

Arthuryasmin008 · Otras
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37 Chs


I woke up Because of a strange feeling i got that someone was in the room with me.....i looked around i realized i was in familiar surroundings but not alex's house.....we where in the palace....i guessed right.....My mind was a bit relaxed when i figured out that i was in the palace that meant that alex was with me and that i was safe.....But then i felt it again...i swung my legs down the bed....it was still dark outside but the moon and stars shone brightly outside making the room clear enough for me to see.....i put on my slippers which was dropped there by alex..i smiled as i realized he did that....but that feeling that someone's prying eyes were on me came to me again.

" Who's there??...." I asked more to myself than to anybody.

" Lexy??..." i called out again yet no reply.

" Is anyone there??.." I asked and no reply...i gave up and decided to go back to sleep...But as i turned i felt a strong arm pull me back and pushed me to the wall with his hands on my neck..choking me...with long nails piercing my skin bit by bit....due to the light from the windows i was able to detect the face and seeing the face i lost all strength to even call for help.....No...Its impossible...he can't hurt me.....its just an illusion...He can't hurt me...i kept reminding myself.

It wasn't long before the door was flung open and Alex came through the door....there i was convinced that the person choking me to death was an impersonator and not my lexy.

" Let go of her..." He ordered calmly....i began to wonder if he was normal or not....i was literally choking and he was talking to the guy choking me up.

He didn't talk again but then the Impersonator let go of me and it was done on impulse.....Alex had done something to him but what....the next moment he was gone and i let my self fall to the ground but alex's reflexes were quick enough to hold me up....just then Zain and some other guy i recognized came in ...no materialized in to the room.....i began to feel some sought of drowsiness and things began to get blurry....i couldn't hear properly as well.

" Axton....go after him". I heard alex order and then i blanked out not fully though.....because i could still hear alex panic and almost kill zain for being slow and acting for not finding the fool that tried murdering me.....i was too numb to talk....or even lift a muscle....it was as though something had taken over my body rendering me useless.

" Poison!!!.... How??". I asked terrified.....how on did that fool poison her.....zain had just checked on anne and he said she had been poisoned by that foolish demon.

" His nails were dipped in water hemlock just before he choked her".

"Hemlock??....isn't that plant in extinct" Axton observed.

" Yes....but it isn't among land demons....Ancient for a fact". zain replied.

" You have exactly three hours to find a cure and make her better...so get to work" I spoke sternly this time.

" I'm afraid i don't have that much time".i heard him say

" Why??".

" Its the winter season in Devin...so i have less than 20 minutes left to do something."

" Wait what??...Don't even answer we don't have time for that...i k ow you have a cure so just get on with it". i concluded...I didn't want to lose my alma.

" I need your permission first".

" Permission??....God dammit you...we don't have time".

" Fine" he said and went off.....without uttering another word....He came back holding a spray bottle for mosquitoes...

He walked straight to anne who was lying almost lifeless on the bed.....opened it up and placed it in her mouth...

" Are you crazy??" I yelled as i knocked the can of his hands.

" Thats for mosquitoes and am pretty sure mosquitoes aren't in her mouth so what the hell are you doing".

" Trying to cure her dummy". That was from Axton....i gave him a stare that told him to back off.

" Thats the only way to help her ".

" With insecticides...are you trying to cure or kill her"

" we have 9 minutes left Ramirez.....let me do my work so back off".

What audacity.....i swear of she doesn't regain herself i'll kill him myself i had to go back a bit so as to give him space to do his thing...I just want her alive and well nothing else....that useless war could wait....if i wanted i could have them all killed this instant..but not until my woman's hale and hearty.

Zain had emptied the can of mosquito repellent in anne's mouth.....and alex was getting worried.....but after the whole can had been emptied he sent for a maid.

" Is she okay??". he asked impatiently.

" Not yet". Zain answered calmly.

" Not yet....Twenty minutes has been long gone and she's not yet okay" Alex yelled...The maid knocked on the door and zain ignoring alex's Situation went to the door answered the maid after instructing her he went back to alex who stood wide mouthed as he imagined how he was literally ignored by his own cousin.

" She's in a stabilized condition but she's not regaining consciousness any time soon.....she needs some herbs to fully weaken the effect of the poison .".

Alex heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that....with out a word he walked over to her side of the bed and sat down with her hand enclosed in his.

" You'll be fine....and don't worry i'll find that foolish being who tried do this on you". he said to her knowing fully well that she could hear him.

" I love you" He whispered....and kissed her on her forehead.....before he stood and left....the room as calm as if nothing had happened.

' he seems calm.... too calm'....Axton thought to himself.

" I'd prefer you follow him". zain spoke while checking annes vitals.

" He's going to do something irrational..got it". Axton said and disappeared in search of his hot tempered cousin.....The maid walked in later with a bowl of steaming hot boiled herbs from the garden in which zain administered on anne through the spray can...After one last look he left.