
Why Is My System In Hardcore Mode!?

[ System Activated ] [ Congratulation host, you have been blessed with the Mission Achiever System ] [ Finding New physical body for host ] [ New body has been found ] [ Host, the world you will be reincarnated into has spiritual energy rejuvenated 50 years ago ] [ Ding ] [ System Updated ] [ Difficulty of the missions has been set to Hardcore Mode ] [ Host, Good Luck ] Come, Watch Our Boy's journey to the top as he tries to complete it with ridiculous requirements.

StumblingtoSuccess · Fantasía
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21 Chs

The Three Companies and Families?

Nathen and Rose arrived before the portal and slowly entered.

Light flashed before their eyes, and they appeared on the other side of the portal.


Immediately, they were met with constant flashes from cameras. They covered their eyes with their elbows and then looked up.

They saw hundreds of news reporters and journalists being blocked by people in black business suits.

Nathen asked with extreme confusion."What is happening!?"

"I think I know.' He looked at Rose and saw her facepalming.

Nathen wanted to ask what does she know when he was stopped by someone suddenly.

"Miss Rose, are you okay?" An old man in a butler outfit came before Rose and asked with concern.

"Yes, uncle Roger, I am fine." She said it with a smile.

"Don't say uncle in front of everyone." Roger said nervously."Miss Rose, you should enter the car quickly. Your brother is waiting."

Her eyes widened. "He is here!? Why would he come? Doesn't he only care about getting into the top 3?"

"Haha. Mss, whatever it may be, you are his sister after all." Roger said with a smile.

"I doubt that," Rose said helplessly.

"Uhh, can you tell me what happened, and please get these out of me." Nathen struggled as he pushed away the cameras and microphones that were being shoved into his face.

"Please, tell me what is your name?"

"How do you, Miss Rose? Are you his secret lover?"

"What did you experience in the mutated dungeon?"

"You are one of the few newbies who cleared a mutated dungeon, can you tell us how you did it?"

"Did Miss Rose carry you?"

Nathen was getting pushed back more, even though the bodyguards were having a hard time.

If we have to know what happened, we should take a small sneak peek into the past.

Right after Nathen and Rose entered the dungeon, it immediately turned red.

The bodyguards tried to enter but were forced back. The examiners who were here to assess the test quickly called their branch office.

Inside a well-decorated office room, sat a man in his sixties. He had white hair down his shoulders and a small beard. He was the owner and CEO of HighRise Inc. His name was Jacob Grandior.

He was currently checking what next direction their company should go.

Suddenly his phone rang up. He picked and put it in his ear.

A few seconds later, the coldness in his face was replaced with shock. He quickly said."Dispatch everyone near the portal. I don't want anyone to be near that."

After hanging up the phone, he leaned into his chair and whispered to himself. "Rosalie, forgive me if I have made a mistake."

Near the portal, the driver who just informed Jacob looked worriedly at the portal.

He waited for the bodyguards to arrive, but what he saw made him sweat. The people from the other two big companies arrived.

Planet Ruminar had a total of three companies that ruled the business world. The Grandiors' HighRise Inc. was one of them. The other two were Blob Inc. of the Ratkans and StarInk Co. of the Forgers.

They were always trying to weaken each other and rule the business world of Ruminar. But no one was able to do that.

Still, throughout the constant secret war between them, they have made each other their blood-sworn enemies. Nobody would miss the chance to diminish others, and for that, they would even shake hands with the enemy.

They were considered by everyone that they were just a family that just does business as fake up.

From the Ratkans came a group of people in golden, shiny armor. The one leading the team was a man with blonde hair who had a smug smile on his face. They had a straight spear on their armor's chest.

While from the Forgers came people in white outfits that had black borders as edge. There was a logo of a sword and hammer cross on their outfit's chest. This team was led by a woman who had long, red hair that was just longer than her shoulders. She had a sharp, double-edged sword on her waist.

The man leading Ratkan's team was called Majnu Ratkan. He was from the direct mainline family. He said to his man."Have the guys stopped those stupid reporters?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. We have to do whatever it takes to have that girl die." Majnu said as he smirked at the woman who led the Forger's team. "Isn't that right, Sonia?"

Sonia glanced at Majnu with a cold face. "Don't you ever call me by my name. I just came here because I have nothing to do."

"Oh ho, is that so?" Majnu retracted his gaze from her bouncy breasts and looked at the portal. "What an unlucky girl! To be able to experience a mutated dungeon."

The guards from Grandior's panicked, but they still stood before the portal, protecting it. The examiners knew the situation had worsened and might turn into something more brutal at any moment.

At that moment, a white streak zoomed through the air and landed before Majnu and Sonia.

Sonia pulled her sword out immediately.

On the other hand, Majnu smiled. "Well, well, if it isn't the ordinary genius, Raider Grandior."

As the dust settled, they were able to see a teenager who was in his twenties, standing tall, in a green shirt with black borders and black pants. He had green hair, sharp eyebrows, and a clean face.

His face was icy cold, like he had no emotion. He glance at Majnu and Sonia, then said calmly."I request that you guys leave because I am currently in a very bad mood."