

I knew something was going to happen and it did.

The girls, they were my sister's friends, my dress was ruined.

I was crying until, Dilan, came.

"M-mr. Ice.."

I was staring there confused.

"What's going on?" He said.


"Get lost!"

They all ran away.

Dilan picked me up and carried me to a room, I found a another dress, it made me look slutty, but it was the only item I could wear.

I found myself walking into the bathroom, it was made already, so I quickly bathed, and got dressed.

I finally finished and got dressed, Dilan was nowhere to be found after I got out the room, and into the crowd I went.

I bumped into a man.

"S-sorry, sir."

"It's ok!"

I walked myself toward some wine, I dranked it, something was weird about it, I saw a man on the balcony staring at me, he turned around and left.

My head was dizzy and my body was getting hot.

I bumped into several people, and knew I was drunk, I didn't care.

Dilan came, finally, he saw me, and walked me to his car.

He helped me in and started driving, I always acted weird and differently when drunk.

He drives for a few seconds, I grabbed his arm and hugged it, he stared down at my breasts.

I got his hand and put it onto my lap, he blushed.

I got off my seatbelt.

"Hey, Violet, put your seat belt back on."

"And what if i won't?"

He was quiet and I hugged him from the side, my breast were touching his elbow, I put his hand my lap, again, then at my breast.

He grabbed it.

He finally put me to sleep.

When I woke up, I was changed, I got up and found Dilan, coming out from the bathroom, he had abs, I blushed, he smiled.

"Like what you are seeing?"

I blushed and looked away.

"Get dressed."

My eyes looked up, and I nod.

I found a cute pink dress, and wore it.

When I got down, I was with Dilan and a guest, the guest had blond hair, was he a celebrity?

"I'm going out." I said.


I took a walk and went into an alley way, I encountered a small girl, she was crying, and sitting alone.

"Are you ok, little girl?" I asked.

She didn't answer.

I put my hand out and she reached out for it, we were walking down the alley, until, I heard a noise behind me.

I was tied up, when I woke up.

"We are going to have some fun, today, and you are going to make us rich!!"

They ripped my dress, and was drooling when they saw my body, they let some maids in to change me.

My world was trembling, this was all going to happen again.

The maids were nice, atleast, but, they gave me a really tight bra and shirt, and shorts.

It was freezing that night, they left the air conditioner on, I was cold.

"Achoo." I sneezed.

During what I thought was 10 pm, men came in, they were all looking at me, I wish I could get help, but, no one would come and help.

"1 million."

"5 million."

"10 million."

What was going on? My eyes were covered with a blindfold.

"20 million."

Was this an auction?

"50 million."

"Going once,going twice, SOLD!!"

A man took the blind fold off me, he carried me to a car, he got me some clothes which were better than the ones they gave me.

We arrived at a hotel, he booked a suite for us.

"Get dressed."

I was nodding.

I got dressed, it was a white dress, and there was pajamas with it, there was also a credit card.

"I'm done." I said.

The man looked at me, he was shirtless, I was blushing hard.

He looked at my breast without blushing, but, was smiling.

"Come here."

I did the following.

He kissed me, and hugged me, I was blushing.

He got a shirt and went out the door.

I heard a click sound.


I went to the door, and it was locked.

I tried to open it but failed to.