Tyler and both our friends howling in laughter.

"Fine." I hear her say and we all quickly turn towards her. Ok, unexpected but yayyyy! Tyler fetched the eggs and a bucket of ice and two towels. We moved to the backyard and had a section cleared out for us to do the dare. Andrea stood in the middle with a "confident look", but I can see in her eyes, she didn't want this and was somewhat scared. Tyler hands Mads and Scar an egg and a small bowl of ice and tapped my shoulder to give me two eggs and a slightly larger bowl of ice.

"LETS DO THIS GIRL!" Mads and Sab cheered. Mads cracked the egg on the side of Andreas hair and poured the ice down her shirt. We cheered and laughed. Scarlet smashed the whole egg with the shell onto the opposite side of her head and poured the ice in the front of her head. Oh dear. My turn. I walk up and crack the egg plopped in the middle and I asked Tyler to do the last since he helped get the things. He threw the damn egg on her back and she shrieked. I quickly got my melted bowl of ice and poured it over her hair and back and handed her a towel while they howeled in laughter. I guided her to the outdoor shower and let her rinse her hair and she was in a bikini soooo she could easy rinse off the egg on her back. I left the towel there and told her to come back upstairs if she wanted to. She nodded and I caught tears streaming down. Oh boy, I feel bad now. I don't say anything and quickly went to ride the elevator up to the room.

I feel someone push me into a room and I kicked them in their stomach. I turn and see Ashton lying on the floor on top of Ryder. Oops? Nope. Not sorry.

"What was that for?" Ashton groaned clutching his stomach.

"For you out of nowhere push me in here. Now go ahead and explain yourselves." I argue back. The two idiots get up and sit on the chairs. They stare at me and I stare right back.

"Uh... I forgot sunshine." Ryder spoke up. I laughed.

"Uh don't sunshine me. Now if you'll excuse me, Mads and Sab are waiting for me." I said and left the room and went back to the room I was heading for earlier. As I entered, I heard the cheer captain truth or dare Sabrina and Sabrina chose dare.

"I dare you to kiss Ashton." The cheer captain said. I looked confused since Ashton was in the room down the hall. I turn around to see Ryder and Ashton walking in with ice packs. The group looked confused and stared at them.

They turned to us and said, "Ask Addison." I roll my eyes as I feel all eyes on me. I sigh.

"They deserved it. I kicked Ashton not knowing he was the one with Ryder who pulled me in the room down the hall and Ashton fell on top of Ryder." I explain. Just seconds later, they bursted into a laughing fit. The fun was interrupted by a sharp clap produced by the cheer captain who I later found out was called Ashley.

"Guys, Sabrina still has to do her dare!" She said. We immediately stop and wait for Sabrina to procceed. Sabrina gets up and walks over to Ashton and pecks his cheek and runs out of the room. I suppose to the bathroom. We laugh again and I see Ashton has a confused look on his face but behind that look, a hint of blush.

*about a hour later*

Ugh! Mads and Sab left me here while they drank away dancing. I suddenly feel someone tap me. I turn around to find James who was Tyler and my brother's friend.

"What do you need?" I mumbled.

"YoushouldcomewithmeyourbrotherAshtonandhisfriendRyderIsupposeishisnameahavingafightwithTyler." He rambled on and stopped to take a breath only to continue. "MadelineandSabrinatriedbreakingthemupbut they wouldntbudgeanditcausedMadlineandSabrinatogetbruiseswhicharenowfadingsincewegavethemanicepack." I stare at him.

"I couldn't catch most words except my brother and Ryder and Tyler fighting yada yada yada and Mads and Sab got hurt." I replied. Wtf were the two idiots planning on doing tonight? Kill a boy?! And no not Mads and Sab, they only had 3 drinks and they did try to break up those idiots.

"Well yes, but they supposed that you would be able to stop the fighting since they told me they heard them yelling things including your name, Addison." He simply answered. I nodded slowly and got out of my bar stool and followed him to where there were people crowded around. I heard bangs and shouting. Ok that's it I had enough. I head to the fridge and grab 5 ice packs and towels from a nearby bathroom.

"Move idiots." I say and push through the crowd. I see Ashton and Ryder punching Tyler and then Tyler punching them back. Holy shit.

"ASSHOLES, STOP OR IM PHYSICALLY GONNA STAND THERE AS A BARRIER BETWEEN YOU DUMB ASSES!" I hollered. They didn't stop. Ok guess I'm doing it. I tell James to clean them up and put ice on them when they stop. I get some girls to help too (not the bimbos that want to be close to the boys). I sigh and I walk between Ashton and Ryder on one side and Tyler on the other. I feel pain in my back and stomach as soon as I stepped there. Then the world went black.


Hey readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do you think Addison went into coma or did she just blackout? What do you think the boys were arguing about causing them to fight?

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