

Arthuryasmin008 · Otras
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37 Chs


" I can't anymore....Thats it.....i can't keep up" Axton said breathless as he materialized in the room where anne laid.

" You have to....i can't leave anne here"

" Hey...how about you send her there". Axton said.

" While she's unconscious right.....i need her alive...we need her alive fool.....Am not in any way willing to break a promise i made to aunt....get that". zain said seriously.

" Here's what you do.....go over and try to tell him about anne....tell him her condition is deteriorating and she needs his attention.....urgently....then rush how he comes running". Zain spoke.

" Later they're going to call me foolish....i can't even get close to him how'd you expect me to even talk to him.....he's as fast as an aljer.....he's an aljer....i can't keep up dude". Axton said and just as zain was about speaking anne began to move on the bed.....she was regaining consciousness.

" Alex..." she called out weakly...Zain walked up to her.

" He's not here for now". he told her.

" I can't move my body...whats happening....what happened".

" I'm not in the position to tell you that now.....you'll have to wait for him".

" Where's he??"

" You'll have to find him yourself and bring him home cuz am tired" Axton suddenly spoke from the corner.

" what does he mean". Anne asked confused.

" Your fiance has gone mad trying to look for the demon that tried killing you.....and i've tried stopping him but guess what he's an aljer and he's pretty fast.

" But i can't move" She said.

" Don't listen to him....you don't have to do that". zain told her.

" But what if he hurts someone". She asked worriedly.

" Someone you say....he's burnt down several cities in devin under a short amount of time and you're talking of someone when he's wiped out almost seven clans". Axton blurted.

" Shut up you fool...you're not helping matters...are you trying to get get her more worried or what".

" I have to do something zain".

" Go ahead". He said plainly.

" Huh...aren't you protesting anymore".

" No.....go help him....common". he said leaving her side to the door

" I can't stand".

" forget standing you can't even lift your hands nor legs "

" So i can't help him" she said sadly.

" You'll be able to"

" How" Both axton and anne chorused.

" Even though you guys have not mated yet....i believe you can still connect to him.....close your eyes and then call him silently"

" Kay....." Anne did as instructed.....she closed her eyes not tightly though and called out his name....


I didn't listen to the voice in my head that sounded just like alma's.....i felt zain and axton could just be playing in my head.....But when i felt the pain in her voice i retreated immediately and went to her....i wasn't wrong when i felt pain in alma's voice because when i appeared in her room i literally saw the pain even with her eyes closed...not tightly but tears literally flowed like a stream from her eyes...i walked up to her ignoring the presence of two demons...as if she felt my presence she opened her eyes slowly....her eyes glimmered from the tears...I sat down beside her...on the bed and looked down at her....his heart stung with pain

" Don't cry alma i'm here" He said wiping her tears with his handkerchief...he couldn't use his bare hands because they were blood stained.....Even the handkerchief was half stained with blood.....he didn't let her see it...he even had to wear his shirt inside out so the stains won't be visible...He had washed his face even before he went there so he won't have to answer questions put out by her....

" Can you move alma" he asked.

" No" she said disappointedly.

" Zain!!!....why's that??" he yelled even though zain was right behind him.

" She's just recovering and it takes time".

" How long??".

" It takes approximately seven days for full recovery but sometimes more.... but i'm sure it won't take more than seven days."

" Alma.....i'll be back.....don't worry i won't go back on a rampage". he assured her before exiting the room.

" You have to take your medicines". zain spoke going over to the table where a flask was kept he opened it and poured its content into a cup and took it over to anne.....he sat her up and in no time she gulped it all...with a disgusted face.....zain helped her to lay back down on the bed. The room was later evacuated by zain and axton as anne began to sleep.


" Did you find him??" Zain asked as he materialized into alex's study in the palace

" No, but....."

" So after all you did during the rampage you found nothing." Axton interrupted

" .... i found out why he was able to impersonate me....." alex said ignoring axton.

" Only ancient demons can impersonate an aljer". zain reasoned

" He wasn't an ancient demon.....he was a fire demon.....in his highest ranks....under an ancient lord...The fire demon.....baron and the ancient demon i'm yet to find out about him"

" If you knew all these why did you go on a rampage ". Axton asked

" To find the demon..... fool" Zain replied.

" I'm leaving that demon..... baron in your hands.....he's in the dungeon..." alex said directed to zain

" you're capable of getting the truth out of him" He continued.

" What happens to anne". zain protested

" You tell me what to do and i'll take care of her."

" But.."

" I'm not asking you i'm telling you so don't protest" he spoke seriously.

" How long is she going to take to recover".

" From my finding's ...eight days "

" Axton.....tell Raymond not see her till after ten days...i need to focus on alma".

" okay".he replied and left.

" As for you...." He said turning to Zain.

".....Leave a list of instructions for anne before leaving."

" But..." Zain protested But the stare alex gave him made him shut up, he knew better than to annoy alex at this point.

" Sure"...He said before leaving to do as he was instructed.