

Arthuryasmin008 · Otras
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37 Chs


" I need to use the washroom I'll be back" he said standing up from the table to go to the washroom.....Just about two minutes when he left the lights went out.

" Oh my God..... where's Alex" Steadily she licked up her fone from he side of the table cause she had carried no bag just her phone and her self...due to the help from the other customers touch light she Put on her on and stood up to look for sex it could be dark where ever he was....just as she turned the lights came on and then she saw alex right on his knees with a bouquet of flowers in his hands....

" Alex??" She had called his name trying to ask what he was doing on his knees....he had already proposed to her so what was all this.....

" Alma...I had made a proposal to you in the four corners of my home but now I feel the world should know who's wife you are going to be in two weeks time....From the very first day I had set my eyes on you I fell in love..... the truth has to be said once and for all I have never being in love with someone all my life and that's why I couldn't recognize the feeling I had for you from day one.....I fell in love with you and you became my everything went now I see you as my wife and respect you as such I wanted the people to realize that you are mine....Anne Molinari....I promise to always be by your side for ever and always....cherish you till our graves.....love you even in death.... protect you no matter the cost...Make you smile as that's a privilege.....And lastly.....be with you for an infinity...I love you Alma" By the time he had finished Anne was already in tears she had cried throughout his speech....she could barely say the I love you back.... without much hesitation Alex stood up and wrapped his hands around her waist.... people had also been shedding tears for them as they clapped....

" Please don't cry Alma..... you're not supposed to" Of course he didn't know it was tears of joy and not of pain he didn't understand why she was crying at all.

" Oh silly...I am not in any pain Alex... I'm in tears because I am over the top happy.....I love you too Lexy....I Love you too" She said her head resting on his broad chest as he held her tight in the middle of the restaurant.....Alex too felt happy when she said the words to him.....his demons were fighting so hard as she was close to him her scent was making her more and more palatable for them to devour and explore all parts of her body...Just then music was been played at the background and without being told they danced away the night..... Couples who had also been there joined them to dance.....That night was one of her best night's in the world and they left the restaurant.

" I'll go freshen up you should too" She said the moment they got home.....It was pitch dark right from the moment they left the restaurant but the stars had just come out making the night more beautiful...she wanted to stare at the sky and probably tell the sky how my day went but she needs to get out of these clothes.

I walked inside the happiest girl on earth....I needed to change out of these clothes and then tell mother everything that happened....Also I felt this weird feeling to have Alex....I badly wanted him that I couldn't look him in the eye since we left the restaurant...They were tempting me soo much.....but then I had to wait what if he doesn't like it that I want him... bumping into Mother was what made me come back from my train of thoughts.

" Are you hurt??" They both chorused....And upon realizing we had said the words together we laughed.

" I'm sorry mum....I should have looked".

" It's okay princess....you look happy....you liked the proposal right".

" he told you??". I asked surprised.

" I have my ways princess and I ain't telling....come on let's get you out of those clothes and stuff that tummy of yours with food...you look starved". Of course I was starved but it wasn't food.....I just ate a while ago so why would I be hungry...I was starved of my Lexy...my man.....I needed him but I was scared to tell him....while mom helped me to untie my hair and brush it I couldn't stop feeling weird....I was still tying a towel around my chest cause I just finished having my bath.

" Princess.....you look down what happened to you all of a sudden??". Mother asked me....

" Mum.....Alex....I want Alex....like badly...I want him....is it bad to ask for him weeks to our wedding....I mean he was looking so good today I felt like eating him right inside the car and even when we got to the restaurant...I could hold myself back then but it seemed like after the whole proposal stuff the feeling grew worse..". I blurted... Expecting probably a scolding from her I was shocked when she smiled and all of a sudden she started laughing...it was beautiful when she smiled and laughed but why was she laughing.....did I say something funny.

" Oh my darling princess....It's okay if you want your husband before the wedding...it's absolutely normal.... Here's what we'll do..... I'll spice you up and then send you to him...how does that sound"

" Mum isn't that seduction".

" it's not my darling.... he's yours already so what's the harm.....even if it is....it isn't bad...now let me look for something for you to wear"...Ok now that sounded good

without wasting much time she went straight to my closet and came back few minutes later...she walked up to me and held out a red see through nightie...It only had a pantie and a see through jacket.....It looked beautiful and in a few minutes I changed into it.....Mum had let my hair down so it could cover up my nipples....not that it was necessary though.

" Now go on.".she said after helping me wear my perfume...I turned around to leave...just as I was about to open the door I halted as a thought came to my mind....I turned around immediately and asked.

" What if he doesn't want me..."

" Ok.....you and I know that's impossible... just don't think about anything....go now".. she said smiling at me

without wasting much time I went to his room but didn't find him there.....I also went downstairs and couldn't find him either....he wasn't in his study either so I decided to check the garden.....that was the only place I haven't checked.....of he isn't there then I should be worried.... thank goodness he was there.....oh my God he was shirtless.....I could just faint from seeing his bare chest.....it was dark but the stars and the moon enabled me see...Alex would still be able to see if it was pitch black outside.....he had hyper senses so it wasn't that hard for him to see in the dark.

This time I could tell she was right behind me...her scent was all over the place and not just me....I left the house so I could avoid having her...her scent was killing me...and then the dress she wore to the restaurant as moderate as it looked it still drived my demons mad.....I didn't want to turn to see her but my body once again defiled my mind.

" Lexy..." I heard her voice the moment I turned.....gawwd why was she wearing that red dress.....I could clearly see her bare body...She only had panties on and then her her covered up her boobs but I could see the nipples peaking their way out of the hair.....they stood like soldiers at the barracks....As much as I wanted to turn around I quickly drawed her close and lifted her up so that I was holding her waist and her legs around my waist....

" What are you trying to do Alma" I asked her.

" Nothing.... you're the one who's holding me tightly" she said plainly and innocently..... Without wasting much time I pushed her head towards my lip and kissed her....this time it wasn't slow or lovingly...it wasn't out of my love or care for her...this time it came from my want from her.....she had tempted me enough....and with the way she kissed back I could tell she wanted me as badly as I wanted her.....and then we were on the carpet grass that parted the way through the garden...And then the dress worn torn off by yours sincerely.....And then the panties went off.....and so did my pants as well and without asking for permission but by just the look in her eyes I slid in and she welcomed me with loud moans....her moans were my melody and the voice telling me to ride on...and then the feeling....that feeling to mate her came and I couldn't fight back.....while still sliding into her and cumming twice I leaned down and kissed the spot before I bit it....I expected a scream but instead I had heard a loud moan...she loved it...And I was so fucking scared of trying it cause I expected that she would be in pain but no....she actually moaned sweet fully but loudly...I didn't mind though...It was a huge house and garden Mary wouldn't even hear a thing except she was in the garden...Just after I had my last orgasm I felt her weaken more under me so I pulled out but she held onto me....not for long though because she fell asleep almost immediately.... I pulled out slowly and I could still hear faint moans as I pulled out...I covered her up with a towel I had brought out with me while I just put on my pants she looked beautiful at nights....the moon added to her beauty since it couldn't be compared to her.....I kissed her forehead and laid beside her just Incase she woke up.....she turned round and laid right on top of me....she just made me ant her again but I just did so I controlled myself and let her sleep..... I teleported us to the bed just the way we were so she doesn't wake up...she needs rest I think she'd wake up late cause of the mating mark.....I planned not to give it to her till after our wedding but now I have spoilt that plan now.....After following a long train of thoughts on how our wedding would be i slept off.