

I was a student at State University, until, I got kicked out.

I think my sister did this or my mother, they both hated me, and blamed me for making dad disappear, I just wish, he isn't.

Father was killed, the day after he went missing, mother abused me, so did sister, from that moment, I knew, I would be lonely and upset, but, things got worse, my mother hired club-workers to turn me into a stripper.

My eyes were in tears, when they saw me, they all looked at my pure and stunning skin, my long, smooth hair, my body, and my soft lips.

My sister, Ruby, was jealous of my beauty, so, she made sure, she would get everything and I get nothing.

The workers got me a black bra, with long tights, and jean shorts.

If I refused to wear it, they would make me wear it, finally, after getting dressed, men were all looking at me, blushing. They'd rush to bid on who I would sleep with, until, I met him, the man that saved me.