

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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A week later...

" Yes dad I have already made arrangements with the wedding planner everything is all set.....Yes dad decorations and all.... I'm having a fitting for my dress today to check if it's my size and what I want she'd be coming over later today...Gaby is coming over too..... I'll tell him when we're done talking dad.....Your fitting was good right.....Didi's own too right.....Uhmmm dad I'll talk to you later....The event planner's here..... I'll see what she was able to change in her designs.....bye dad.... talk to you later."

Anne had dropped the phone and went to the sitting room to see what the event planner had changed in the designs she brought days ago.

it was just six days left to my wedding and when the event planner had brought those designs to me earlier I felt she just wanted to ruin my special day....local and always used designs for my wedding settings, I had wanted to just put a slap across her face maybe then she would have realized that the money she was been paid was not even worth the designs she brought over..she had to go back and bring back what we liked and she really did it was an outside wedding going to be done in the huge garden beside the house in the large compound....And then the after party inside the house....the sitting room was big enough to entertain our guests and still have space for more...it was like a times three of my parents house that was how big it is.....Alex loved the designs and so did i so we went for it preparations were to start a day before the D-Day.....My dresses were a perfect fit for me and so was Alex's tuxedo.

" You both look Goddamn gorgeous in those outfits.....it's already too late or u could just have a pre wedding photoshoot". Gaby said the moment she walked in.

" I know right....but then we only have a few days." I said sadly.

" Zain would make it work...if that's what you want Alma" I heard Alex say.....of course I want it...and really Zain did make it work we had the shoot the next day and got the pictures the very next day....it was fast , normally it would take at least two to three weeks before your pictures can get to you, that's why people mostly have the shoots a month before the event but mine was different I had my photos within two days.

"Mr Alexander Raynott You look happy today...it's not your wedding day yet you know, you have four days left right so just hold this smile on your face till D-Day" Axton said the moment he walked into my room without knocking....God knows the only reason he's still alive.

" Just shutup okay" I said to him.

" It's true it's true.....so don't shut me up cause it's true...you've been smiling to much these days."

I just rolled my eyes and continued thinking about how happy my alma is concerning our wedding.....I really didn't believe that I would ever be in love talk more of even getting married...And to her... she's just so perfect...Shy and bold at the same time..... beautiful and tempting, Well curved and mannered.. she's sweet to everyone around her and most importantly she has a kind heart.....I remembered one time when she cried all the way home because she had saw a beggar on the street and even though we stopped to help him she still cried her eyes out thinking of what would happen if the things we bought for him ever elapses so we went back and both a pack of bottled water and handed it over to him so he could sell it and have some money instead of begging again...she felt relaxed after she did that and I laughed when she had stopped crying but not directly though so she doesn't get upset.

" What the hell are you thinking about Ramirez.... you're smiling widely" Axton spoke again disturbing my thoughts.

" I have four days left to my wedding... where's Zain....we need to plan a surprise for Alma"

" A surprise??...Even with the amount of money you're spending on the wedding??". Axton said.

" He's in love dummy". Zain spoke as he entered the room...he was right..I am in love and I'd do anything to make her happy and see her smile.

" I need you to get something's I'll make a list"

" List???" Axton said shocked.

" Just get the hell out of here Axton."

" Fine fine..just let me stay here I won't say a word". he pleaded and then sat down without even waiting for an answer...So annoying.

" What a list!!".....Zain exclaimed after he took down the list.

" I need all of it a day before the wedding, Will give it to her during the wedding party...Now both of you leave". Zain left without hesitation and Axton murmured some curses in his head knowing fully well I heard him...

A bachelorette party was held for Alex and me by Yours sincerely Gaby.....She said it was the last night of both of us being single so we had to enjoy it...It was just a few people in attendance....Gaby,Zain,Axton,Axia and Camilla and Rhyan....Since Gaby was there the party was lit....we had fun and it ended at midnight.....with all the dance I expected some sleep but I didn't wink at all.....I felt adrenaline rush through my body as I anticipated my wedding.

The D-Day.....

" Rise and shine princess ".....I heard Mother call my name....I stood up almost immediately cause I wasn't even asleep.....The happiness and joy in my heart knew no bounds so why would I sleep.....Why wouldn't I be happy....I was finally getting married and to a beautiful...not just beautiful magnificent creature.....I hugged mum as she sat beside me.

" Oh my princess don't cry yet" she said to me.....she was right I had a lot of time to cry during and after my wedding....So why would I cry now.....I could not help the tears though, that's why I cried like a baby in her arms...She pushed me gently away from herself and wiped my tears with her gown.

" come on..." she said.

" let's prepare you for your spa... she's in the guest room".she completed...Yeah I was supposed to have my spa that's why I was to wake up super early for my day so I don't get late...the wedding was meant to happen my 10am and I had woken up by six....i was supposed to be woken up by five but Alex instructed her not to wake me up for at least six hours because of the party.....my bridesmaids Gaby, Axia and Camilla have all woken up and we're laughing away their time....kala had some issues to sort out with her people, witches stuff obviously..she had asked Axton to make her absence not noticable....They had visited the spa yesterday so there was no need for another spa...it would just waste time.