
Wielding a Great Sword at Hogwarts - John Wick

Intro: Dive into a fusion of magic and might with "Wielding a Great Sword at Hogwarts," a tale that follows the tale of John Wick, a transmigrated youth who brings the art of the greatsword to the halls of Hogwarts. Witness his journey as he carves a unique path in the wizarding world. About "Wielding a Great Sword at Hogwarts": John Wick's arrival at Hogwarts disrupts the status quo, as he brandishes not a wand, but a formidable greatsword. As a Slytherin, he must contend with the house's reputation and the intrigue that comes with it, all while mastering the delicate balance between swordsmanship and spellcasting. His presence challenges the traditions of the wizarding world, introducing a new kind of combat that blends the physical with the arcane. Amidst the backdrop of house rivalries and the usual perils of Hogwarts, John Wick uncovers sinister plots and stands as a guardian to his fellow students. His story is one of adaptation, courage, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in a world where magic reigns supreme but the sword still has a place of honor. ____ This is a translated fanfiction original title: 我在霍格沃茨抡大剑(全本) ___ Patreon: patreon.com/NovelAudioForge Youtube for Audio: https://www.youtube.com/@NovelAudioForge/featured

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Chapter 4: The Minister of Magic and the Juggernaut

September 1st. The Wick family was at King's Cross Station, sending their son off. Watson, clad in a suit and leather shoes, clutched an address in his hand, scrutinizing it repeatedly to ensure its accuracy. "Nine and three-quarters?" Despite having lived in England for years, Watson had never encountered such a platform at King's Cross. The family roamed aimlessly, unable to locate it.

John, observing Watson's unwavering determination, couldn't help but feel amused. He had volunteered to witness the legendary wizarding trains, driven by a Muggle's inevitable curiosity towards magic. Having familiarized himself with the story, John knew exactly where to look and found the concealed entrance between platforms nine and ten. With a wave goodbye to his father, John confidently approached the barrier and, to his father's astonishment, vanished through it.

Navigating the bustling platform, John's attention was momentarily diverted, resulting in a collision with a young girl. "Oops." The impact sent both their bags tumbling, scattering books across the ground. John's physical conditioning proved advantageous, allowing him to remain upright, while the less fortunate young witch found herself in disarray.

"Are you okay?" John quickly offered a hand to the fallen girl, gathering the scattered books. As he did so, he caught a glimpse of her appearance: a wizard's robe, unruly brown hair, sharp brown eyes, and notably prominent front teeth. John, ever sincere, couldn't help but comment, "Your front teeth are really big."

Hermione, the girl in question, felt her mood sour instantly. As a dentist's daughter, her larger-than-average front teeth were a sensitive subject. John's remark, though unintended, did not endear him to Hermione. Unaware that he had just insulted Hermione Granger, one of the famed trio from the Harry Potter series, John continued to help her with her belongings. His smile was genuine, but Hermione was not in the mood to appreciate it.

"Thank you," she muttered, quickly pushing her luggage away from the awkward encounter.

John mistook her haste for shyness, brushing his hair back and remarking to himself with a mix of sadness and narcissism, "I'm so damn charming."


On the train, John found himself in an almost empty carriage, gazing out the window. He recalled that today was supposed to mark the first meeting between Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Unfortunately, he missed witnessing the iconic moment.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" A timid voice broke his reverie. It belonged to a boy with a round face dotted with freckles, his expression nervous and unsure.

John smiled warmly. "Please, sit down."

Neville Longbottom, relieved by the invitation, took a seat opposite John. He quickly realized that the boy before him, with his delicate features and a brown woolen sweater, exuded an air of confidence. John's wand moved between his fingers with ease, reminiscent of a snake obeying its master. Sitting with John, Neville felt an odd mix of intimidation and fascination, wondering what sort of person he had just encountered. Across from Neville sat a cowboy, casually spinning a revolver in his hand. Neville, timid as ever, shrank into a ball and pressed himself against the car window, trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. Suddenly, his pet toad, Trevor, leaped out, prompting Neville to quickly grab him, fearful of causing any offense. He sneaked a glance at John, the cowboy, and upon noticing John's gaze on him, Neville quickly averted his eyes, worried he had angered the man. However, John's attention was actually on the toad, which stirred memories within him.

"A toad? I recall someone in Harry Potter had such a pet," John mused, remembering the few details he could from the series. Among those memories, the name of Neville Longbottom stood out, known as the Hogwarts Juggernaut. Stretching out his hand with a friendly smile, John introduced himself, "Hi, my name is John Wick."

Nervously, Neville replied, "I, my name is Neville Longbottom."

John internally acknowledged Neville's significance, considering him a true Gryffindor and a potential "son of prophecy" as some online theories suggested. He believed in the idea of dual saviors, recognizing that both Harry and Neville played indispensable roles in defeating Voldemort. Yet, he kept these thoughts to himself, causing Neville to worry about the silence that followed his introduction.

Just then, a confident voice interrupted their quiet, "Can I sit here?" Hermione Granger, with her curly hair and prominent front teeth, appeared. Neville, eager to ease the tension, quickly invited her to join them. Hermione, recognizing John from an earlier encounter that day, felt a twinge of annoyance remembering his comment about her teeth.

The atmosphere grew tense once more until Hermione, extending a hand towards Neville, introduced herself in a softer tone, "Hermione Granger." Neville, relieved by the break in silence, introduced himself in return. John, realizing the girl with the "big front teeth" was Hermione from the protagonist group, introduced himself as well.

Hermione, curious about Neville's magical background, bombarded him with questions about magic. John, observing Neville's discomfort, intervened, explaining that magical talent varies greatly among individuals, mentioning his own Muggle background to put Hermione at ease. This sparked a conversation between John and Hermione, bridging the gap between them and lightening the mood in the compartment.

Their discussion veered into various topics, from the differences between Muggle and wizarding worlds to the nuances of magical education. John's unique perspective as a Muggle-born wizard fascinated Hermione, who was always eager to learn more about the magical world. Neville, now feeling less pressured, listened intently, occasionally contributing to the conversation.

As the train journeyed towards Hogwarts, the trio formed an unlikely friendship, united by their shared experiences and curiosity about the magical world. John's presence, initially intimidating, became a source of comfort and camaraderie for Neville and Hermione, setting the stage for their adventures at Hogwarts. As they journeyed through the wizarding world, the group found themselves frequently turning to Neville, a local, for insights. The atmosphere within the carriage grew warmer with their conversations. However, amidst their chatter, Neville realized his toad was missing. Hermione, ever helpful, volunteered to accompany Neville in search of his toad. Before departing, she turned to John, inquiring if he wished to join them.

John, lounging comfortably and contemplating where to take his next bite from the chocolate frog he had just purchased, felt too content to move. With a casual wave of his hand, he declined, "I think I'll stay here in the carriage. We wouldn't want anyone thinking it's empty and taking our spots."

Hermione nodded, finding logic in his words, and together with Neville, she left to search for the missing toad throughout the train.


If you are tired of reading I also have this converted to an audio novel on my youtube 


Direct Link to playlist 
