

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" Why the restlessness Ramirez??". Axton asked after standing for a while in the room.....he had been there for a while and realized that alex had noticed his presence but had not said anything because something else was occupying his mind... He had been pacing from one end of his room to the other with his head down.

" I'm not". He replied plainly not even caring to raise his head.

" You've beads of sweat on your forehead" Axton pointed out.

" The room's hot".

" You and i know that temperature really doesn't affect you....and right now the room is so cold because you're like this...What's wrong??".

Alex strode to a chair And sat down after long deep breaths he spoke

" Alma's health condition isn't improving in any way...its been three days and she hasn't still been able to move a muscle.....its just like the medicine's are not working or....."

" She's not responding to treatment" Axton completed.

" Exactly...." He said standing up suddenly.

"....I fear she's not going to recover....Zain had said seven days so by the third or even the fourth she could have been able to move her head but alma's case looks like its being deteriorated each day...She even fears her death and i've lost all courage in defending her recovery.....I just don't know what to do anymore Axton" He completed defeated.

" Ramirez.....For the first time i'm seeing you shed tears after your family's death....You won't take it lightly if anything happens to her...."

Alex didn't even realize he was crying his eyes had turned green again.

" .....Nothing's gonna happen to her....Zain and i won't let what you fear happen." He said and disappeared leaving him alone in the room.....Not knowing what to do he decided to teleport himself to anne's room.

He was glad she was asleep....he was tired of explaining things he didn't understand....He strode towards the huge windows at the edge of the room, folded his arms on his chest and leaned against the frame...A sting in his heart made him turn towards anne whom he felt was asleep and found tears falling freely from her closed eyes....He rushed towards her immediately..

" Alma....." He called out softly.

" ....whats wrong??....Are you in pain??" He asked

" Yes.....Lying down in one spot for three days without turning my head or body is painful Alex...i don't feel the drugs are having any effect on me....".

" Its just been three days.....You'll be fine...you just have a slow healing process." Zain interfered

" Why??" Alex asked.

" Thats just how her body works Ramirez....has she had her drugs yet??".

" Yes...i had given it to her a while ago".

" She needs rest...We should leave her alone now". Zain said.

" Sure".

" Don't leave me...please". Anne begged.

" Am sorry anne but we have to". zain answered and turned to leave with alex

" Lexy.....' She called out sweetly knowing fully well that he was going to answer her....truly he turned but zain teleported them both before he could utter a word.

" Why'd you do that...." Alex asked the moment they got to his room.

" So you wouldn't slow down her recovery the more".

" How??" he asked confused.

" The more you give her so much attention the less she thinks of recovering...listen giving her so Much attention will make her feel dependent on you and that would make her recovery process slower so you need to be away from her as often as possible".

I didn't just get it anymore.....as hard as i tried to understand what zain was saying i still couldn't get it...i didn't even say a word to him i just nodded as a sign of confirmation and told him.

" I need to be alone for awhile".

" sure " He replied and left.

I heaved a sigh before i finally went to sit on my bed...I decided to just lay down flat for a while but i couldn't i was to angry

....upset....and....confused.....i just had feelings of mixed emotions....i teleported straight to Raymond's lodge....since he was president he had a presidential lodge....As far as I was concerned Raymond was a pot bellied bald headed greedy man who accepted to be used just to sit on the presidential seat.....To the people he was president but I ruled the country using the pot bellied fool as an instrument.

Raymond jerked the moment he caught sight of alex he was in his room having a fun time with some naked women and drinking at the same time......Getting into the women's head Alex led them out of the room through compulsion then he turned to Raymond.

" What brings you here my lord". Raymond asked taking a bow.

" Why must you always be with women people who know women are your weak points will use them against you"

" Uhmmm....my lord....I have your protection so i really shouldn't fear anything".

Alex rolled his eyes.

" You haven't met her yet right??". He asked.

Raymond looked around confused.

" Who my lord??"

" Thalaivi....you fool".

" Oh yes...lord Axton gave me orders from you not to".

" You'll meet her today in the next two hours preferably".

" As you wish my lord.....But you know there'll be war right."

" I want the war."

" But...."

" But nothing!!!!....get to work!!!!...i need the war to start as soon as possible i really need the war to happen " He screamed and went back to his palace

" Where were you Ramirez??". Zain asked the moment alex arrived.

" Its none of your business....".

" Ramirez....Your're not in a good mood right now.....how about you have a bath". He said pointing to the fact that his fangs where already out.

" I need the war...nothing's going to calm me down now except blood so just leave.".

" Then fight me but don't participate in the war".

" I've had enough of you...Our fights and everything else.... just leave..i need fresh human blood and not yours....".

" Then i'll get you fresh human blood if thats what you want....just don't leave this room.....at least i know you won't destroy the palace because she's in it..." Before zain could utter another word alex's eyes grew red and with one look zain was at the other end of the palace wall with a huge thud.....Bones cracked but as a demon he healed quickly and left not bothering to go back into the room....Alex was already far gone in anger....The only way to calm him down was war so he went to start it quickly for alex.