
White Saint

His only wish is to become a doctor to help the people in need. However, God has a different plan. He needs him to go to the other world. Lucky for him, he can become what he wants, a doctor to help the people in need.

LuxVonDeux · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Second Step (2.6)

I cast another lightning spell toward the incoming monster. Being both Mage and Healer is a tough job. Once in a while, I need to cast my healing spell at the vanguard to let them keep fighting.

On the ground is the Doctor and Healer from the church, busy healing the one that got a heavy injury. The level one adventurer helps gather all the ones that get injured to the doctor and the healer in the healing tent.

I frown a little when I see a flying monster in the distance coming toward us. Tch. If they arrive here, the archer and the other mage will be in trouble. I take out two bottles of potions from my inventory and drink all of them.

I ignore the bitter taste of the Mana Potions and continue to drink all the potions. I take a deep breath and point my staff toward the flying monster before creating a dozen magic circles in front of the monster.

A second later, a torrent of fire, lightning, and fire comes from the magic circle I create. I take out another mana potion and drink it.

I continue to bombard the flying monster that is coming toward us with my spell. It did not kill it in one shoot, but with a constant bombardment, the monster is dead in a few seconds. I frown a little like a massive amount of mana is being consumed by the spell I cast, and I know the potions I brew in the past will not be enough if they keep coming this way.

I look at the ground and see the vanguard busy attracting as many monsters as they can while the fighter is busy killing the monster. To my left and right, the mage is busy killing the monster in the backline, and the healer casts their healing spell on the fighter and vanguard.

If the situation worsens, I will use my skill, but I don't need it for now. I don't want more attention to myself than what I already had. If I use my skill, I know that I will get more unwanted attention.


|3rd POV|

Barik grit his teeth in frustration. He underestimated the power of the monster horde coming from Mt. Abbot. He really regrets not punching the Hero and his party in the face. Many of his fellow adventurers died by the monster's weapon and spell. Barik also knows that many of the knights also fell to the monster weapon and spell.

Luckily, Valur city has the White Healer, Michael. Michael is a miracle worker. If not for him, Barik and his fellow adventurer will be dead by now. He not only cast a healing spell, but he also cast an enchantment spell that increases their physical power.

The enchantment spell increases their defense and attacks tremendously. Barik can feel his body get stronger and more durable than before. If not for this enchantment spell, Barik knows that there will be more victims than what they have.

Barik swings his sword down, kills another monster, and raises his shield high to block the Cyclops' incoming attack. Cyclops, a one-eyed monster that has massive physical strength and massive durability. Lucky for them, Cyclops is not the fastest monster around, and in fact, they are one of the slowest monsters.

Barik grit his teeth when he feels his bone get cracked by the force of the Cyclops club attack. He uses his mana to reinforce his hand and push the club away from him. As the Cyclops loses its balance, a thunderbolt hits it right in the eyes and is followed by a bombardment of other elemental spells.

The cyclops lose its balance completely from the force of the spell and fall to the ground. Barik, seeing an opportunity to leap high to the air and stab the cyclops right in the eyes with his reinforced sword.

Barik swung up his sword and sliced the cyclops' head in half after stabbing the cyclops in the eyes. When he sees the cyclops change into a mote of light and leaving a huge monster core on the ground, Barik gets back to the formation before the other monster gets inside the formation.

When Barik sees another wave of flying monsters, he begins to get worried. So far, the only reason why the flying monster did not arrive on the wall is that Michael spells that kill them before reaching the wall.

Barik is worried that Michel mana will be depleted by the constant use of offensive and healing spells. He really needs to reward Michael for what he did. However, it can happen at other times. They need to survive this to reward the White Healer after all.

He snaps from his thoughts when he hears a roar coming from the distance. A few seconds later, Barik can see a shadow appear in the distance. Slowly but surely, he can see it was not a shadow but rather a massive dragon.

It was a black dragon—a level seven monster.

He can feel a cold sweat begin to fall from his head. A black dragon coming out from the dungeon means that the dungeon in Mt. Abbot is a level seven dungeon, not a level five dungeon like they previously thought it was.

"Dammit! Everyone fall back! We will activate the emergency barrier!"

Barik shouted to the other and began to retreat inside the city.

Emergency Barrier is a barrier created by the first city lord. The barrier itself is strong enough to block an incoming attack from the outside for a week. However, there is a downside to this barrier. Anyone inside the barrier cannot get out as well. Meaning that they need to survive with whatever food and water inside the city while waiting for reinforcement from the capital or the S-class adventurer that has time to help them.

After a few minutes, all the adventurers and soldiers are inside the city wall. Seeing all of the soldiers and the adventurer inside the wall, Barik activates a communication spell and calls the city lord.


"Barik, how is the situation?"

"Bad. The boss is the Black Dragon. A level seven monster."


"Yes. I want you to activate the emergency barrier immediately."

"Very well. The barrier will activate in ten seconds."

"Thank you."

Barik walks to the wall and sees the Dragon almost reach them. He then looked to the sky and saw a pillar of light appear from the lord's mansion. The pillar of light then begins to spread out, creating a barrier that slowly covers the city with its light.


He snaps from his thoughts when he hears one of the men shout something. Barik looks at where the other people point their finger and sees Michael standing on the ground in front of the city.

Barik uses his mana to increase his sound and then shout toward Michael, who takes out a sword from thin air.

"Michael! What do you think you are doing?!? Come back here before you get killed!"

However, instead of hearing what Barik says, Michael takes a deep breath and activates his skill given by God. A second later, the others begin to see Michael's attire begin to change. His usual white cloak is gone and replaced by pristine white armor.

In his hand is the sword Michael took before, but this time, it shines with power. On his back is a white cape with a red cross symbol on it.

After changing into Georg the Dragon Slayer, Michael takes a deep breath and says.

"Come to me! My friend! My companion! My loyal steed! I call you for my time in need! Come to me, Bayard!"

Barik and the other people on the wall see the sky begin to crack, and coming from the crack is a white horse wearing silver armor, the same as Michael. The horse stopped near Michael and let its master mount it without a problem.

"Hark and take heed. I bring with me the path of Salvation, for Thou shalt fear neither enemy nor serpent. Come now! The Blade By Which Evil Force is Slain! Ascalon!"

After Michael says that, a massive magic circle appears underneath him and the sword in his hand shoots out a pillar of light into the sky. A few seconds later, the light began to condense into a long spear made of light.

The sword in Michael's hand changed into a spear of light. Ascalon in the legend is portrayed as both sword and lance. Because of this, it takes both forms. Sword is the invincible sword that protects its user from any harm. Spear form will take place when the user reverses the effect of Ascalon invincibility and makes the spear into an unstoppable force that can pierce anything.

After taking a deep breath, Michael throws the spear toward the dragon that almost reaches him. The spear soars through the sky and hits the Black Dragon right on the head.

The people on the wall widen their eyes when they see the spear pierce through the dragon's thick scale with ease. They widen their eyes, even more when they see the spear explode, obliterating the dragon.

The people on the wall can only look at Michael with their mouths wide open and their eyes wide open in disbelief.

The kind healer they know killed a dangerous beast alone.