
wild dogs at night

A small town called spring haven which was once a haven from werewolves is no longer safe after few weeks that Mr. Beckham moved in with his family seeking for safety. The Sherriff of the town vows to solve the mysterious death in his town but there is so much that he does not know yet.

Shady_Blaq · Ciudad
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21 Chs

An Old Friend

Tonight is going to be a full moon, Chandler woke up this morning nervous and paranoid. Just a few days ago he was anxious to see the next full moon because he would finally break his seal and become a full werewolf with the help of his father. He was starting to think about how everything might be different now, his father told him that the first thing to learn is control so you could go on living like a normal person.

He wants to continue to live normally but he still wants to break his seal so he could taste what it would be like to feel different and more powerful than he used to be. His father told him how scared people used to be of werewolves before until they all went into the shadows to avoid all that but he also told him that that did not prevent the hunters from still hunting them. He was scared when his father told him that hunters might be in Spring Haven too, at first he thought that his father was trying to get him terrified so he would have cold feet and forget the idea of breaking the seal but his father let him know about the history of Spring Haven and why werewolves are scared of coming to the town.

The most vicious werewolves hunting family originated from this town, werewolves hunters were supposed to hunt werewolves that were a threat to humans but they did not care if the werewolf was a kid or haven't even shed any blood, they killed any and every werewolf they could capture. With time, they drove all the werewolves out of Spring Haven and no werewolf dared to return during that time. Many werewolf hunters heard about what this family did and they wanted to do the same, that's how every werewolf hunter did not care about if you're violent or not, they just want every werewolf out there dead.

Chandler was terrified the whole day that his father told him the story of the hunters, he realized that being a werewolf meant that you're living like a fugitive always scared of the werewolf hunters and the fact that a werewolf is in this town dropping bodies means that if the hunters are not in this town already then they would be on the way.

Chandler opened his eyes as he still lay down on his bed, he could hear someone ring the doorbell and then someone walking upstairs a few seconds later before he then heard a knock on his door.

"Tell them I'm coming down now." He yelled so his mother could hear him, he knew it must be one of his clients that came to drop their dogs off.

He plans to stop the dog training or whatever it is he was doing and today was supposed to be the last day, he knew that if he continued then it won't be long before a hunter could connect the dots about a new kid in town that could communicate with dogs. If he is going to break his seal then he has to be more careful now, he understands that they are more that he was yet to understand and the only people he could trust was his parents.

Chandler got up, he was just wearing his shorts and socks so he wore a shirt and rushed down to see who it was so he could remind the person that today would be the last day. He opened the door and Alice was standing outside with her dog smiling, she already forgot about what he did to him the day that they were supposed to go out for a movie and they were starting to become good friends but he has not forgotten that she has a boyfriend to avoid him falling too much for her. Chandler was about to say something first as she was just smiling but his father was walking in, he was outside working on his truck getting ready to go to their cabin in the woods.

"Good morning Mr. Beckham." Alice greeted Chandler's father as she stepped out of the way so he could walk in inside.

"Mornin', dear." Mr. Beckham responded with a quick smile but he seemed to be in a hurry so he walked inside quickly to get what he wanted to get inside.

"Do you want to come inside?" Chandler asked, he realized that was a stupid question to ask because she was heading to school and he knows that.

"I have to get going so I won't be late for school."

"Yeah, I know," Chandler replied as he chuckled wryly.

Alice dropped off her dog and Chandler took her dog from her hands, he looked at her and she smiled. It was hard to tell if she was flirting with him with her eyes or if that was just how her eyes were sometimes but he was trying not to read the meaning of all that.

"So after today, you won't be doing this again?"

"Yeah" Chandler replied

"You still don't wanna tell me why?" She asked

"I just want to help my dad out more with his work and I can't do that and do this too." Chandler lied.

"Yeah, you can't. I wish this lasted though."

"Me too," Chandler replied, Alice smiled as she turned and left.

"You know, being a werewolf can't help you see through houses. She's long gone, boy." Mr. Beckham whispered to Chandler's ears from behind and he was startled, he was looking at Alice until she was gone and he was not aware when his father sneaked in behind him. Mr. Beckham chuckled as he walked outside and then to his truck.

"Not funny Dad!" Chandler yelled as he slammed the door and went back upstairs with Alice's dog in his hands.

Mr. Beckham got in his truck and he drove off straight to the woods where his cabin was, since Chandler started the dog training he was the only one doing all the work but after tonight then Chandler would help him out more because he would close the dog training work he was doing for a few weeks now. That was just the upside of cracking Chandler's seal tonight but he was not in full support of that, he wanted to know why the Entities wants him to do that but since then he has not been able to contact anyone that could tell him what was going on. Brian and his friends were nowhere to be found too, he was still worried that the Entities had plans for Chandler and it won't be a good plan so he was worried that they might just be doing exactly what they want if they crack his seal tonight.

Mr. Beckham stopped his truck in front of his cabin as he stepped down and walked inside, he came out a few minutes later with ear muffs in his hands. He was about to pick up his chainsaw at the back of his truck but he stopped, he was sure that he heard a sound behind him so his ears perked up as he turned around slowly. As he was turning, he heard a noise that sounded like a gentle whistle in the wind and before he could decipher what it was he saw a dagger flying to his face and he dodged it as he caught the dagger on the grip. He looked swiftly around the direction that the dagger came from but he did not see anyone so he took a glance at the dagger and smiled.

"Brad Crawford!" Mr. Beckham yelled with a smile on his face as he looked back in the direction that the dagger came from again and a man emerged from the woods, he was almost the same age as Mr. Beckham, or maybe older a bit.

"Alvin Beckham!" The man yelled back as he giggled and walked to where Mr. Beckham stood grinning.

"I still can't sneak up on you huh?" The man said as they both hugged tightly and pats each other on the back.

"You're still slow, man." Mr. Beckham said as he smiled and they disentangled from each other.

"I thought you'd become soft," Brad said as he grinned showing his white teeth that were missing one on the front upper one, it looks broken.

"It's been ages man. Let's go inside first," Mr. Beckham stated as he walked inside and Brad followed from behind.

They both walked inside the cabin together, it was a little dark but the rays of sunlight from outside lit the room a little but it was enough to see what the inside of the cabin looked like. It was not much, two sofas were facing each other and a wooden homemade table was in the middle. The wall had animal skins and heads hung on it, it was a few wild animals that Mr. Beckham has had to kill since he started his work even back then in New York City. Brad walked around nodding as he looks around the cabin, he saw a picture hung on the wall too and he got closer to see the picture.

"This must be the boy," Brad said as he pointed at the picture and it was a picture of little Chandler and Mr. Beckham.

"I guess that's why you're in Spring Haven too, did they send you too?" Mr. Beckham asked as he sat down on of the chairs and requested that Brad should sit too with a gesture of his hand.

"No, they don't even know that I'm here. You know that I hate it here, too many bad memories even for you. Does the boy know that you were the one that told the Entities about him and the curse by his mother, does he know that you're the reason why he and his mother had a target on his back?" Brad asked as he smiled and walked to the chair opposite the one that Mr. Beckham was sitting in and sat down too.

"He doesn't need to know that, I was a douchebag back then."

"You know someone will tell him eventually so it would be better if he hears it from you."

"Let me worry about that, tell me why they want him to break his seal now," Mr. Beckham asked for the answer to the question he has been looking for the answers for a few days now.

"you're going to do it tonight right?"

"I'm not sure yet, I just want to know why they would want that now."

"Everything has changed old friend, the Entities are tired of hiding in the shadows so they want to come out. They want every werewolf to be able to live freely and not in fear of the hunters." Brad stated.

"And they think that Chandler could help them with that?"

"The curse says he could change everything about werewolves so they could live freely with humans again."

"Or destroy everything. You guys forget about all that too?" Mr. Beckham asked with his voice getting high and the vein on his forehead popping out.

"Of course, we didn't forget about that, we just have to keep an eye on him so we can put him down if he is going the wrong way about all these but all this can't work until he breaks his seal because we think only then would he understand what's it's like to be a werewolf and could defend it and find a way to fulfill his destiny in a way that would help the werewolves."

Mr. Beckham was silent for a moment there, he was just looking at Brad who was sitting relaxed on the sofa opposite him. He understands that it would be a bad idea for him to allow Chandler to break his seal now because he would be watched closely by the Entities after that and any move that shows he was against the werewolf or anything that could harm the werewolves existence then they will have to put him down. He was worried about the hunters looking for Chandler if he breaks his seal but now he understands that it is not just the hunters that they would be scared of but even the Entities.

"So they just see him as a means to what they want and when he does not conform to what you all expect from him then you just put him down?" Mr. Beckham asked lowly but even Brad could tell that he was getting crankier.

"Well, if you put it like that..."

"I don't think he would be breaking his seal." Mr. Beckham cut in

"Don't be stupid Alvin, how long do you think before another person helps the boy with it? The boy wants it too, it would be wise if you're the one to help him and you would be there too to make sure that he does the right thing."

Mr. Beckham knows that his old-time friend was right even though he could not admit it, the Entities already sent some kids to do that and they almost succeeded if he did not come to the basement that night. The wise decision would be for him to help Chandler tonight to break his seal since he wants it too then he could make sure o help him every step of the way.